Netherlands celebrations2


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Our national celebrations


On Queensday we celebrate the birthday of our Queen. We celebrate

it April 30th.

Our queen

Memorial Day

• In the Netherlands annually on the 4th of May we have our National Memorial. People commemorate on that National Memorial day the victims of the world war II.

From 1961 there is not only a memorial day on the 4th of May for the Dutch victims of the world war II , but also the dutch victims of other conflicts in the world.

Liberation Day

0ne day later, on 5th of May we celebrate the liberation of the

German occupation.

Good Friday

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. On this day Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christus


Easter is the most important Christian festival . Christians celebrate this day that Jesus rose from the dead.

We eat Chocolate eggs on this day.

Jezus is born again!!

Chocolate eggs


At Whitsun, the appearance of the Holy Spirit is celebrated

The symbol of whitsun

Ascension Day

Ascension Day is the celebration of the ascension of Jesus Christ. It is also the feast of the Christian Workers Movement

The symbol


• Carnival is a Catholic celebration.

• During carnival we wear strange, funny costumes and have parades.

Thanks for watching!

Anna & Milou!
