Nagore dargah slides


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Welcome to

Nagore Dargah

Indian Muslim Heritage Centre


This presentation

briefs you the history

of this building

The 180 years old National Monument

was constructed by the first

immigrants from the coromandel

coast in Tamil Nadu, South India.

They are identified as the Chulia

Muslims in Singapore.


Nagore Dargah is located at 140 Telok

Ayer street. The National Monument

will now feature as the Nagore Dargah

Indian Muslim Heritage Centre, a

showcase of the unique stories of the

Indian Muslims in Singapore.


It was built between 1827 and 1830,

by Chulia Tamil Muslims from the

Coromandel Coast of India. It is one

of the earliest religious monuments

in Singapore.

It was gazetted as a National

Monument by the Preservation Board

of Singapore on 29 November 1974

Who Built it?

It Illustrates the stories of Indian

Muslims, the memories relating to

their immigration and travel to

Singapore from India and other

significant events from that period to

the present.

What does it illustrate?

Muslims who trace their ancestry to

the Indian subcontinent are referred to

as Indian Muslims.

They were part of a whole line of

coastal communities from Africa to

East Asia involved in shipbuilding,

trade of goods and transmission of

cultures, languages and spirituality.

Who are Indian Muslims?

The Indian Muslims have contact with

Singapore for more than 200 years.

They have established lot of

businesses in Singapore like Levi

stock, Gemstone, Textiles, Stationary,

Ship building, Restaurants, Perfumes

and Money changing

How did the Indian Muslims contribute to


They has worked under the British

colonial powers as Lawyers, Judges,

Army Officers, Police Officers and

Labourers. With these ways they have

contributed much to this nation.

How did the Indian Muslims contribute to


The Indian ocean proved ideal for

sailing and trading with other

countries. People from the Coromandel

coast and Malabar coast of India came

to Singapore for trade. They were

called the Chulia and Malabari

Merchants respectively.

the famous merchants of Singapore

British Trading post in Singapore

attracted Indians to arrive here as

merchants, petty traders, drivers and

peons. They also joined as police

officers in Singapore.

How did they set up their trade in Singapore?

Islam encourages Muslims to involve in

trading. The Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) himself has been a trader.

There are many verses in the Quran

about business ethics and


Why did they travel?

The sayings of prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) like “Pay your workers before

his sweat dries up”

“Go as far as China in search of

knowledge” served as a powerful guide

for the Muslims to involve in trade.

Why did they travel?

Now let’s explore

the galleries in this

heritage Centre

There are four

galleries in this

heritage Centre

This gallery covers:

Origins of Telok Ayer

Journey to Telok Ayer

Development of Telok Ayer

Conserving Telok Ayer (Conservation)

A view of Singapore from Mount Wallich


Community Notice Board&

Acknowledgement Board

Gallery A

 This is the heart of the Heritage. In

this gallery, 85% of the artefacts and

images are donated from the members

of the Indian Muslim community during

the community public appeal event on

8th and 9th January 2011.

Gallery B

The Gallery tells the story through several

selective themes

Who are the Indian Muslims?

Journey to Singapore

Trades & Professions

Literature, Journalism & Education

Weddings & Festivals

Gallery B

Conserving the Indian Muslim Identity

Associations & Institutions, Indian

Muslims in Singapore Society

Contemporary Photomontage of Indian

Muslim Community involvements

Featured Artefact - Wrought iron Spatula

Gallery B

This gallery covers:

Indian Muslim Culinary HeritageVisitors can try the popular Indian Muslim foods

as well as find out what it constitutes

Discovering Indian Muslim Culinary


Tea Story

Conserving Telok Ayer (Conservation)

19th Century Historical Prints

Gallery C

Collections of original 19th century

commercial prints depicting the

natural history and scenes of India.

These items here are more decorative

in nature than Storytelling. 

Gallery C

History of Nagore Dargah:

The origins of Nagore Dargah in Singapore

and India

Shahul Hamid, the saint of Nagore.

Architecture of Nagore Dargah

Kandoori Festival

Gallery D

The Highlights of Gallery D:

1873 Watercolour of Nagore India

1753 French Map of Coromandel


Prayer Strip and Stone from Nagore


Gallery D

Thank You for visiting

Nagore Dargah

Indian Muslim Heritage

Centre, Singapore

Have a Pleasant

