Menen name and ashenda


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Her name is Menen given by her dad it brought from strong relation

with church nun whom subordinate to Bible commandment. In secular

life also the name Menen mean intellectual, active involving in skill with

her hands and slim (thinner) girl. But on the side of her Mother they

were provided for her as a name called “Fiyorina” which mean Flower

at the end her father name called “Menen” approved as legal name and

also call in school and other social connected areas. Her clothe and

caring in her back is called “Agelgile” everyone can keep food for take

away purpose and as used a tray that is entire family entertain meal.

Northern (Tigray) area typical culture wearing she wore and making her

hair “Kondalo” which mean braid, it’s represent them (northern

society) Tigray, Raya Kobo, Gonder, Wollo, Agew (Wag Hemra) and

Afar. She told me that this photo took the one which I express in the

above during “Ashenda” cultural ceremony which celebrate “Nehase”

16 during “Kidane Mhiret” which mean the celebration of saint Mary in

our local day and August 23/14 in foreign every year colorful religion

ceremony in northern part of Ethiopia.

Ashenda is a unique Tigraian traditional festival which takes place in

August to mark the ending of fasting called “filseta” source (Tigray

online 19-10-2014) Ashenda or Shadey (Tigrinya: ኣኣኣኣ, Amharic:

ኣኣኣ) is a festival celebrated in August in the Ethiopian regions of T

igray and Northern Amhara and in neighbouring Eritrea.[1][2] Ashenda

marks the end of a two-week-long fast known as Filseta (Ge'ez: ኣኣ-

ኣኣኣኣ) when adherents of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo

Church/Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church gather to honour the

Virgin Mary. Ashenda is a Tigrinya word meaning "tall green grass",

estimated at around 80–90 cm minimum height. In the tradition of this

religious festival, blades of grass are strewn on the floors of homes and

shops as a kind of welcome mat. The festivity of Ashenda has no

common name throughout the country. For instance,

• In Amhara region of Wag Hemra zone it is called Shaday (ኣኣኣ), and

in Raya Kobo it's known as Solel (ኣኣኣ). It is celebrated on August 16

• In Adigrat town it is called Mariya (ኣኣኣ). It is celebrated August 15–


• In Aksum town it is called Ayniwari (ኣኣኣኣኣ). It is celebrated August

23–25 source (wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia 19-10-2014)

After return back from migration she rear our offspring properly.

Thanks supernatural being (God)! Despite any problem, my teenager

fully grown also thank You her family specially her mother! When I rear

my teen? God hear me.
