Medical missionary work during the judgment (1)


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Isaiah 58…

Medical Missionary Work during the Investigative Judgment

• Every day the probation of some is closing. Every hour some are passing beyond the reach of mercy. (Every year millions upon millions of human souls are passing into eternity unwarned and unsaved. COL 373) And where are the voices of warning and entreaty to bid the sinner flee from this fearful doom? Where are the hands stretched out to draw him back from death? Where are those who with humility and persevering faith are pleading with God for him? PP 140

Every year millions upon millions of human souls are passing into eternity unwarned and unsaved. From hour to hour in our varied life opportunities to reach and save souls are opened to us. These opportunities are continually coming and going. God desires us to make the most of them. Days, weeks, and months are passing; we have one day, one week, one month less in which to do our work. A few more years at the longest, and the voice which we cannot refuse to answer will be heard saying, “Give an account of thy stewardship.” {COL 373.4}

Isaiah 58… Medical Missionary Work during the Investigative Judgment

Scripture: Hosea 14:8

Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have heard him, and observed him: I am like a green fir tree. From me is thy fruit found.

Are you really sincere about entering the kingdom of Heaven?

She’s Sincere…..

She wants to become the world’s biggest woman…

And she’s not just talking….

She’s not saying one thing and doing another….

She’s not a hypocrite….

She knows what it will take….

And she’s determined to do it!!!and smiling all the way…

Luke 16:8

“… for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.”

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Just coming to the church is not enough…Just joining the church is not enough…Just knowing the truth is not enough…Working to build up the cause of God is not enough…


Warning… Warning…

Noah’s Ark

When the last call was given:

“Come thou and all thy house into the ark…” Genesis 7:1

Only 8 obeyed...

Only 8 went in…

Only 8 endured until the end.

Medical Missionary work during the Investigative Judgment

School System

Common Core Standards

Kingdom of God Blueprint/ Standards

Instructions from the prophets

School SystemCommon Core Standards

Preconference/ Pretest

Kingdom of God- Blueprint/ StandardsInstructions from the prophets

Preconference/ Pretest Isaiah 1: 18

School SystemCommon Core Standards

Preconference/ Pretest

Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

Kingdom of God- Blueprint/ StandardsInstructions from the prophets

Preconference/ Pretest Isaiah 1: 18

Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

School SystemCommon Core Standards

Preconference/ Pretest

Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

Learning Styles

(Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching)




Kingdom of God- Blueprint/ Standards

Instructions from the prophets

Preconference/ Pretest Isaiah 1: 18

Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

Learning Styles

(Seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching)


Students remember:

10 percent of what they read;

20 percent of what they hear;

30 percent of what they see;

50 percent of what they see and hear;

70 percent of what they say;

90 percent of what they do and say

Metcalf, T. (1997) Listening to your clients, Life Association News, 92(7) p16 - 18

School SystemCommon Core Standards

Preconference/ Pretest Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

following the example of the teacher

The teacher models the concept, and the student responds by imitating the teacher.

Kingdom of God- Blueprint/ StandardsInstructions from the prophets

Preconference/ Pretest Isaiah 1: 18 Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

following the example of the teacher

The teacher models the concept, and the student responds by imitating the teacher.

School SystemCommon Core Standards

Preconference/ Pretest Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

following the example of the teacher

study/ application/ sharing/ teaching

The student has mastered the concept when he/she can actually reteach.

Kingdom of God- Blueprint/ StandardsInstructions from the prophets

Preconference/ Pretest Isaiah 1: 18 Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)following the example of the teacher

study/ application/ sharing/ teaching

The disciple has mastered the concept when he/she can actually reteach and live out the principle.

School SystemCommon Core Standards

Preconference/ Pretest Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K) following the example of the teacher study/ application/ sharing/ teaching

post test / evaluation …… State test …

meets the standard or exceeds the standard

Kingdom of God- Blueprint/ StandardsInstructions from the prophetsPreconference/ Pretest Isaiah 1: 18 Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K) following the example of the teacher study/ application/ sharing/ teaching

post test / evaluation …… life application/ test

Luke 10:37And he said, He that shewedmercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

School SystemCommon Core Standards

Preconference/ Pretest Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

following the example of the teacher study/ application/ sharing/ teaching post test / evaluation …… life application / State test

Post Test Conference Looking at each subtest, the teacher shares the strengths and weaknesses.

Shows why you met the standard or

Shows why you didn’t meet the standard

Kingdom of God- Blueprint/ StandardsInstructions from the prophets

Preconference/ Pretest Isaiah 1: 18 Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)following the example of the teacher study/ application/ sharing/ teaching post test / evaluation …… life application/ test

Post Test ConferenceLooking at each case individually, the master will share the reasons why you will hear ...

well done thou good and faithful servant or depart from me… I never knew you.

Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

COL p 42, 43 The education to be secured by searching the Scriptures is an experimental knowledge of the plan of salvation. Such an education will restore the image of God in the soul. It will strengthen and fortify the mind against temptation, and fit the learner to become a co-worker with Christ in His mission of mercy to the world. It will make him a member of the heavenly family; and prepare him to share the inheritance of the saints in light.

Instruction (learning styles/ V, A, K)

COH 317.318 In every sense of the word Christ was a medical missionary. He came to this world to preach the gospel and to heal the sick. He came as a healer of the bodies as well as the souls of human beings. His message was that obedience to the laws of the kingdom of God would bring men and women health and prosperity....Christ might have occupied the highest place among the highest teachers of the Jewish nation. But He chose rather to take the gospel to the poor. He went from place to place, that those in the highways and byways might catch the words of the gospel of truth. He labored in the way in which He desires His workers to labor today. By the sea, on the mountainside, in the streets of the city, His voice was heard, explaining the Old Testament Scriptures. So unlike the explanation of the scribes and Pharisees was His explanation that the attention of the people was arrested. He taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes. With clearness and power He proclaimed the gospel message.

Following the example of the teacher

Advent Review and Sabbath Herald-191219. Article Title: Medical Missionary Work

The divine commission needs no reform. Christ's way of presenting truth can not be improved upon. The Saviourgave the disciples practical lessons, teaching them how to work in such a way as to make souls glad in the truth. He sympathized with the weary, the heavy-laden, the oppressed. He fed the hungry and healed the sick. Constantly he went about doing good. By the good he accomplished, by his loving words and kindly deeds, he interpreted the gospel to men.

Following the example of the teacher

He presented the words of life in such simplicity that a child could understand them. Men, women, and children were so impressed with his manner of explaining the Scriptures that they would catch the very intonation of his voice, place the same emphasis on their words, and imitate his gestures. The youth caught his spirit of ministry, and sought to pattern after his gracious ways by seeking to assist those whom they saw in need of help.

Following the example of the teacher

Christ's work in behalf of man is not finished. It continues to-day. In like manner his ambassadors are to preach the gospel, revealing his pitying love for lost and perishing souls. By an unselfish interest in those who need help they are to give a practical demonstration of the power of the gospel. Much more than mere sermonizing is included in the preaching of the gospel. The evangelization of the world is the work that God has given to those who go forth in his name. God calls for thousands to work for him, not by preaching to those who know the truth for this time, but by warning those who have never heard the last message of mercy. Let them work with a heart filled with an earnest longing for souls. Let them do medical missionary work. Thus they will gain access to the hearts of people, and the way will be prepared for a more decided proclamation of the truth.

Following the example of the teacher

“The sympathy between man and his fellow man is to be the sign distinguishing those who love and fear God from those who are unmindful of His law. How great the sympathy that Christ expressed in coming to this world to give His life a sacrifice for a dying world. His religion led to the doing of genuine medical missionary work.” Medical Ministry, pg. 251

Following the example of the teacher

He presented the words of life in such simplicity that a child could understand them. Men, women, and children were so impressed with his manner of explaining the Scriptures that they would catch the very intonation of his voice, place the same emphasis on their words, and imitate his gestures. The youth caught his spirit of ministry, and sought to pattern after his gracious ways by seeking to assist those whom they saw in need of help.

Following the example of the teacher

Christ's work in behalf of man is not finished. It continues to-day. In like manner his ambassadors are to preach the gospel, revealing his pitying love for lost and perishing souls. By an unselfish interest in those who need help they are to give a practical demonstration of the power of the gospel. Much more than mere sermonizing is included in the preaching of the gospel. The evangelization of the world is the work that God has given to those who go forth in his name. God calls for thousands to work for him, not by preaching to those who know the truth for this time, but by warning those who have never heard the last message of mercy. Let them work with a heart filled with an earnest longing for souls. Let them do medical missionary work. Thus they will gain access to the hearts of people, and the way will be prepared for a more decided proclamation of the truth.

Following the example of the teacher

“The sympathy between man and his fellow man is to be the sign distinguishing those who love and fear God from those who are unmindful of His law. How great the sympathy that Christ expressed in coming to this world to give His life a sacrifice for a dying world. His religion led to the doing of genuine medical missionary work.” Medical Ministry, pg. 251

study/ application/ sharing/teachingPractical work will have far more effect than mere sermonizing. We are to give food to the hungry, clothing to the naked, and shelter to the homeless. And we are called to do more than this. The wants of the soul, only the love of Christ can satisfy. If Christ is abiding in us, our hearts will be full of divine sympathy. The sealed fountains of earnest, Christlike love will be unsealed.

God calls not only for our gifts for the needy, but for our cheerful countenance, our hopeful words, our kindly handclasp. When Christ healed the sick, He laid His hands upon them. So should we come in close touch with those whom we seek to benefit. {COL 418.1}

study/ application/ sharing/teaching

There are many from whom hope has departed. Bring back the sunshine to them. Many have lost

their courage. Speak to them words of cheer. Pray for them. There are those who need the bread of

life. Read to them from the word of God. Upon many is a soul sickness which no earthly balm can reach nor physician heal. Pray for these souls, bring them to Jesus. Tell them that there is a balm in Gilead and a Physician there. {COL 417, 418}

study/ application/ sharing/teaching

“Genuine medical missionary work is bound up inseparably with the keeping of God’s commandments, of which the Sabbath is especially mentioned, since it is the great work of restoring the moral image of God in man, this is the ministry which God’s people are to carry forward at this time.”Testimonies to the Church, Vol.6 pg. 266

post test/ evaluation ………

“Much depends upon the question of Health Reform. Unless our churches occupy a higher platform upon this subject, they will not be able to appreciate the truth for this time.” Manuscript, Vol. 1, pg. 62

post test/ evaluation ………

• “The truth for this time, the Third Angels’ Message, is to be proclaimed with a loud voice, as we approach the great final test. This test must come to the churches in connection with true medical missionary work, a work that has the Great Physician to dictate and preside in all that it comprehends.” Loma Linda Messages, pg. 62 “My heart is made sad as I look at our churches, which ought to be connected in heart and soul and practice with the medical missionary work…I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work.” Counsels on Health, pg. 533

Test for the Ministers

13MR 210.2

The medical missionary work must be recognized. Those who go forth as ministers of the gospel should be intelligent upon this subject. Those ministers who, after many years’ experience have no true appreciation of the medical missionary work, should not be appointed to preside over our churches; for they are not walking in the light of the truth for this time. Ministers who have not heeded the light God has given upon health reform should not be placed in charge of workers who love the truth and appreciate health and temperance reform in all its bearings; for what help can such be to the church or to workers?

Conference after the test/ RewardMatthew 25: 31-

31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

• Medical Ministry• “As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our• nation, those who would stand for freedom of• conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions.• For their own sake, they should, while they have• opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease,• its causes, prevention, and cure. And those who do• this will find a field of labor anywhere. There will be• suffering ones, plenty of them, who will need help,• not only among those of our own faith, but largely• among those who know not the truth.”• —Counsels on Health, 506

• Medical Ministry

“I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work.”—Evangelism, 523

Who should enter the work?

We have come to a time when every member of the church should take hold of medical missionary work. The world is a lazar house filled with victims of both physical and spiritual disease. Everywhere people are perishing for lack of a knowledge of the truths that have been committed to us. The members of the church are in need of an awakening, that they may realize their responsibility to impart these truths.—Testimonies for the Church 7:62.{CME 10.5}

Medical Who?

“Let our ministers, who have gained an experience in preaching the word, learn how to give simple treatments and then labor intelligently as medical missionary evangelists.”—Testimonies, vol. 9, 172

• Medical Who?

“All gospel workers should know how to give

the simple treatments that do so much to

relieve pain and remove disease.”—Counsels on Health, 389

Every gospel worker should feel that the giving of instruction in the principles of healthful living is a part of his appointed work. Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it.—The Ministry of Healing, 147.{CME 28.5}

• Medical Who?“In every place the sick may be found, and those who go forth as workers for Christ should be true health reformers, prepared to give those who are sick the simple treatments that will relieve them, and then pray with them. Thus they will open the door for the entrance of the truth.”• —Medical Ministry, 320

• Medical Who?

• “As the canvasser goes from place to place, he will find many who are sick. He should have a practical knowledge of the causes of disease and should understand how to give simple treatments, that he may relieve the suffering ones.”—Counsels on Health, 463

• Canvassers should be able to give instruction in regard to the treatment of the sick. They should learn the simple methods of hygienic treatment. Thus they may work as medical missionaries, ministering to the souls and the bodies of the suffering. This work should now be going forward in 19all parts of the world. Thus multitudes might be blessed by the prayers and instruction of God’s servants. {CEv18.1}

Medical Who?

“In the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah the Lord tells

us plainly what the work is that he requires of us.

In order that our young people may be fully

prepared to do this work, small sanitariums are to

be connected with our schools. The students are to be taught how to use nature’s simple remedies in the treatment of disease.”

—Review and Herald, September 9, 1902

• Medical Who?

“God’s people are to be genuine medical missionaries. They are to learn to minister to the needs of soul and body. They should know how to give the simple treatments that do so much to relieve pain and remove disease.”

—Welfare Ministry, 127

• Medical What?• Simple treatments

• “God’s remedies are the simple agencies of nature

• that will not tax or debilitate the system through

• their powerful properties. Pure air and water,

• cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life, and a firm

• trust in God are remedies for the want of which

• thousands are dying; yet these remedies are going out

• of date because their skillful use requires work that

• the people do not appreciate.”• —Testimonies, vol. 5, 443

• The True Science• “The study of surgery and other medical science

• receives much attention in the world, but the true

• science of medical missionary work, carried forward

• as Christ carried it, is new and strange to the

• denominational churches and to the world. But it will

• find its rightful place when as a people who have had

• great light, Seventh-day Adventists awaken to their

• responsibilities and improve their opportunities.”• —Evangelism, 518

• Where Will It All End?

• “God has given us a commission which angels might

• envy. The church has been charged to convey to the

• world, without delay, God’s saving mercy. This is the

• trust that He has given us, and it is to be faithfully

• executed. Medical missionary work is to be done.

• Thousands upon thousands of human beings are

• perishing in sin. The compassion of God is moved.

• Where Will It All End?• “Christ is waiting with longing desire for the

• manifestation of Himself in His church. When the

• character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in

• His people, then He will come to claim them as His

• own.”• —Christ's Object Lessons, 69

• “The completeness of Christian character is attained

• when the impulse to help and bless others springs

• constantly from within.”• —Acts of the Apostles, 551

• Where Will It All End?

• “There is no change in the messages that God has

• sent in the past. The work in the cities is the

• essential work for this time. When the cities are

• worked as God would have them, the result will be

• the setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed.”

• —Medical Ministry, 304

• Where Will It All End?

“We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deepening at every point of its progress, because of the inflowing of hundreds and thousands of streams, until the whole earth is covered as the waters cover the sea.”• —Medical Ministry, 317

• Many have no faith in God and have lost confidence in man. But they appreciate acts of sympathy and helpfulness. As they see one with no inducement of earthly praise or compensation coming to their homes, ministering to the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, comforting the sad, and tenderly pointing all to Him of whose love and pity the human worker is but the messenger- as they see this, their hearts are touched. Gratitude springs up, faith is kindled. They see that God cares for them, and as His Word is opened they are prepared to listen.—The Review and Herald, May 9, 1912.{CME 29.2}

We are not to wait for souls to come to us; we must seek them out where they are. When the word has been preached in the pulpit, the work has but just begun. There are multitudes who will never be reached by the gospel unless it is carried to them.{COL 229.3}

The command given in the parable, to “compel them to come in,” has often been misinterpreted. It has been regarded as teaching that we should force men to receive the gospel. But it denotes rather the urgency of the invitation, and the effectiveness of the inducements presented. The gospel never employs force in bringing men to Christ. Its message is “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters.” Isaiah 55:1King James Version

There is no limit to the usefulness of the one who, putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart, and lives a life wholly consecrated to God.—The Southern Watchman, August 1, 1905.

{Christian Service 254.2}

“I am charged to tell our people, that do not realize, that the devil has device after device, and he carries them out in ways that they do not expect. Satan’s

agencies will invent ways to make sinners out of saints. I tell you now, that when I am laid to rest,

great changes will take place. I do not know when I shall be taken; and I desire to warn all against the

devices of the devil. I want the people to know that I warned them fully before my death.” - Manuscript

1, February 24, 1915 (laid to rest 142 days later)

The New Ministry

• A new order of things has come into the ministry. There is a desire to pattern after other churches, and simplicity and humility are almost unknown. The young ministers seek to be original, and to introduce new ideas and new plans for labor. Some open revival meetings, and by this means call large numbers into the church. But when the excitement is over, where are the converted ones? Repentance and confession of sin are not seen. The sinner is entreated to believe in Christ and accept Him, without regard to his past life of sin and rebellion. The heart is not broken. There is no contrition of soul. The supposed converted ones have not fallen upon the Rock, Christ Jesus. {2SM 18.4}

• I am commissioned to say that the prosperity of the medical missionary work is in God’s order. This work must be done; the truth must be carried into the highways and byways. And ministers and church members should awake and see the necessity of co-operating in this work.{6T 299.1}

• The Lord and Heaven Rejoice in Medical-Missionary Work Being Done—The Lord and all heaven rejoice to see this work being done in medical missionary lines. The churches are to blend with this work, that they may be kept in a healthy condition, guarding the Lord’s purchased possession as faithful sentinels.—Manuscript 64, 1898, 11-14 (“The Danger of

Rejecting Light,” May 19, 1898.){11MR 217.2}

Need Life in your Church?

To my ministering brethren I would say, Prosecute this work with tact and ability. Set to work the young men and the young women in our churches. Combine the medical missionary work with the proclamation of the third angel’s message. Makeregular, organized effort to lift the churches out of the dead level into which they have fallen, and have remained for years. Sendinto the churches workers who will set the principles of health reform in their connection with the third angel’s message, before every family and individual. Encourage all to take a part in work for their fellow men, and see if the breath of life will not quickly return to these churches. {SpTA11 18.2} Special Testimony for Ministers and Workers—No. 11, p. 19.1 (EGW)

Hebrews 1:9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy

God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

Oh, how much we all need the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Then we shall always work with the mind of Christ, with kindness, compassion, and sympathy, showing love for the sinner while hating sin with a perfect hatred.—Manuscript 8a, 1888.
