Make Use of Your Bow Ps 78:9


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‘Make use of your bow’ Ps 78:1-12

1 Make use of your bow

2 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

“My people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. 2 I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of old— 3 things we have heard and known, things our ancestors have told us.

3 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

4 We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. 5 He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our ancestors to teach their children,

4 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

6 so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. 7 Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep his commands.

5 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

8 They would not be like their ancestors—a stubborn and rebellious generation, whose hearts were not loyal to God, whose spirits were not faithful to him. 9 The men of Ephraim, though armed with bows, turned back on the day of battle;

6 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

10 they did not keep God’s covenant and refused to live by his law. 11 They forgot what he had done, the wonders he had shown them. 12 He did miracles in the sight of their ancestors in the land of Egypt, in the region of Zoan.”

As God’s children, it’s critical we make use of

our skills and abilities in our service to God

7 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

“The men of Ephraim though armed with bows turned back on the day of

battle.” Ps 78:9

the appeal v7

8 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

the appeal v7

the warning v8

9 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

the appeal v7

the warning v8

the example v9

10 Make use of your bow

Psalm 78: 1-12

“The men of Ephraim though

armed with bows turned back on the

day of battle.” Ps 78:9

11 Make use of your bow

1. The men of Ephraim

12 Make use of your bow

1. The men of Ephraim

13 Make use of your bow

Christian Islam Hindu

Buddhist Non-religious

32.3% 22.9% 13.9%

13.6% 6.9%

14 Make use of your bow

world population 7 billion

15 Make use of your bow

world population 7 billion

evangelicals 546 million

(Operation World 2010)

16 Make use of your bow

You are among the privileged few to know Jesus Christ

world population 7 billion

evangelicals 546 million

(Operation World 2010)

17 Make use of your bow


18 Make use of your bow



19 Make use of your bow

You are among the privileged few to know Jesus Christ

God has forgiven you v38

20 Make use of your bow

You are among the privileged few to know Jesus Christ

God has protected you v53

21 Make use of your bow

You are among the privileged few to know Jesus Christ

God has led you v54

22 Make use of your bow

You are among the privileged few to know Jesus Christ

V7 ‘put your confidence in God

and don’t forget all he has done for you!’

23 Make use of your bow

2. Though armed with


24 Make use of your bow

2. Though armed with


a. God has created each of us with the expectation that we will equip ourselves for the task of managing creation

25 Make use of your bow

b. The partnership of power

26 Make use of your bow

b. The partnership of power

27 Make use of your bow

b. The partnership of power

“To this end I labor, struggling with all his

energy, which so powerfully works in me.”

Col 1:29

28 Make use of your bow

How will people learn about God’s love and


Blessed to be a Blessing Gen 12:1-3

29 Make use of your bow

How will people learn about God’s love and


30 Make use of your bow

c. As you have been actively following Jesus, he has been preparing you

31 Make use of your bow

c. As you have been actively following Jesus, he has been preparing you

Voluntary and Involuntary


Voluntary and Involuntary Come

32 Make use of your bow


33 Make use of your bow

3.Turned back on the day of battle

a. We need to realize we are in a battle!

34 Make use of your bow

World Population

1 billion ‘unreached’ and ‘unengaged’

3 billion ‘unreached’

3 billion ‘reached’

> 2% evan

< 2% evan

< 2% evan

Missionary Force

92,5 % of missionaries work

with those who can hear the gospel


7,5% of missionaries work with those who have few to no opportunities to hear the



No missionaries


World’s People Groups (11,290)

92,5% of missionaries work with

‘reached people groups’

4,687 ‘reached peoples’

7,5% of missionaries work with ‘unreached people groups’

2,057 ‘unreached


4,546 ‘unreached’

and ‘unengaged

0% des missionnaires

35 Make use of your bow

10/40 Window

36 Make use of your bow

The Least Evangelized Countries

10/40 Window

37 Make use of your bow

The Least Evangelized Countries

The Unreached Peoples and Cities

10/40 Window

38 Make use of your bow

The Dominance of 3 Religious Blocs

10/40 Window

39 Make use of your bow

The Dominance of 3 Religious Blocs

The Preponderance of the Poor

10/40 Window

40 Make use of your bow

Spiritual Stronghold

10/40 Window

41 Make use of your bow

Spiritual Stronghold

A Renewed Focus

10/40 Window

42 Make use of your bow

3.Turned back on the day of battle

b. The warning is not to be like the Ephramites who ‘Turned back on the day of battle’

43 Make use of your bow

What made the men of Ephraim turn back?

44 Make use of your bow

What made the men of Ephraim turn back?

What could make you turn back?

45 Make use of your bow

Busyness of life Distractions

Family Need for comfort and security

Lack of vision

What could make you turn back?

46 Make use of your bow

How has God equipped you?

47 Make use of your bow

How has God equipped you?

How has God equipped this church?

48 Make use of your bow

How has God equipped you?

How has God equipped this church?

Use your bow!

49 Make use of your bow

How has God equipped you?

How has God equipped this church?

Use your bow!

Continue to develop your skills with your bow
