Judgement or discernment 18 august 2013 csg



Message shared by Cheong Seng Gee on 18 Aug 2013, based on Matthew 7:1-5

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Judgment & Criticism

Matthew 7: 1-5

“Isn’t this the most beautiful child you’ve ever seen?”

“My, she is a healthy one.”

“You do think she is physically beautiful, don’t you?”

1. Introduction

2. Context and Interpretation

• Relationship with God

• Relationship with others

1. Not a judge but a discerner (v 1-2)

2. Not to be a hypocrite (v 3-4)

3. Being a brother (v 5)

1. Not a judge but a discerner (v 1-2)

1. Joseph the dreamer

2. Not to be a hypocrite (v 3-4)

Invictus – Forgiveness & Reconciliation

3. Being a brother (v 5)

The Matt 18:15 principle vs

Luke 18:9-14

“Correct him, but not as a foe, nor as an adversary exacting a penalty, but as a physician providing medicines, yes, and even more, as a loving brother anxious to rescue and restore”


The Concluding Story