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Jamie M. CastroHum 130 Religions of the WorldMichael Vaughn, M.Div., MACE


Relationship with God/Torah

Special relationship Both accountable Covenants with God

Sacred Texts Hebrew Bible or

Tanakh Pentateuch -“The

Five books of Moses”

The Talmud-Jewish law and lore

Ten Commandments

On stone tablets

Exodus 20:2-17 Holy Mount


Jerusalem Capitol of Israel

Central Symbol of scattered Nation

Israel centered around

Nation of Israel

Promised to Jews Eretz Yisrael “One who fights

victoriously with God

Reference Three Sects of Judaism

Sadducees Pharisses Essenes

The Holocaust Hitler took over

Germany Nazi’s murdered 6

million Jewish People

Death Camps

Sacred Practices

Daily Scripture studies

Kosher Food practice

Sabbath observation

Learning of Hebrew Bar Mitzvah

Jewish Holidays

Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Hanukkah Passover Sabbath

Judaism Today

Orthodox Reform

Conservative Reconstructionalism

References Living Religions, 6th edition M.P Fisher 2005 All About the Truth (2002-2007). History of

Israel - God's Purpose. Retrieved November 18, 2007, from http://www.allaboutthetruth.org

Judaism (2004, June 2004). Judaism. Retrieved November 17, 2007, from http://www.nvcc.edu

Frank, A. (1997). The Diary of a young girl Anne Frank. Retrieved November 18,2007, from http://www.amazon.com
