Jan 6-12-08 Satan



Our little Church is using a Chronological Bible Reading Schedule by Skip Andrews. It can be found here: http://www.churchofchristduluthga.org/ Each Sunday a lesson is given from some of that week's reading. This lesson covers Jan 6-12.

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Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobJob 1:8 NET So the Lord

said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on

the earth, a pure and upright man, one who fears God and

turns away from evil."

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobHast thou considered my

servant Job? - Margin, “Set thine heart on.” The margin is

a literal translation of the Hebrew.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobJob 1:8 LITV And Jehovah said

to Satan, Have you set your heart on My servant Job

because there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and

upright man, fearing God and turning away from evil?

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobSchultens remarks on this, that

it means more than merely to observe or to look at - since it is abundantly manifest from

the following verses that Satan “had” attentively considered Job, and had been desirous of

injuring him.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobIt means, according to him, to

set himself against Job, to fix the heart on him with an

intention to injure him, and yahweh means to ask whether

Satan had done this.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobBut it seems more probable that

the phrase means to consider “attentively,” and that God

means to ask him whether he had carefully observed him.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobSatan is represented as having

no confidence in human virtue, and as maintaining that there was none which would resist temptation, if presented in a form sufficiently alluring.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobGod here appeals to the case of

Job as a full refutation of this opinion. The trial which

follows is designed to test the question whether the piety of

Job was of this order.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobThat there is none like him in

the earth - That he is the very highest example of virtue and piety on earth. Or might not

the word (כי kiy) here be rendered “for?” “For there is none like him in the earth.”

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobThen the idea would be, not

that he had considered “that” there was none like him, but God directs his

attention to him “because” he was the most eminent

among mortals.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobA perfect and an upright man -

The Septuagint have greatly expanded this statement, by

giving a paraphrase instead of a translation. “He was a man who was true, blameless, just, pious, abstaining from every

evil deed.” (Barnes)

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobJob's afflictions began

from the malice of Satan, by the Lord's permission, for wise and holy purposes.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobThere is an evil spirit, the

enemy of God, and of all righteousness, who is continually seeking to

distress, to lead astray, and, if possible, to destroy those

who love God.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobHow far his influence may

extend, we cannot say; but probably much unsteadiness

and unhappiness in Christians may be ascribed to him.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobWhile we are on this earth we

are within his reach. Hence it concerns us to be sober and


Looking To DevourLooking To Devour1 Peter 5:8 NET Be sober and

alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion, is on the

prowl looking for someone to devour.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourSee how Satan censures Job. This is the common

way of slanderers, to suggest that which they

have no reason to think is true.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourBut as there is nothing we

should dread more than really being hypocrites, so there is nothing we need

dread less than being called and counted so

without cause.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourIt is not wrong to look at the eternal recompence in

our obedience; but it is wrong to aim at worldly

advantages in our religion.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourGod's people are taken

under his special protection; they, and all that belong to them. The

blessing of the Lord makes rich; Satan himself owns it.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourGod suffered Job to be tried,

as he suffered Peter to be sifted.

Satan has no power to lead men to sin, but what they give him themselves; nor any power to afflict men,

but what is given him from above.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourAll this is here described to

us after the manner of men. The Scripture speaks thus to teach us that God directs the affairs of the

world. (MHCC)

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourJob 1:12 NET So the Lord said to

Satan, "All right then, everything he has is in your power. Only do not extend your hand against the man himself!" So Satan went out

from the presence of the Lord.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourAll that he hath is in thy

power - Margin, as in Hebrew “hand.” That is, all

this is now committed to thee, for it is manifest that

hitherto Satan had no power to injure even his property.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourHe complained that God had made a hedge around

all that Job possessed. Now it was all entrusted

to him in order that he might make full trim of

the faith of Job.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourThe grant extended

to his sons and daughters as well as to his property.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourOnly upon himself put not forth thine hand - Job himself was not to be visited with sickness

nor was his life to be taken.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourThe main accusation of Satan was, that Job was

virtuous only because God encompassed him with so

many blessings, and especially because he had

endowed him with so much property.

Looking To DevourLooking To DevourThe trial, therefore, only

required that it should be seen whether his piety was the mere

result of these blessings. (Barnes)

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobJob 2:3 NET Then the Lord said to

Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? For there is

no one like him on the earth, a pure and upright man, one

who fears God and turns away from evil.

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJobAnd he still holds

firmly his integrity, so that you stirred

me up to destroy him without reason."

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJob4 But Satan answered

the Lord, "Skin for skin! Indeed, a man

will give up all that he has to save his life!

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJob

5 But extend your hand and strike his bone and

his flesh, and he will indeed curse you to

your face!"

Carefully Observe Carefully Observe JobJob

6 So the Lord said to Satan, "All

right, he is in your power; only

preserve his life."

Permission Permission GrantedGrantedBut put forth thine hand now

- Satan felt that he had no power to afflict Job without permission. Malignant as he was, he knew that God only could subject the holy man

to this trial -

Permission Permission GrantedGrantedanother proof that Satan is

under the control of the Almighty, and acts only as he is “permitted” to act in tempting and trying the


Permission Permission GrantedGrantedAnd touch his bone. Afflict

his body so as to endanger his life. The words “bone”

and “flesh” denote the whole body. The idea was, that the whole body should be subjected to severe pain.

Permission Permission GrantedGrantedBehold, he is in thine

hand – He is at thy disposal.

But save his life.This was to be the only


Permission Permission GrantedGrantedIt would seem that he had

the power to make any selection of disease, and to afflict him in any manner,

provided it did not terminate fatally.

Permission Permission GrantedGrantedThe keen sorrows which Job

afterward endured showed the malignancy of the tempter;

evinced his ingenuity in inflicting pain, and his

knowledge of what thc human frame could be made to bear.


Works of SatanWorks of SatanThe world-wide and age-long works of Satan are to be traced to one predominant motive. He

hates both God and man and does all that in him lies to defeat

God's plan of grace and to establish and maintain a

kingdom of evil, in the seduction and ruin of mankind. (ISBE)

History of SatanHistory of SatanThe history of Satan,

including that phase of it which remains to be

realized, can be set forth only along the most general

lines. He belongs to the angelic order of beings.

He is by nature one of the sons of Elohim. (Job 1:6) He has fallen, and by virtue of his personal

forcefulness has become the leader of the anarchic

forces of wickedness.

History of SatanHistory of Satan

History of SatanHistory of SatanAs a free being he has merged his

life in evil and has become altogether and hopelessly evil. As a being of high intelligence he has gained great power and has exercised a wide sway over

other beings.

History of SatanHistory of SatanAs a created being the utmost range of his power lies within the compass of that which is

permitted. It is, therefore, hedged in by the providential

government of God and essentially limited.

History of SatanHistory of SatanThe Biblical emphasis upon

the element of falsehood in the career of Satan

might be taken to imply that his kingdom may be

less in extent than appears.

History of SatanHistory of SatanAt any rate, it is

confined to the cosmic sphere and to a limited

portion of time. It is also doomed. (ISBE)

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimitedA third general

consideration, based upon data given in the earlier section, should be urged in the same


Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimitedIn the New Testament

delineation of Satan, his limitations are

clearly set forth. He is superhuman, but not in

any sense divine.

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimitedHis activities are cosmic,

but not universal or transcendent. He is a

created being. His power is definitely


Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimitedHe is doomed to final

destruction as a world-power. His entire career is that of a secondary and dependent being who is permitted a certain limited scope of power - a time-lease of

activity. (ISBE)

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimited

Luke 4:5 NET Then the devil led him up to a high

place and showed him in a flash all the

kingdoms of the world.

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimited6 And he said to him, "To you

I will grant this whole realm — and the glory that goes along with it, for it has

been relinquished to me, and I can give it to anyone I


Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimitedSatan here claims possession

of world power and Jesus does not deny it. It may be

due to man’s sin and by God’s permission. Jesus

calls Satan the ruler of this world. (RWP)

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimited

John 12:28 NET Father, glorify your name." Then a voice

came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again."

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimited

29 The crowd that stood there and heard the

voice said that it had thundered. Others said

that an angel had spoken to him.

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimited30 Jesus said, "This voice

has not come for my benefit but for yours. 31

Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler

of this world will be driven out.

Satan Essentially Satan Essentially LimitedLimited

32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw

all people to myself."

Job’s So Called Job’s So Called “Friends”“Friends”In regards to Job’s so

called “friends” that seem to continually tell Job what a sinful person he must be, what are we

to take from them?

Job’s So Called Job’s So Called “Friends”“Friends”I am of the mind we

should live out our lives in such a way

that nothing bad can be said about us.

Let’s take some instruction from Paul’s exhortations to Titus.Titus 2:6 NET Encourage younger men likewise to be self-controlled,

Nothing To Talk Nothing To Talk AboutAbout

Nothing To Talk Nothing To Talk AboutAbout

7 showing yourself to be an example of good

works in every way. In your teaching show integrity, dignity,

Nothing To Talk Nothing To Talk AboutAbout8 and a sound message

that cannot be criticized, so that any opponent will be at a loss, because he has nothing evil to say

about us.

They Should Be They Should Be AshamedAshamedHere is Alexander Campbell’s

“Living Oracles” translation:Titus 2:7 LONT In all things make

yourself a pattern of good works: in teaching, show incorruptness, gravity,

They Should Be They Should Be AshamedAshamed8 wholesome speech which

can not be condemned; that he who is on the opposite side may be

ashamed, having nothing bad to say concerning


They Should Be They Should Be AshamedAshamedThis must be our goal! To

live such a pure life so those who would oppose

God are ashamed because they can find

nothing to condemn us with.

Bring Them To The Bring Them To The TruthTruthYou know my love for

Eugene Peterson’s “Message” translation.

Here is how the Message reads:

Bring Them To The Bring Them To The TruthTruthTitus 2:7 MSG But mostly,

show them all this by doing it yourself,

incorruptible in your teaching, 8 your words

solid and sane.

Bring Them To The Bring Them To The TruthTruthThen anyone who is

dead set against us, when he finds nothing weird or misguided,

might eventually come around.

Bring Them To The Bring Them To The TruthTruthIsn’t this the ultimate goal,

to convince or persuade those who doubt,

disbelieve, or even hate Christians, the pure life in Christ is the best and only

way to live?

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedShall we look into the

suffering of Job? Why did he have to suffer? It seems he demanded to

know why he, a righteous person, had

such terrible suffering.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedIn his time there was no

knowledge about such things. We know God’s desire for us in Christ.

We know what to expect in return for living for


Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedJames 5:10 NET As an

example of suffering and patience, brothers

and sisters, take the prophets who spoke in

the Lord's name.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised11 Think of how we regard as

blessed those who have endured. You have heard of

Job's endurance and you have seen the Lord's purpose, that the Lord is full of compassion

and mercy.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedThe Lord gives Ananias a

promise of Paul’s suffering.Acts 9:16 NET For I will show

him how much he must suffer for the sake of my


Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedI take you back to a verse

we read earlier.1 Peter 5:8 NET Be sober and

alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion, is on the prowl looking for someone to devour.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised9 Resist him, strong in

your faith, because you know that your brothers and sisters throughout the world are enduring

the same kinds of suffering.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised10 And, after you have suffered

for a little while, the God of all grace who called you to his eternal glory in Christ will himself restore, confirm,

strengthen, and establish you.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedWait a minute! These verses

aren’t talking about the same kind of suffering Job

went through. They are talking about something

totally different. Are they?

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedThey are talking about

suffering because we are Christians. Wasn’t Job suffering because of his obedience to God? It was because he lived


Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised1 Peter 4:12 NET Dear friends,

do not be astonished that a trial by fire is

occurring among you, as though something

strange were happening to you.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised13 But rejoice in the

degree that you have shared in the sufferings of Christ, so that when

his glory is revealed you may also rejoice and be


Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised14 If you are insulted for

the name of Christ, you are blessed, because

the Spirit of glory, who is the Spirit of God, rests (Isaiah 11:2) on you.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised15 But let none of you suffer as a

murderer or thief or criminal or as a troublemaker.

16 But if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but glorify God that you bear

such a name.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised“shared in the sufferings

of Christ” Let’s think about the sufferings of

Christ. In just the “Passion Week” He was

spat on, ridiculed, beaten, flogged, & murdered.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedIf we suffer because of

wrongdoings, we deserve it.Sharing in Christ suffering we are promised: when his glory is revealed you may

also rejoice.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedHave I taken too great of

liberties in this lesson as it relates to Job? I hope I haven’t. Do you recall

James seems to relate our suffering to Job.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedJames 5:10 NET As an

example of suffering and patience, brothers

and sisters, take the prophets who spoke in

the Lord's name.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromised11 Think of how we regard as

blessed those who have endured. You have heard of

Job's endurance and you have seen the Lord's purpose, that the Lord is full of compassion

and mercy.

The Reward Is The Reward Is GreatGreatRejoice sharing in Christ

suffering. As a result you will share in his glory.

We will read this week how the 2nd part of Job’s life was

blessed more than the 1st.

The Reward Is The Reward Is GreatGreatMark 10:29 NET Jesus said, "I tell

you the truth, there is no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the


The Reward Is The Reward Is GreatGreat30 who will not receive in this

age a hundred times as much — homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children,

fields, all with persecutions — and in the age to come,

eternal life.

The Reward Is The Reward Is GreatGreatJesus promises we will get

back 100 times what we lose because of Him and

the Gospel. Note He said, “all with

persecutions” so suffering is involved.

The Reward Is The Reward Is GreatGreatLet’s live our lives so

pure God’s opponents will be ashamed because there is nothing to

accuse us of.

The Reward Is The Reward Is GreatGreatWhen suffering and

insults come our way rejoice we get to share in Christ’s suffering.In doing so we may share in His Glory.

Suffering Is Suffering Is PromisedPromisedWhat needs to be adjusted in

your life to live pure? Your obedience to Christ,

attitude, language, thoughts, whatever needs adjusting

now is a good time to start!