Is appreciative coaching right for you



What is appreciative coaching? Is appreci

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Is Appreciative Coaching Right For You?

By: Kassandra Bibas, CKO ROI Coaching

Have you ever met a life coach?

Think Martha Beck meets Tony Robbins meets Oprah meets Iyanla Vanzant plus coaching certification…

What did you initially expect?

A therapist?

A goals pusher?

A consultant who tells you what to do?

Think again…

A coach is NONE of those things…

Coaching is about: co-creating an impossible future standing in people’s greatness creating a winning game plan asking powerful questions discovery, challenge and change Coaching is ONLY for those who are willing to live

the answers to the questions they’re asking

Different coaches have different specialties…

What specialty does your coach have?

Some coaches focus on your problems…

They ask questions like…

What’s missing? What stresses you? What isn’t working well at the moment? What are you afraid of? Where are you sabotaging yourself?

Great questions but lousy results…

What you focus on grows. Focus on what isn’t working & you get more of it.

Appreciative Coaching is Different…

In Appreciative Coaching…

life is a mystery to be embraced rather than a problem to be solved

Coaching questions focus on the positive, not the negative

clients focus on their highest vision for themselves and live in that space

There are 5 core principles in appreciative coaching…

PRINCIPLE 1: The Constructionist Principle

We choose our lives Our actions (past and present) contribute to

our current reality and affects what we believe is possible for us

The key is to focus on past successes as a way of strengthening our faith and action toward a positive future

We co-create our reality

“Today is the future I created yesterday.”

Louise L. Hay

PRINCIPLE 2: The Positive Principle

A positive attitude leads to positive change A focus on possibility, not problems Nurturing your reflected best self (RBS) It’s about helping clients discover that while their

norm may be complaining, criticizing, and whining, they’re much happier and more effective when they live and act from a positive and joyful place

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though

everything is.”

- Albert Einstein

PRINCIPLE 3: The Simultaneity Principle

“Questioning and change can happen in the same moment.” –Sara Orem

The questions we ask lead us down a certain path The more positive the questions, the more

powerful and successful the journey our clients can embark upon

We ask questions that help clients reframe their past from their perspective in the present

Positive questions prompt new thinking

“Our aspirations are our possibilities.”

-Robert Browning

PRINCIPLE 4: The Poetic Principle

Coaches give clients the freedom and permission to see themselves in a new way

In appreciative coaching, we help clients reframe, reimagine, and refocus their life stories so they can move into more hopeful and joyful action toward a desired change

“Do you want to meet the love of your life?

Look in the mirror…”

- Byron Katie

PRINCIPLE 5: The Anticipatory Principle

What we visualize and believe we can do, we take action towards

If we can’t see it (and believe it), we can’t do it A big vision starts with small steps We have confidence moving into the future when

we carry with us what is best about the past

“What we believe becomes true for us.”

-Louise L. Hay

Appreciative Coaching is right for you if…

You’re ready and willing to change your story You are willing to release the need to suffer You’re ready to redo your life choice by choice You want to create a life you love to look at AND

you’re willing to make the paradigm shifts necessary to do so

You’re ready to own the parts in you that aren’t yet ready to live an empowered life

You’re ready to feel the fear and live your dreams anyway

Ready to coach?

Check out for a great selection of appreciative coaching digital

body/mind/soul downloads
