I Am... The Creation Story by Anon I mus


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In the beginning there was Source


It had existed in a formless & timeless

state, before the physical universe had

come into being.

In that perfect state of wholeness, there were

no such things as concepts, forms, change, distinctions, space, time, experiences, novelties or


The cosmic artist could not simply exist as a vast, blank canvas of

un-manifested, infinite potential alone.

For it was an indescribable, oceanic flow

of love …

…with a joyous desire to endlessly


EXPAND more of itself (out of

its own blissfulness),

...tasting the experience of self-knowledge through imagined diversity/otherness.


So overflowing with infinite possibilities, that the stage for a

space-time, physical reality had to materialize,

...to express the inner richness of “All That Is” in manifestation; different

points of awareness, curiosity & love for itself in

all forms.

The play of contrast was a necessary step in this process for expansion.Duality was created which temporarily gives rise to meaningful experiences for Source…

...birth/death, male/female,

positive/negative, light/dark, you/me,

love/fear, past/future...

... sickness/health, day/night, subject/object,

desire/hate, hot/cold, inside/outside, right/left,

and so on.

These interrelated play of opposites need each other.

Source Awareness had split holographic bits of itself into multiple levels of awareness to come forth into physical bodies.

We are all the ways that Source Awareness has of experiencing itself (in everything that it can); like probes extending outward for this leading edge of universal expansion.

Fundamentally, we are all expressions of this One Life Intelligence;

we are how Source Awareness subjectively

experiences itself in every possible way


All of us are unique,

individual points of perspectives,

emanating out of this unchanging,

Divine Singularity.

A ‘veil of self-forgetfulness’ (amnesia) was then placed on us; a necessary part of our learning experience &

expansion (through restricted awareness) to

make the grand experiment, in form, even more FUN.

Our memory of who we are (divine origin) was temporarily erased. This was all part of the larger


Beliefs of perceived limitation,

separation & opposition

were programmed

into us.



It all starts from the perspective of being birthed into the physical world of form…

...followed by adopting from our

sensory environment, a

mind-created story of a “me”& how we

see others by association.

Eventually, the timeless essence of our Pure

Being becomes entranced (hypnotised)

by the sensory fascination of creation ...

...our bodies

our thoughts

our senses

our emotions

our moods

our desires

our habits...

...our beliefs

our social roles

our conditioning

our jobs

and so on.

We have fallen into the

unconscious pattern of social conditioning; a descent from

higher awareness...

...seeking a conceptual sense

of ourselves; defining who we

are by the superficial, social

masks that we wear.

This is our personal ‘ego trip’, dreaming up a ‘separate life’; a diversion, further

away from our Greater, Non-Physical Self.

The over-identification with the ever changing

compulsive stream of thoughts &

emotions, being played out by an

unobserved mind...




None of us are born with an ego, it is

learned; a survival mechanism developed into the fabric of how we see, think, speak &

feel in the world.

The real cause of most human suffering is the

ego’s false, limited perceptions (that are

held in the mind); believing ourselves to

be separate &disconnected

individuals from each other....

...from nature &

from the universe as a whole.

This creates (by default) the emotions of fear,

which gives rise to unwanted things we

experience & feel; such as conflict, vulnerability,

loneliness, guilt, defensiveness,

insecurity, judgement, greed, anger, lack...

...powerlessness, manipulation, comparisons, indifferences,

personal limitations &

violence. They do not serve you.

All of this personal suffering compels us to ask questions … Why are we here?

Where is this happiness, peace and stillness that we all so long for?

? ? ?

Who & what am I really?

At the deepest level, beyond the surface reality of form…

I AM not my name

I AM not my body

I AM not my past or future

I AM not my personality

I AM not my thoughts

I AM not my feelings

I AM not my reactions

I AM not my possessions

They are all temporary expressions of me, but are always subject to change.

There is a part of me, however, that does not come & go; that never leaves.

It is behind all short-lived thoughts & forms; you can call it Living Presence, Stillness, Life, Awareness or Spirit.

In the process of uncluttering my mind of

all mental concepts, I unburden myself with the opportunity to be

here & now; responding to the pure calling of my timeless,

formless essence.

I need to be still, empty & silent, free from all mental distractions, to re-connect with my Source-Self within me; the formless, One Life Intelligence that is ever-present in all things.

The most important discovery that we will ever make, is in the realization that there is only One, All Pervasive Eternal Spirit in existence.

The One Life Energy is living all of us, everything in the universe came from

that. There is boundless joy, peace & fulfillment in re-discovering who we are

through a new, unique way; as Source, All That Is.

The ‘real secret’ is that you are the happiness you were always searching for

You are the very treasure

that you were seeking

out in the world.

The search for what we think we lost can Now finally be over; you only need to go beyond the ego’s illusory world of separation & re-member your higher, greater purpose for being here.

It is living your highest expression of Love-Spiritual Oneness in the world. When you fully embrace this pure realization, sharing this insight with others...

...will align you with your natural state of joy, effortless peace & innate wisdom. That cannot be given to you, for it is fundamentally what you already are (from the very beginning). It only needs to be re-discovered.

This is your natural birthright. The true home that you never left, only had forgotten.

Only by losing something precious will you become aware of the loss; this drives us on a quest for it; once found (earned, achieved) then we will know the tremendous value of it …

The experiences from your life’s

journey will give you maturity, growth,

courage & destiny.

It is time to stop pretending to be

what you are not & embrace your true,

Eternal Source again.

This is your reminder, your remembrance.

Never forget where you came from

Thank you for watching

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Pharrell Williams – Happy (David Guetta Remix) 2014

