Hugh jackman and the kingdom of god



What the kingdom of God is really about, and how Hugh Jackman can teach us something about it

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Our quest in life,

is to seek the

kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God, is not a place, or a time beyond

this one, but a moment – when all

is right, when justice rolls, when the way of God -

peace, love, hope is standing right

before us.

People who experienced Jesus – experienced the

embodiment of this kingdom when he was around. That’s why we make such a big deal about him – it’s why we pray in his name – why we try to

follow his life and teachings – and ways of being.

We have only the stories of Jesus - fragments, echoes of

the man, coloured by our own interpretation and

misunderstanding of culture and context.

Thus we must find modern examples

that help us understand

What the kingdom of God is

all about.Let’s pick Hugh


Van Helsing is a monster hunter who

works with the Vatican to fight off evil and

thus redeem the souls of those in peril. So

like Jesus – he confronts and

banishes evil.

Evil, as defined in the ancient stories

is that which isolates us, that which keeps us

captive, that binds us and holds us


The power of God works gently, so that people are freed from the

bondage of what is expected of

them to become who they are

destined to be….

No one gets to tell us who are and what our role in

life must be…this is the key to finding the kingdom of becoming who we are meant

to be

The kingdom of God, my friends, is all around us - we live within it when

we have the courage to break free from what

binds us.

This past year, Hugh Jackman did something he always

wanted to do…stand up and sing some songs…and tell

some stories and entertain people. In the show he tells the story about how many

times he wanted to take a risk and do this show - he finally

realized that the only thing in life he regrets is not taking an opportunity – “have a go” as his Australian heritage would

compel him

To be what we are, and to

become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end

in life.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
