How To Meditate Properly - Discover 7 Tips You Never Heard Before



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How To Meditate Properly - Discover 7 Tips You Never Heard Before

One of the things that meditation does is to silence your sentient mind. This in turn allows you to discard anxiety, stress and depression that may come as a result of work, marriage or school. This is achieved by augmenting your psychological, physiological and expressive energy.In a

nutshell, learning how to meditate properly will increase your general health and elevate your self-assurance as it

provides you with the skills required to be content, centered and calm in spite of the difficult situations

facing you.

The simplest means through which you can acquire the art of meditation is through listening to binaural

rhythms. Binaural rhythms utilize different frequencies which aid in altering brain waves, hence promoting

relaxation. These strokes or cyclical beats are sometimes applied in treating bodily revitalization and sleep

disorders since they assist in silencing the conscious mind with relative ease.Meditation can also be achieved

through focused breathing. Focused breathing is a popular technique applied during yoga practice as it aids

in not only silencing the insomniac mind, but creating inner peace. Whereas this technique is widely regarded

as a stand-alone method, it can still be used

when learning how to meditate properly.

Clear your area of all possible distractions. This means turning off your cell phone, shutting off the television,

and closing windows so passing traffic doesn't interrupt you. Closing off distractions may mean that you must tell others in the home that you are in need of private time

and that they must remain quiet. While the ideal situation is an empty house, this is sometimes

impossible; enforcing boundaries is the best approach.

Focus on lighting when you prepare your space. Natural light is wonderful, but in some positions natural light

may distract you even with closed eyes. Similarly, overly bright artificial lights are disruptive. Seek out these

sneaky distractions before meditation.Once your space is properly prepared, take your desired position and

close your eyes. Begin breathing deeply, focusing on the cyclical feeling of air entering and leaving your body.

Empty your mind. This sounds simple and yet takes practice. The daily worries we carry mentally and

physically weight us down and often refuse to leave when we want to relax. The deep breathing will help retrain your focus to meditation and away from those worries, though it might take a while until the practice

becomes regular.From this point meditation can become more subjective and personally tailored to you. Some

religions have their own meditative guides that involve gripping prayer beads and reciting special texts. If this is

your orientation, then work with these meditative practices.

A more general way to meditate is to reach a state where you are only somewhat aware of your physical

surroundings. This means that you are instead focused on bringing your body and mind into harmony. You can utilize visualizations that calm you, such as wandering

through a field or sitting next to a waterfall and listening to the rhythm of the water.Your own preferences will

determine how long a meditation session will last. Attempt to bring yourself out of it with a soothing

spoken message to yourself as a signal. Open your eyes and focus on deep breathing for a few minutes before

getting up.

Why Meditate? What are the Benefits? Meditation has many benefits. Your mind, body, and soul are connected.

A change in one will affect the other. Meditation will help clear your mind of useless thoughts and clutter. You will find you will have a more sense of clarity as you go

about your daily activities. You will also find you will feel more grounded in this world and more calm. Meditation

also helps you become happier and loving. All the negative emotions you attach to things that have

happened in the past and all the negative emotions you attach to potential things that could happen in the future are decreased, and sometimes completely

eliminated. Meditation teaches you to detach from

your thoughts, so naturally you will detach from stressful thoughts. A decrease in stress will help with stress related illness such as heart disease and high blood


Beyond all the benefits listed above, meditation is a time for your to relax simply just be. It is time for you to

appreciate yourself, life, and embrace a higher being.Anyone can do and benefit from meditation. You

do not have to be religious or have a god to benefit from meditation. Meditation is for anyone who wants to live a

better and more stress free life.How To Meditate Properly? Easy steps for how to meditate properly.You will want to find a quiet and comfortable place to sit

down. You can sit down anywhere, on the floor or on the chair. Your back must be straight. People say you

shouldn't lie down because it's an easy way to fall asleep. If you can get away with it then you can lie

down if you wish.

Third, relax yourself by starting to lighten the muscles of your forehead then your eyebrows, your cheeks, your mouth, your jaw and your entire face and head. Then

continue relaxing your muscles on your shoulders, your arms, feel your back lighten, release the tension felt by your thighs and legs then let the aches and pains flow

out. Remember not to allow inner chattering or chanting of mantras as this will lead to formation of thoughts. Your goal is to block thoughts from forming. This step

may be difficult especially for beginners but as you constantly meditate you will observe that it will become


Now the fourth step is important especially when thoughts start to come in. All you have to consider is,

"focus on your breathing". This will divert your attention and block incoming thoughts. Breathe in and breathe

out, do not control your breathing instead just observe it. Let the normal process of inhalation and exhalation occur. Observation is the key nature of the mind so just focus and observe your breathing.Then as you progress

thoughts will eventually diminish and breathing will become thinner and shorter leading to the fifth step. As

soon as breathing becomes the smallest it will send a flash in between your eyebrows which will signify a

meditated state. During this state you will

have no thought and no breathing and it is during this state that the cosmic energy flows into your energy

body. The more often you meditate the more abundant cosmic energy flows into you.After meditation you

would feel a lot lighter and relaxed as your mind had been released from thoughts and emotions causing you tension and stress. So never deprive yourself of proper

meditation because a healthy body starts from a healthy mind.