Good News



Its easy to overcome depression when you know God is your strength in your distress, he is a refuge from every storm and a shadow when the going gets to hot to handle’ Isaiah 25:4 Its easy... just do it!!

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GOOD NEWS FOR THE BROKEN HEARTED; Jesus still heals broken hearts; Luke 4:18

GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK; Jesus took all your infirmities and carried you sicknesses, Matthew 8:17

GOOD NEWS FOR THE BLIND;Jesus still opens the eyes of the blind;Luke 4:18

GOOD NEWS FOR THE BRUISED AND DOWNTRODDEN; Jesus came to bring liberty to the bruised, Luke 4:18

GOOD NEWS FOR THE TROUBLED; God still delivers his own from all their troubles…

GOOD NEWS FOR THE WEAK;God is your strength and your shield,Psalm 28:7

GOOD NEWS FOR THE REJECTED;Christ has accepted you; Ephesians 1:6 so why care what others think of you?

GOOD NEWS FOR THE DISTRESSED;God still delivers the lonely and the wounded from their distresses… Psalm 107:4-6

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO LACK SELF ESTEEM;God created you and you are fearfully and wonderfully made, Psalm 139:14

GOOD NEWS FOR THE BROKEN IN HEART; God will heal your broken heart and will bind up your wounds, Psalm 147:3

GOOD NEWS FOR THE CHILDLESS;God has promised that ‘none shall be barren' or ‘none cast their young Deuteronomy 7:14, Exodus 23:26

GOOD NEWS FOR THE UNLOVED;God so loved you, he died to prove it, John 3:16

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHOSE LIVES ARE IN A MESS; God still gives peace that is beyond any thing you can imagine… John 14:27

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN MOURNING; God will turn your mourning into dancing and surround you with gladness… Psalm 30:11

GOOD NEWS FOR THE UNFORGIVEN; God still forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases when you ask him, Psalm 103:3

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE SEEKING MERCY;Gods mercy is new every morning… Lamentations 3:23

GOOD NEWS FOR THE POOR;Gods highest wish is that you prosper and be in health’3 John:2

GOOD NEWS FOR ORPHANS AND WIDOWS;God is a husband to the widow and a father to the fatherless… Psalm 68:5

GOOD NEWS FOR THE ABANDONED;Jesus promises never to leave or forsake you… Ever… Hebrews 13:5

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO LONG FOR A REAL FRIEND;Jesus is 'a friend that sticks closer than a brother’ Psalm 18:24

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO FEEL LOST;Christ came to seek and to save the lost… Luke 19:10

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO NEED HELP; 'God is a very present help in trouble… Psalm 46:1

GOOD NEWS FOR THE FEARFUL; God did not give you a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind… 2 Timothy 1:7

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO ARE IMPRISONED BY THEIR PAST;Christ can and will open the prison door and make you free indeed, John 8:36

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO WEEP;Joy really does come in the morning… Psalm 30:5

GOOD NEWS FOR THE ELDERLY;He will not cast you aside in old age, he will not forsake you when your strength fails… Psalm 71:9

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO LONG TO LIVE IN SAFETY; God has promised that who ever hears him shall dwell in safety and shall be quiet from fear of evil… Psalm 1:33

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO LONG FOR HIS SALVATION; The Lord promises to save all those who call upon his name…Romans 10:13

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE BACKSLIDDEN; If you return God promises to heal your backslidings… Jeremiah 3:22

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO LONG FOR A FRESH START; Ask Jesus to forgive and save you and you will be born again into a new forgiven life… John 3:3

GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO LONG TO SEE GOD;Jesus said if your pure in heart you shall see God… Matthew 5:8

GOOD NEWS FOR WHO FEAR DEATH;Jesus Christ is the 'resurrection and the life' so if you believe in him death is a doorway to heaven and home… John 11:25


David Robinson © 09
