God spoke and I followed - eGo 2015 recap


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“God Spoke & I followed”

Excel Global Outreach

2015 Recap

Children of Honduras

Table of Contents:Children of Honduras -1Open Doors– 3God’s Presence in This Place - 4Discipleship - 5-6Medical Brigades - 7Life Change – 8Passion & Purpose -9Love Changes Everything - 9If not Go then Give– 10Mission Home Base – 11How you can Join the Mission – 123D Rendering -13Remembering Workers of 2015 -14

Open Doors The holidays are a wonderful time to reflect on what God has done in our life and the love and joy of family. This is also the time of year that we are challenged to write what God has done in the ministry over the past year and then convey our vision for 2016. It would be easy to write about recent events such as a six month old infant we found in a village that had to be rushed to the hospital 3 hours away because she had no food (when found she weighed less than a new born) or a ten year old child that had parasites in her brain from sleeping on dirt floors. We can talk about the 13 year old boy that was covered with scabies from lack of water to clean his body. We can write about the elderly man that had never had clear vision because of the lack of prescription glasses. We will no doubt write about the village that did not have clean water to drink and the effects of parasites. We can create a book about health and educational issues in Honduras. These are all issues that create an immediate audience. These are projects that all people can connect with and become a part of the team.

I praise God for the changes that have been made in the villages of Honduras and I also praise Him for the change we see in team members that come to Honduras. Many people come and think they are coming to bless only to be the one that gets blessed. This magazine is intended to be written by teams that have come with us to villages of Honduras. Their experiences can convey the work that has been accomplished over the past year. I know you will find the following pages very interesting to see how God worked in each person life.I cannot think of a better way to communicate to you what Excel Global Outreach has been doing over the last year. I want the people to be the authors of this publication. The goal is to convey how God is still in the business of showing His glory to all that will seek Him. I want this audience to see that there are open doors for you in the villages of Honduras. I want you to understand how the gospel is still changing lives to the far reaches of this earth. Everything we do - we want to do on the platform of Jesus Christ.   

Nurse, Translator and Patient during Clinic


Jimmy Rhoton

is the Excel Global Outreach Director. He

has dedicated his life to the spreading of

the Gospel in the US and Honduras.

Jimmy Rhoton with Ricardo Alvarez - Vice President of Honduras

God’s Presence in This Place

It would be 2 years ago when I was first invited on missions to Honduras by Jimmy Rhoton, Director of Excel Global Outreach. As a local Pastor with a heart for evangelism, discipleship and unity, Jimmy believed that Honduras would be a blessing to me and to it. After hearing about the wonderful people of that nation, the beautiful land and the overwhelming needs, I was intrigued. When I heard about the unreached people groups in the remote mountains of Honduras I was committed. Upon arrival in Honduras, it didn’t take long for everything that I had heard to be confirmed. The beauty of the land was breathtaking, the people were delightful and one quick trip to the village revealed not only the need for resources but also the need for Jesus. As we entered the village the people quickly gathered around being inquisitive about their new visitors. Through an interpreter, we expressed our love for the people, shared with them why we were there and what we were doing. This new relationship got off to a great start. We Had a full day of events planned for the kids, a medical brigade to conduct and needed supplies for the villages to give out. Before we did any of these things though while we were all gathered together in one area, I asked them had they heard of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Not a single one of them knew who he was. My excitement went through the roof at the opportunity of sharing Jesus with a people that had never heard of Him. After sharing the message of Jesus Christ, the response was incredible the people so readily received Jesus as their personal Savior. It was neat to see that the people (young & old) had already been convicted as transgressions, they just didn’t know what do about it. So the Gospel really was “Good News” to them. What was also neat to see was the spiritual preparation God had made for our arrival. See, an elderly woman from the village shared with us that she had a dream the night before we arrived and had see us in her dream. It was like she knew who we were and was expecting us. As we travelled from village to village the same scenario played itself out: 1.) There were people who had not heard of Jesus who need to hear about him. 2.) God had prepared their hearts for our arrival (supernaturally) 3.) The Gospel was preached and new disciples came forth. 4.) Great relationships were made. 5.) Needs were met. Truly, It was the Great Commission played out as it ought to be. In the Gospel of Jesus (Mark 16:15-18) Jesus gives the command to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” There is probably no other verse in all the Scriptures that better defines the mission of Excel Global Outreach. It was refreshing to be a part of a ministry that put such an emphasis on the preaching of the Gospel as it has taken a back seat to building projects, feeding initiatives, medical clinics, educational improvements, etc. Though all of these things are important and needed, the preaching of the Gospel remains the undisputed priority of Christian Ministry. Its now 2 years and 8 trips later since my first visit to Honduras and the momentum for Christ continues to get stronger and stronger. New villages are evangelized while old ones continue to thrive. Disciples are now making disciples. Schools are helped, churches are being built and unity among villages is happening. The nation of Honduras could become the next “hub” for Christianity. Pray for God’s continued presence in this nation.- Sheldon Landy (Local Pastor Conyers GA)

Sheldon preaching God’s word at the Church service at the local clinic


Discipleship, Church Planting, & Enabling Pastors

“As I sit and reflect back on this year I am amazed at how God has moved here in

Honduras. We, Excel Global, made a huge leap of faith as we started the year and decided to plant a church in the area to the south of the capital called Soledad. We weren't sure about land, but we were certain about the needs of the people. The spiritual need was so evident

in people like Marixa, who hungered for something more (Now the Church's Woman's ministry leader). We also met a young man who was incredibly lost. Later, as he stared

death in the face. Suddenly all of the preaching, prayers and Bible studies clicked

and he surrendered to the Lord. While God has done amazing things spiritually, He has also used us to bring filtered water to a community that has never had running water.

Pela Boca is so isolated you have to drive hours and hike 40 minutes up a mountain just to

reach them. This December, they will receive clear water for the first time in their lives. The

impact Excel Global has had is seen in the relationships that we have built in the

community and with the local government. As we move forward and look to 2016, God has branched us out into a new little town called

Rodeito. He has given us a young pastor who will be starting a church there this year.

Water Filtration System

As a full time missionary that lives here in Honduras, I can say that the work here is plentiful and the workers are starting to reveal themselves. The towns outside of the city are largely untouched, so the harvest is staring us in the face. What Excel is doing by making long term commitments in these communities is to make sure that the Gospel is not only shared, but that we are making generations of disciples who will finish the work that we started. Praise God for His calling on our lives and may Honduras be won for Christ. Until that time, we labor in chains for the Gospel that was once preached to us not that long ago.” – Rob Esposito – Onsite Missionary & financial advisor for eGo

When people hear us talking about bringing clean water to a village they instantly think of drinking water. What have learned is that the people do

need clean drinking water but they also need water in ways we take for granted. They need a supply of water to bath, cook, clean house, clean clothes, and

to drink. Attached is two pictures from Pela Boca that I want you to think about. One young boy with

his body covered in scabies and another with fungus growing under his toes. How do we bring this to an end? I can bring medicine to heal the

body for a week but without water how to clean the clothes, linens, and the body next week.

The People of Pela Boca gathering to carry water in buckets back up the mountain

. "The amazing thing about working with Excel Global, as the pastor in Ojo de Agua, has been how much we have seen the people here grow spiritually and communally. I cannot believe that God has blessed us with an area like we are now working in. I am excited to see what He is going to do through us in 2016." (Pastor Anibal).

Discipleship, Church Planting, & Enabling Pastors

"I have been blessed to be working in an area that

was, at first, hard to break into. But because of the

tenacity of the Excel team, we have broken into this

area and now have 4-5 disciples who we can work with to build the church."

- Marlon(Future pastor who we are mentoring into leadership.

He is Excel's Timothy).



The Growing Church

Medical Brigades

Excel Global Outreach uses the need for medical assistance as an avenue to cultivate relationships, show love , and share the Gospel. In 2015 we hosted nearly 40 medical brigades throughout Honduras.

Nina Rhoton age 17 & Deborah Hobbs age 21 - Covington GA Featured right

“I have had the pleasure of leading and participating on several mission trips to Honduras over the past 4 years. Each trip brings its own challenges and blessings. The people in the groups range from 13 years old to over 60 years old. Each person has their own unique interests and talents and it is amazing to watch how God uses those on the mission trip. The kids as well as adults come together to pull off the best medical brigades and vacation bible schools with very little training and materials. You will learn things about yourself you didn’t even know you could do or ever wanted to do! The land is so peaceful and provides lots of time for reflection, and with no stress it is so hard to think about going back to the hustle of the USA. Even though the Hondurans do not have the amenities we are accustomed to in America, they are more grateful and hospitable than we are with our own next door neighbors. They have the ultimate open door policy – you will see them coming and going out of each other’s houses trading items if they don’t have money for things they need.

They sit around and talk with each other and enjoy each other’s company – something we no longer do in America with all the electronics and technology. Kids don’t have the toys and will share what they have with others so they all have a good time. I have not played soccer in years, so it was fun for them to “teach” me soccer, and then we taught them football. The language barrier can be a challenge at times, but it can also be a blessing. If you speak Spanish you will be able to carry on conversations with them, but if you don’t speak Spanish, they can speak the common language of love and shower you with smiles and hugs. I enjoy watching Excel Global Outreach grow in the communities they serve. These communities do not always have a school or church, but eGo has helped them come together and provide them with school supplies, Bibles and other teaching materials to help spread the word of God. They also leave medicine for the local clinic since they do not have the funds or access to basic medical supplies. We always estimate how many people will attend a medical clinic and have a certain number of vitamins and parasite medications pre-packaged. On several different trips we did not have enough for everyone that showed up at the clinic, yet our supply box never seemed to run out until the last patient had been seen. Miracles from heaven happen everyday! If you want to really make a difference in a community, consider going on one of their mission trips, or better yet leading a trip. Each trip really pushes me out of my comfort zone. In the process, I have made really good friends and gained experiences that I will remember the rest of my life. So, I would like to encourage those who are interested in going on a mission trip, but may be afraid, to go on one. Just because you do not know anyone going or don’t know them well, you will form new bonds with each person on the team. You have a heart for God and for wanting to help people so that will start you off on common ground with every team member. Don’t underestimate your ability to make a difference in the lives of others, and in return you will come back with a new perspective on life.” – Kristie Brown (Salina Kansas Native – Long time supporter of eGo)

eGo team administering vitamins, and necessary

medications after consultation with the nurse

Life Change “I remember as our team prepared for the trip to Honduras Jimmy and Sheldon saying that the people in Honduras would not be the only ones to experience life change. In my mind I was thinking, “I have already experienced life change so I am pretty sure it won’t happen with me on this trip.” Well, I was wrong! Day one in the village and God hit me during my quiet time with Him. I could feel Him challenging me and the team to pray as if I actually believed that He could answer them. And not only that, but to stop praying those safe prayers that weren’t God sized, you know the ones that we could actually answer ourselves! That day I met a woman that was deaf named Bertha in Ojo de Aqua. It was so frustrating because I felt such a connection to her and felt that she had so much to say, No one including our translator just could understand her. They said her sentences didn’t make sense. No one in the village could understand her either. We communicated as much as we could, but it was very limited and basic. When I woke up the next morning I felt God leading me to the story in Mark where Jesus heals the deaf man. As I read it over and over I knew that God was telling me that I could do that. Then I felt Him telling me TO do that. I tried to tell God that He was crazy and I couldn’t do that. He reminded me that He knew what He was asking and that I was right, I could NOT do this on my own. It would take faith and trust in Him to do the work. All it was going to take from me was my obedience. Was I going to be obedient?! As we traveled down to the village that day I remember battling with God over it in my mind…but He wasn’t budging! I knew what I had to do. When I saw Bertha I asked one of the interpreters to come with me so that I could share with her what God put on my heart. I shared the story that I had read during my quiet time that morning with Bertha and asked if I could pray with her.

Other women gathered around too and we prayed for Bertha and that God would heal her. It was a great time of fellowship. As we left to travel to another village that afternoon I felt that the story was over. God had wanted to strengthen my faith in Him and my obedience to Him and that was the end of it. Well, that night we came to Palm Grande (the neighboring village) for a service. A lot of the people from Ojo de Aqua were there too, including Bertha. Unfortunately, I did not get to speak with her that night, but others did. When we got back up to the school, where we slept each night, two of the interpreters came running up to me. They were telling me that they spoke with Bertha that night. I didn’t think much of it. They then said, “No, you don’t understand! We talked with her. We had a conversation with Bertha. We understood everything that she was saying!! Every word that came out of her mouth!” What?! God’s stories and plans for us are so much grander than we can ever imagine! I went on this trip thinking that I was not going to experience life change, boy was I wrong about that! God showed me that because I am a follower of Jesus Christ I have the same power inside of me that Jesus has. All it takes is faith and obedience and He will work miracles! “ - Trista Ross (Discover Point Church Children’s Minister, Conyers GA)

Trista & Bertha

Love Changes Everything

“For my family and I Honduras is a place where a big part of us died. Jesus took our simple minds and began to transform them to see and care much more about others than ourselves. Its where God met my 10 year old son and made him realize he was nothing without Him. He surrendered and was baptized there. It’s were my 13 year old daughter found her calling in life. Christ gave her a heart for the poor, the meek, and the helpless. My husband found the calling God had on his life to teach and preach no matter the cost. As for myself Christ got me out of my comfort zone and put an urgency and deeper love for not only the people of Honduras but for everyone God puts in front of me. God changed our lives so He would be able to use us to help change the lives of others. He Humbled our hearts and enabled us to decrease so He could increase in our lives. Honduras is a place that Christ used to keep our focus on the biggest picture of all Himself. “ - The Hall Family (Covington, GA)

Passion & Purpose

Mission trips will change you as much if not more than those lives you interact with on the trip. Excel Global allows ordinary people who simply have a Love for Jesus to experience God in a special way. I went on my second trip to Honduras this year. I returned for what I thought was an opportunity to reunite with an 11 year old girl that I had fallen in love with the previous September. I had no idea that God would use this time to speak so strongly to me about all areas of my life. This trip was not with my church, nor was it with a group of people that I knew. I “stumbled” across an opportunity to join a group going down where someone had backed out at the last minute. I should have known then that God had special plans. From the days before the trip I could feel a yearning in my heart and soul; a yearning for intimacy with the Lord, for fulfillment from Him, and for purpose for my life that was bigger than me. God brought me more clarity then I have ever experienced. He showed me the power of LOVE. I watched pure unadulterated love join people from across the world into fellowship so strong you can feel your souls unite. I watched hearts soften and ache for others.

I watched Jesus truly live out in the lives of people around me. I watched love heal the deaf, people freed from demonic strongholds, and souls saved all in the name of Jesus and from hearts full of pure Love. A light bulb went off. I now understand why Jesus says they will know you belong to me by your love. There is no way you can truly love your neighbor as yourself without Jesus Alive in you, and active in your life. I have never seen something so pure or beautiful in my life. I was so moved I had no other reaction but to fall before God and ask Him to change me from the inside out. “Live in me so I may live this out each day of my life,” I prayed. I truly believe that if we the church would Love well… all things would be possible. During my time in Honduras God answered my yearning for intimacy, fulfillment, and purpose. Love is my avenue and leading others to Jesus is my purpose. Join this mission in prayer, by giving, or by going…. God draws near to those who draw near to Him. – Alicia Brown (Conyers, GA)

The Hall family – Isaac age 10, Caleb, & Cayla age 13

Alicia & her new friend that didn’t want to say


If Not Go – Then Give“ As a child, I was in and out of church, but I knew from an early age that our Heavenly Father was and is very real. Growing up, there were times that I was active in my walk with Christ, but as time went on, I fell further and further away from GOD; depending upon the timeframe, the reasons varied. However, once having children, the LORD was constantly in my thoughts. I knew that I had to lead my children in the way of Christ, but I didn’t know where to start. Things began to happen. I was offered a job that I could not refuse, and I had to find childcare. This is really when I began praying again. I prayed for a provider that would be GOD centered and kind to my daughter. My prayers were answered, we were brought to the most wonderful childcare givers, and they were/are so inspiring that when they invited us to church I couldn’t say no. To make a long story shorter, their church has become our church. Since being back in church and in the word of GOD, our lives have been immensely blessed and changed for the better!

I began praying for GOD to make me a vessel, for HIS name to be glorified, and that I may be a light and a blessing to others; GOD provided opportunities. I saw a post on Facebook asking if anyone wanted to donate shoes for a mission trip to Honduras. I knew this was GOD speaking to me. I could donate shoes, my family had lots of shoes we could give. But, I thought what if I asked friends and extended family to donate their shoes too? And then, I thought what if I asked my Pastor and church to join in? People were so excited to give, and so many people in Honduras will be blessed because of everyone’s generosity. Total, we were able to collect over 500 pairs of shoes, all glory be to GOD. It was an amazing experience and such a blessing from GOD. And, because of this, I have now become a part of an enlightening Bible study, beyond thankful for GOD’s continuous hand in my life.” -Tara Berger (Covington GA) #beablessing

Children of Pela Boca

Mission Home base God has continued to show His power and providence. In 2015 a piece of land directly in the middle of the two villages with the largest relationship with Excel Global Outreach was donated and legalizing paperwork is now complete. We started the process of digging a septic system, running an electrical pole, and building a 16x16 building. We have started the design and building of two water filtration systems that will supply every home in this area clean water. The mayor is partnering with us and supplying the material to build a 5000 gallon tank at the highest point in each community; the community will donate the labor. Excel will provide the pump, water lines, and filtration. In addition to the land Excel has been donated several military gear bags, laundry bags, sheets, blankets, ponchos, and cots to use in Honduras by all mission teams.

We envision our base camp to be a three step process:• Clean water system, septic system, and

restrooms with showers Acquiring two General Purpose medium

grade tents. These two tents will allow us sleeping quarters for 42 people. The tents are versatile, easy to assemble, and store.

Construction of a 80 ft x 64 ft permanent structure to be used as a church, school, and housing of smaller teams with a kitchen off the main structure.

Needs to accomplish the projects:

• 7000 Blocks for Church / School building $1.00/ block total $7000.00

• Flooring -$900.00• Metal roof $2000.00• General Purpose Military Style

tent & transportation - $4000.00• Enclosed trailer donation to

transport and store gear

3D Rendering of the Community Center

This space will be used as a multi-functional building to serve the community, Excel Global, and the local Pastors. The space will be used as a Church, community center, adult education center, and mission housing.

How you can join the Mission:

Pray: Prayer is the most powerful tool we have as believers. Please join our mission team by committing to regular pray for us in 2016.Our prayer needs are as follows:• The Holy Spirit will be present , Leading, and Active on Every trip• The growth of the Churches in Honduras will continue, and disciples will be made and fed• Men will become Spiritual leaders in their homes and communities• We pray for Anibel and Marlon (Local Pastors) to stay strong and God to enable them to be the shepherd He

has called them to be• Pray for the Mission Camp / Community Center• Pray for healing of diseases and Poverty in Honduras• Pray for Workers to Harvest the ripe fields of Honduras & that they may Grow in Christ by their Experience• Pray for the financial needs of the organization• Pray for Excel Global Outreach that they may stay in the will of God and be continually lead by the Spirit of

God.Give: Everything we do – we do on the platform of Jesus Christ. Over the years I have watched missionary work become the focus of meeting people’s basic needs and providing opportunity for the communities. I have watched missionary groups spend years focusing on improving the economy of a village. All of the things are good and we support making life better for others. However, we cannot miss the great commission. We must continue to blaze trails into new villages sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We use medical brigades to draw the people to our location. We have people walk for hours to get to us for basic medical care. Each person must take the time to register and during this registration the gospel is presented to the person/family. In 2016 we see the following needs to meet the vision. We will use every dollar God gives us to advance His Kingdom. Every dollar we receive above our budget allows us to expand into another village, provide a clean cup of water, and teach the Word of God.1. Salary $0.02. Church Plants $28,000.003. Medical Brigades $11,000.004. Transportation $1,400.005. Translator $1,100.006. Legal fees $1,000.007. Community Center $34,000.008. Clean Water project $8,000.009. Diesel Truck $15,000.0010. Shipping Fees $4,000.00Go:Do you feel a calling to short term missions? The only qualifications that needs to be met is a Heart for Jesus and the spreading of His Gospel. We work hard at Excel Global to make the mission field easy to access, affordable , and fit for everyone regardless of age, vocation, or background.

We lead multiple teams per year into the villages of Honduras. We offer the opportunity to lead a Group trip with your organization, or Church. You can also join trips throughout the year as a single unit or family. While on mission in Honduras we share Christ with everyone we encounter, host medical brigades, complete construction projects, lead VBS for children, and Bible teaching and instructional courses. There is something for everyone. We would love for you to join our team. If you feel lead to join our team of workers in Honduras please contact Jimmy Rhoton for trip details and questions.

We know will provide our every need. If you feel lead to assist us in the 2016 vision.Please send your gift to:

Excel Global Outreach329 Glenn Rd Conyers GA 30016

Discover Point Church Purchased a Water Filtration System for The Plum Grande and OjO De Aqua Communities. This is the dedication Ceremony

Remembering The Workers of 2015

Discover Point Church

Family Mission Trip

Discover Point Church

Men’s Conference

Medical Brigade Mission Trip

Excel Global Outreach329 Glenn RdConyers, GA 30013




Praise be to God for His Grace, Blessings, and

Mercy in 2015
