God Has A Plan For You - Lesson 2


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A Relationship


Six Lessons

Only 15 Minutes




FOR YOUBible Study by Donna Maricelli, © 2009

PPT by Richard Tracey, © 2010

Lesson 2

Repentance …Your Decision

A Divine Choice


commandeth all men every

where to repent.”

Acts 17:30

If God desires intimacy with every soul and every soul hungers for intimacy with God, what prohibits that relationship?

Sin separates human beings from

God… your iniquities have separated between you and your God… Isaiah 59:2

What is sin? … sin is the transgression of the law… 1 John 3:4

It is possible to sin by disobedience or negligence.

Also, sin is often disguised. It may not appear evil to the human intellect.

What is sin?

Eve was tricked into eating the forbidden fruit. (Genesis 3:1-6)

Who is a sinner?

“… all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” Romans 3:23

What about good people?

Neither, the abstinence from evil nor the generosity of good deeds, can compare with God’s divine holiness.

“… we are all as an unclean thing … all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags…” Isaiah 64:6

Unfortunately, sin is a part of our nature from

birth.“… in sin did my mother conceive me.” Psalm 51:5

God assumed responsibility In any court of

law, misdeeds require a payment.

Sin carried a penalty humanity could not pay.

Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden

In shame, they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves.

Their attempt as inadequate.

It required the sacrifice of an animal to provide coats of skin. (Genesis 3:7,8,21)

Every human being is born in sin. God is aware that humanity

cannot save themselves. Even their best attempts are inadequate.

Christ sacrificed His life to provide a complete covering for sin..

“…gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity…” Titus 2:14

God hates the sin but loves the

sinner “… God demonstrated his own love for us in this; While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32

Each individual must assume personal

responsibility. God has proven His desire for intimacy by paying the penalty for sin.

Humanity proves their desire for a spiritual relationship by assuming responsibility for their sin.

What is true repentance? It is a verbal confession.

God sought admission from Adam and Eve. (Genesis 3:8,11,13)

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9

What is true repentance? It is a behavioral change.

A parent expects the repentant child to modify his or her actions.

Repentance is a change of heart, a divorce from sin, a mental decision to go in the opposite direction.


is A Turning “If my people…shall…pray… and turn from their wicked ways…I will forgive their sins…”

2nd Chronicles 7:14

Repentance is A Turning

“… to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive foregiveness of sins… that they should repent and turn to God…” Acts 26:18,20


Application “Repent… that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.” Acts 3:19

Repentance Proves your desire for a personal relationship with God.

It prepares for His presence to reside in your spiritual house.

Repentance 1. Acknowledge your sin:

Assume responsibility for

personal sin

Repentance 2. Ask for His

Forgiveness Apologize to God for

sins that have stained your heart

Repentance 3. Make a decision to

separate from sin Refuse to indulge in desires and temptations

that will contaminate your spiritual temple

Hearing the call of Jesus Christ is your greatest honor…

Your response the most important decision.

An acorn must submit to change. For the regeneration process

to begin, an acorn must allow its present form to be altered.

Likewise, a repentant sinner must surrender his or her “old life” to begin a “new life” in Christ.

Discussion Questions What proves God’s desire for a personal relationship with humanity?

Discussion Questions Discuss one new concept you’ve learned from this lesson.

Discussion Questions How would you

describe true repentance?

Discussion Questions Identify any barriers that would hinder you from experiencing this level of commitment.

Let’s pray together. - Confess Jesus Christ is the only hope “…Christ died for our sins… he was buried… he rose again on the third day…” 1st Corinthians 15:3-4

Let’s pray together. - Confess Jesus Christ is the only hope Confess: “Lord, I have sinned against You with my thoughts, my words, and my actions.”

Let’s pray together. - Confess Jesus Christ is the only hope We will ask Him to be the Lord of our life, and make a commitment to seek the things that please Him.

Repentance calls fora celebration in Heaven!

God rejoices in the presence of His holy angels when a decision is made to forsake sin and follow righteousness.

“…there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”

Luke 15:10

Reading Assignment: Satan tempts humanity

through their senses – Genesis 3:1-13

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ – Matthew 26-27

Saul – the murderer… became Paul, the preacher – Acts 7:58, 9:1-30

Looking Ahead

In the next lesson we will look at the importance of water baptism…
