For it is god at work in


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“For it is God at work in you”

Phil. 2

Because what we give matters

Our Budget – a refresher….

TOTAL £188,500

Quota - £63,270

Employment cost - £65,500

Rents - £16,400

Tithes - £18,500

Establishment - £10,000

Ministry - £30,400

Regular giving & gifts - £143,000

Tax rebates - £29,000

Diocese / Church Commissioners - £16,500

TOTAL £203,670


“The one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully”

2 Cor 9:6

Because what we give helps people

meet with God

“…. Above all I was able to have a relationship with God. Without Springfield… I don’t think I would have that now” Peter Devitt

“Springfield has helped me to understand God and to have a relationship with God” Evis

“Without Emerge and the weekend away I don’t think we would be active members of Springfield and now we are running a cell group!” Emma Shepherd

“Springfield has helped me to understand God and to have a relationship with God” Evis Akinsanya

“Without Emerge and the weekend away I don’t think we would be active members of Springfield and now we are running a cell group!”

Emma Shepherd

Because what we give helps to grow and sustain people

in their faith

“My cell group has been my life-line and the constant that has been in my life” Jayne Marsh

“The support we have received from Springfield during Alison’s illness has been absolutely fantastic” Richard Cooper

“The Emerge weekends have made us feel an integrated part of Springfield” Claire Willis

“My spiritual life has been sustained in doing Sparklers. Every week I prepare for the bible story and prayer and God talks to me in one way or another. And I realised that most times I end up reading beyond what is in the children’s book. I pray for them and end up praying for myself and other things” Oliet

“My spiritual life has been sustained in doing Sparklers. Every week I prepare for the bible story and prayer and God talks to me in one way or another.”

Oliet Msusa

Because what we give impacts our

community with the Kingdom of God

“Tiptoes saved me.. I was on the brink.. Honestly I was really depressed” (Anon)

“Tiptoes is the difference between getting a bit down and depressed at home all day with the children and having a sense of release and freedom” Emma

“I didn’t know how to get in touch with you [but] I want you to know how much it means to us and our (adult) children that you come along regularly and organise events and activities. We all think what you do is wonderful” Brambledon home parent

Our cells support many different charities working to make a difference. Clayjars supports Independence Homes in Brambledown Rd who care for adults with specialist needs.

‘Without Footsteps we would never have had people to help us when we moved and when I needed to go into hospital. That made a big difference to us as a family. Our daughter was baptised at Footsteps a year ago”. Jenny Brown

Springfield provides “fun and engaging assemblies” and “Without Springfield we wouldn’t have parents coming in to work with their children.” Headmaster, Foresters School

“I’ve yet to find a better group of people…Some of the [people in the café] are quite lonely and they have been adopted by [Springfield]”

John from Library Café, Wallington

Because what we give can transform


At RUSH over the years a huge difference has been made through what you have given:

Clean water has ensured that vulnerable children are kept healthy

Nurseries for the school have helped with pre-school education

You paid for the land and part of the building costs for a brand new secondary school!

Because it can transform communities

RUSH academy and secondary schools have great reputations and provide a first class education (RUSH academy came 4th in Maths in the entirety of Kenya!!)

Most of the children cannot afford to pay and where some 40% either have HIV/aids or have lost one or both parents to HIV/aids.

All thanks to your generosity
