Following jesus


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14. Following Jesus

And think of something singular in the follower of Christ, faith and monitoring are inseparable. Faith found only in monitoring, and monitoring continues to require faith. Every Christian life is the Master with a vocation, following an election also personal choice that makes each life a privilege. At the same time, the authenticity of the track is none other than being a specialist in love, in a world starved of love more than anything else. Our world, crowded and confused by many ideologies, can´t look to Christianity as something other than one of them, it looks like a system of thought or a kind of moralism. However, Christianity is something else. Know that the crux of Christianity is the meeting and monitoring of a person, Jesus of Nazareth. Only then can understand.


1.14 MONITORING An inner change of life The term "follow Christ" is a description of the entire Christian life in general. What is? What do you mean specifically "to follow Christ? At the beginning, with the first disciples, the meaning was very simple and immediate: it meant that these people had decided to leave his profession, his business, his whole life, to go with Jesus. It meant undertaking a new profession: that of disciple. The substance of this profession was to go with the teacher, be guided entirely by him. Thus, monitoring was something outside and at the same time, very interior. The outward appearance was walking behind Jesus in his travels through Palestine, the interior was the new orientation of the existence that had no reference points in business, in the job that was to live on, in the personal will, but is left totally to the will of another. Being available and had become a reason for living. That meant giving up what was proper, rid himself, as we can see very clearly in some scenes from the Gospels. But this also puts Mani Fiesta clearly what it means for us to follow and what is its real essence: it is an inner change of life. Demands that I no longer locked in myself, considering myself as the main reason of my life. Requires free to give me another, for truth, for love, for God in Jesus Christ before me and tells me the way. This is the fundamental decision to no longer consider the benefits and profit, career and as the ultimate success of my life, but to recognize as authentic criteria truth and love. This is the choice between living only for myself or give myself as bigger. But remember that truth and love are not abstract values; in Jesus Christ have become a person. Following him, entered the service of truth and love. Getting lost, I am.

WYD. Saint Peter´s Square.Sunday April 1, 2007. 1.14.a

Dear friends, put your youth in the service of God and neighbour. Following Christ always implies the audacity to go against the tide. But it's worth: this is the way to true fulfillment and, therefore, of true happiness, because with Christ is experienced that "there is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20, 35). So I encourage you to take seriously the ideal of holiness.

Savona, Saturday May 17, 2008 1.14.b

INTRODUCE US INTO HIS MIND Christianity is not a kind of moralism, a single ethical system. The first thing is not our work, our moral capacity. The agency is primarily Christian gift: God gives us, not give something, he gives himself. And that takes place not only at the beginning, at the time of our conversion. God remains always the giver. We continuously offer their gifts. We always precedes. Therefore, t he central act of being Christians is the Eucharist: gratitude for having received their gifts, the joy of new life he gives. However, we should not just be passive recipients of divine goodness. God offers us his gifts as a personal and living partners. The love that gives us is the dynamics of "love together ', wants to be in us new life from God ..." I give you a new commandment: love one another. That, as I have loved you, that ye also love one another "(Jn 13, 34). The "new commandment" is not a new rule and difficult, that had not existed. What is new is the gift that brings us into the mind of Christ. If we take that into account, we see how far we are often our life of this novelty of the New Testament, and how little we give to mankind the example of love in communion with his love. So do not give credible evidence of Christian truth, which is demonstrated in love. Precisely for this reason, we would ask more insistently to the Lord that, through its purification, we made ready for the new commandment.

Basilica of St. John Lateran. Holy Thursday March 20, 2008. 1.14.c

IT REQUIRES CONTINUOUS CHANGE Who wants to be a Christian should "change" their thoughts constantly. Our natural point of view is, of course, always want to assert ourselves, pay the same coin, always get in the middle. Anyone who wants to find God must become inwardly over and over again, walking in the opposite direction. All this must be extended also to the way we understand life as a whole. Day after day we encounter the world of the visible. So violently penetrates us through posters, radio, traffic d emas phenomena of everyday life, we are led to believe that there is only him. However, the invisible is indeed most excellent and has more value than anything visible. A single soul is, according to Pascal's expression of pride, more valuable than the visible universe. But to see it live so it must become, turn inward, to overcome the illusion of the visible and be sensitive to tune the ear and mind to perceive the invisible. Accepting this reality is more important than what to do, day after day, lunges violently upon us. Metanoeite: give a new direction in your mind, disponedla to perceive the presence of God in the world, then change your way of thinking, consider God will be present in the world to you and for you. Not even John the Baptist was exempted from the difficult event to transform their thinking, the duty to develop. How true is that this is also the destination of the priest and every Christian who proclaims Christ, whom we know and do not know! ".

Monday January 1, 2007 1.14.d

TO FOLLOW HIM IS TO CHOOSE "Watch!" Jesus tells us in the little parable of the owner to be traveling and do not know when it will return (cf. Mark 13: 33-37). Ensure means to follow the Lord, choose what Christ chose to love what he loved, to shape their lives to yours. Ensure means to spend every moment of our time on the horizon of his love, without being crushed by the inevitable difficulties and problems daily.

Basilica del Vaticano. Monday December 31, 2007. 1.14.e


The Gospel assures us that the young man who came out to meet Jesus was very rich. Not only understand this wealth of material sense, for the very young is a singular treasure. We have to discover and evaluate it. Je sus liked her so much that this young man invited to participate in his mission of salvation. He had all the conditions for a great performance and a great work. But the Gospel tells us that this young man, hearing the invitation, was saddened. Abat is gone away and sad. This episode makes us think again about the wealth of youth. It is not, first, of material goods, but of life itself, with the values inherent in youth. Inheritance from two sources: life, transmitted from generation to generation, whose origin is God first, full of wisdom and love and education that we inserted in the culture, to the extent that, in a sense, we say we are more children of culture, and therefore of the faith that nature. Life springs from freedom, especially at this stage is expressed as a liability. It is the great moment of decision, in a double choice: the life and status of the profession. Answer the question: what to do in one's life?

Brazil, Thursday, May 10, 2007 1.14.f

CONVICTION AND NO CONVENTION Loyalty to your Christian roots ... requires each one of you a particular courage: the courage of conviction born of personal faith, not simply a social convention or a family tradition, the courage to engage in dialogue and work together with other Christians to serve the Gospel and in solidarity with the poor, the displaced and victims of profound human tragedy, the courage to build new bridges to allow for a fruitful encounter between people of different religions and cultures and enrich the fabric of society. This also means witness to the love that drives us to "give" our lives to serving others and contrasting ways of thinking and to justify the "removal" of innocent lives.

Amman. Sunday May 10, 2009 1.14.g

THE CORE: AN ALWAYS NEW ENCOUNTER Christianity today is presented as an ancient work on the condition that weigh old commandments, something we already know and tells us nothing new, a strong institution, one of the great institutions that weigh on our shoulders. If we stay in this impression, we do not live at the heart of Christianity, which is an ever new encounter, an event through which we can find the God who speaks to us, which is close to us who is our friend.It is crucial to reach this fundamental point of a personal encounter with God, who is present today and that is contemporary.If one finds this essential core, it includes other things, but if not done this event that touches the heart, everything else.

"Why Christianity is not seen as a source of joy", Rome, 07.05.2004 1.14.h

In a sense, the Lord would always come through us, and knocks on the door of our heart: are you willing to give me your flesh, your time, your life? This is the voice of the Lord, who wants to come in our time too, want to enter into human history through us. He also seeks a living dwelling place in our personal lives. This is the coming of the Lord.

November 26, 2005 1.14.i

Only if you have a personal experience of Christ, the youth can truly com turn their will and therefore his own vocation. The more you know Jesus the more his mystery attracts you, the more you find, the stronger the desire to find him.

August 20, 2005 1.14.J

THE REST….TRASH May God grant you find you more deeply with Christ and follow Him faithfully obedient to that, as happened to the Apostle Paul, you too you can proclaim with sincerity: "I judge that all is lost because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, through whom all things lost, and I have to refuse to gain Christ "(Flp.3, 8).

Saint Peter´s Square. Saturday June 3, 2006. 1.14.k

HE KNOWS US "I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me" (Jn 10, 14). Rejoice for the Lord hath made members of his flock and I know each one by your name. Follow him with joy and let yourselves be guided by him in all your ways. Jesus knows how many challenges you must face, which tests you must endure, and knows the good you do on your behalf. Trust him, in his steadfast love to all members of his flock, and persevere in your testimony to the triumph of love.

St. Peter's Basilica. Sunday, May 3, 2009. 1.14.L

In each In Chapter 3 of Mark, described what the Lord thought it should be the meaning of an apostle, to be with him and be available for the mission. The two things go together and just being with him we are also always on the move with the Gospel to others. It is therefore essential to be with him and feel the concern and are able to bring the power and joy of the faith to others, to bear witness with our whole lives and not just with words.

May 13, 2005 (35.1 PRAY with B16) 1.14.m WE HAVE HIS MOTHER


Mary was raised body and soul to heavenly glory and with God is queen of heaven and earth. Is it well is far from us? On the contrary. Just to be with God and in God, is very close to each one of us. Where on earth could only be close to some people. Being in God, which is close to us, indeed, that is "within" all of us, Mary shares in this closeness of God. Being in God and with God, she is close to each one of us, knows our hearts, can hear our prayers, can help us with her motherly kindness. We have been given as a "mother" so said the Lord, whom we can turn at any time. She always listens to us, is always close to us, and being Mother of the Son, participates in the power of the Son of His goodness. We always put all our lives to this Mother, who is not far from each one of us.

Santo Tomás of Villanueva Pontificia Parish, Castel Gandolfo. Monday August 15, 2005. 1.14.n

The kingdom of God is near. God is close to a completely new and unexpected in the person of Jesus. The invitation to the United thus becomes an invitation to the new community of disciples of Jesus, an invitation to follow Christ. (...) To evangelize means to present Jesus to people, as we know it through the Gospels.Means to introduce people living in communion with him, enter the new community of disciples as a community in place with the Lord along the road.

Evangelization and catechesis catechism, Lecture given at the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, 04/04/1998 1.14.o

2.14 VOCATION EACH, A TYPE OF MONITORING If we think ... and listen to the Lord ... we are scared. "Whoever does not renounce all his property and not leave all family ties can not be my disciple." We would object: but what you say, Lord? Does the world need not have precisely the family? Does not it need parental love, love between parents and children, between men and women? Do not we need the love of life, joy of living? Are not people also needed to invest in the things of this world and build the land that has been given, so that everyone can share their gifts? Do we not also entrusted the task of providing the land development and property? If we hear the Lord better and, above all, if you listen to me throughout everything we said, we understand that Jesus does not require all the same. Everyone has their personal work and the type of activity planned for him. In today's Gospel Jesus speaks directly to something that is not the task of the many people who had joined him during the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but a special call to the Twelve. These, above all, must overcome the scandal of the cross, then must be willing to leave everything and truly accept the seemingly absurd task of going to the ends of the earth, and with their low culture, announcing to a world full of alleged scholarship training and fictitious or real, and certainly a special way to the poor and simple, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On the way throughout the world, must be willing to suffer martyrdom in the first person to give testimony and the Gospel of the Lord crucified and risen.

Vienna, Sunday September 9, 2007. 2.14.a

It is urgent that the emergence of a new generation of apostles anchored firmly in the word of Christ, capable of responding to the challenges of our times and prepared to spread the gospel everywhere. This is what the Lord asks, it invites you to the Church, that is what the world-even without knowing it expects of you!And if Jesus calls you, do not be afraid to respond with generosity, especially when he asks you to follow him in the consecrated life or priesthood. Do not be afraid, trust in him and not be disappointed.

April 9, 2006 2.14.c

SOME, FULL AVAILABILITY Although in this pilgrimage to Jerusalem, which is accompanied by a large crowd, the word of Jesus is above all addressed to the Twelve, his call naturally reaches beyond the historical moment forever. At all times calls people to tell him only to leave everything else and to be fully at your disposal, to be so available to others, to create oases of selfless love in a world so often seem have only the power and money. Thank the Lord that in every century has given us men and women who love him have left everything else, making light of his ignos s love. Just think of people like Benedict and Scholastica, Francis and Clare of Assisi, Elizabeth of Hungary and Hedwig of Poland, as Ignatius Loyola and Teresa of Avila to Mother Teresa and Padre Pio. These people, with all his life, has been an interpretation of the word of Jesus, that in them is close and understandable to us. Pray to the Lord that even in our time give many people the courage to leave everything to be so available to everyone.

Vienna, Sunday September 9, 2007. 2.14.e

A final message I would like to regard the care of vocations to the priesthood and religious life: we all know how the Church has need of these vocations. To be born or become mature, to call people to always remain worthy of their vocation, is decisive above all prayer, which should always be in every family and Christian community. But it is also fundamental to the testimony of life of priests, religious men and women, who express joy at being called by the Lord. Also essential is the example that children receive within their families, and the conviction that the families themselves, for them too, the vocation of their children is a great gift of the Lord. The choice of virginity for the love of God and neighbor, which is required for the priesthood and religious life, must be linked to the value of Christian marriage: one and another, different and complementary ways, somehow make visible the mystery of the covenant between God and his people.

Rome. Monday June 6, 2005 2.14.f


Dear young people, the happiness you are seeking, the happiness you have right to enjoy has a name and a face: Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist.Only he gives the fullness of life to humanity. Tell me, Mary, your "yes" to God who wants to indulge yourselves. I repeat today what I said at the beginning of my pontificate: "If we let Christ into our lives [in life], we lose nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing of what makes life free, beautiful and great. No! Only in this friendship are opened wide the doors of life. Only in this friendship is truly revealed the great potential of the human condition. Only in this friendship do we experience what is beautiful and what sets us free. " Be completely convinced of this: Christ takes nothing that is beautiful and great in you, but brings everything to perfection for the glory of God, the happiness of mankind and the salvation of the world.

April 24, 2005 and August 18, 2005 2.14.g

LET YOURSELVES INVOLVE To make your covenant, God sought a young heart and found Mary, "a young woman."Also today, God is looking for young hearts, young at heart looking for large, able to make room for him in your life to be protagonists of the New Covenant. To accept a proposal fascinating as Jesus makes us to establish an alliance with him, have to be young inside, capable of being challenged by their novelty, to embark with him on new roads. Jesus has a predilection for young people, as evidenced by the dialogue with the rich young man (cf. Mt 19, 16-22, Mk 10, 17-22); respects their freedom, but never tires of proposing higher targets for his life: the newness of the Gospel and the beauty of holy behavior. Following the example of their Lord, the Church has that same attitude. Therefore, dear young people, I look with immense affection, is close to you in moments of joy and celebration, as in the test and raving, I held with the sacramental gifts of grace and accompanies you in the discernment of your calling. Dear young people, let yourselves be involved in the new life that springs from the e ind with Christ and you will be apostles of peace in your families, among your friends, within your ecclesial communities and the various environments in which you live and you act.

Rome. Monday June 6, 2005 2.14.h

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, enter his house and dine with him and he with me" (Rev. 3, 20). These are divine words which reach the bottom of the soul and move to its deepest roots. At one point in life, Jesus comes and calls, with soft touches at the bottom of the well-disposed hearts

May 12, 2007 2.14.i

NOT CHOSEN! I think it's important to be attentive to the gestures of the Lord in our way. He speaks through events, through people, through meetings and must be alert to this. Then the second point, actually enter into friendship with Jesus in a personal relationship with Him, we must not only know who Jesus is through others or from books, but we live an ever deeper personal friendship with Him, where we can begin to discover what He asks of us. Then I pay attention to what I am, my possibilities: firstly, it NTIA, and, second, humility, trust and openness, also with the help of friends, the authority of the Church and also the priests, families. What does the Lord of me? Certainly, it is still always a great adventure, but we can only fulfillment in life if we have the courage to face the adventure, the confidence that the Lord will not leave me alone, that the Lord will come with me, help me.

April 6, 2006 2.14.L

I could remember the value of the final decisions. The j oung are very generous, but at the risk of commitment for life, whether in marriage or in the priesthood, he is afraid. The world is constantly moving dramatically: even now I can have my whole life with all its unpredictable future events? With a final decision, did not resign myself to my liberty, deprived of the possibility of change? Should foster the courage to make definitive decisions, which are really the only ones allowed to grow, to go forward and achieve something important in life, they alone do not destroy freedom, but that tell the right direction in space. Have the courage to take that leap, so to speak anything definitive, welcoming and full of life, is something I would be happy to communicate.

August 5, 2006 2.14.m

Dear young friends, the fear of failure can sometimes frustrate even the most beautiful dreams. Can paralyze the will and stop believing that exist can be a house built on rock. It can convince one that the yearning for home is only a childish aspiration and not a life plan. Like Jesus, say to this fear: "You can not drop a house founded on the rock!" As St. Peter say to the temptation of doubt: "He who believes in Christ will not be confused." All witnesses to hope, hope that is not afraid to build the house of his own life, because he knows well that it can build on the foundation that will never crumble: Jesus Christ our Lord.

May 27, 2006 2.14.o



"We have met the love God has for us and we believed in him." We have believed in love, this is the essence of Christianity. Therefore, our liturgical assembly today can only focus on this essential truth, in the love of God, capable of human existence and value orientation entirely new. Love is the essence of Christianity makes the believer and the Christian community to be a leaven of hope and peace everywhere, paying particular attention to the needs of the poor and the homeless. This is our common mission: to be a leaven of hope and peace because we believe in love. Love gives life to the Church, and since it is eternal, always makes it alive until the end of time.

Velletri. Sunday September 23, 2007. 2.14.q

The Christian leaders, especially, can not live without love. Moreover, if there is no true love, not even be called Christian, because, as I emphasized in the Encyclical Deus caritas est, "not being Christian is an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives a new horizon to life and thus a decisive direction. "

St. Peter's Basilica. Thursday March 29, 2007. 2.14.r

VOCATION AFFECTS FAMILY It is inevitable that in some ways, the vocation of the children also become vocation of the parents. Trying to understand them and following them on your itinerary, you also, dear parents and beloved mothers, very often I have been involved in one way in which your faith has been strengthened and renewed.Have you participated in the wonderful adventure of your sons.

Pontifical Roman Seminary higher. Friday February 1, 2008 2.14.s

3.14 THE ESPECIALITY OF CHRISTIANITY OUR DRESS In San Mateo, and only in Matthew, the king goes to the full house to see his guests. And among that crowd is also a guest without a wedding garment, which is then thrown out into the darkness. Then Gregory asks, "but what kind of dress you want? All the faithful gathered in the Church have received the new garment of baptism and faith, otherwise they would not be in the Church. So what is still lacking? What wedding dress should be added yet? ". The Pope replied: "The dress of love." And, unfortunately, among his guests, who had given the new dress, white dress of the new birth, the king found some who did not wear the purple dress to love God and neighbor. "In what condition we enter the feast of heaven, he asks the Pope, if we wear the wedding garment, ie love, all we can beautify?." Inside of a person without love darkness reigns. The outer darkness, from which the Gospel speaks, are only the reflection of internal blindness of the heart (cf. Homily XXXVIII, 8-13).

Vatican Basilica. Holy Thursday April 5, 2007. 3.14.a

OUR FUNDAMENTAL COMMAND Being disciples of Christ is put into practice his teachings, as summarized in the first and greatest commandment of Divine Law, the commandment of love. Also the first reading from the Book of Exodus, insists on love d eber a love witnessed concretely in relationships between people: they must be relationships of respect, collaboration, generous help. The neighbor who is also must love the stranger, the orphan, the widow and the indigent, ie citizens who have no "defender." The sacred author stops in particular detail, as in the case of property given as security for one of these poor (cf. Ex 22, 25-26). In this case it is God who takes charge of the situation of this neighbor.

Vatican Basilica. Sunday October 26, 2008. 3.14.b

The evangelist Matthew narrates that the Pharisees, after Jesus answered the Sadducees leaving them without words, gathered to test him (cf. Mt 22, 34-35).One of them, a doctor of law, he asked: "Master, what is the great commandment in the Law?" (Mt 22, 36). The question left to guess the concern is present in the ancient Jewish tradition, to find a unifying principle of the various formulations of the will of God. It was not an easy question, if we consider that the law of Moses referred 613 precepts and prohibitions. How to discern between them, the oldest? But Jesus did not hesitate and answered promptly: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment" (Mt 22, 37-38). In response, Jesus quotes the Shema, the prayer the pious Israelite prays several times a day, especially morning and evening (cf. Dt 6, 4-9, 11, 13-21, Nm 15, 37 -41): the proclamation of whole and total love due to God, as the only Lord. By listing the three faculties that define man in his deep psychological structures: heart, soul and mind, the emphasis in this entire surrender to God. The term mind dianoia, contains the rational element. God is not only the object of love, commitment, will and feeling, but also the intellect, which therefore should not be excluded from this field. Moreover, it is our thought that should conform to the thought of God.

Vatican Basilica. Sunday October 26, 2008 3.14.c



Reflect on another sentence of this inexhaustible Gospel passage: "I have given you an example ..." (Jn 13, 15), "you also ought to wash one another's feet" (Jn 13, 14). What is the "wash one another's feet? What does it mean in practice? Every good work done on behalf of others, especially for those who suffer and those that are little appreciated, is a service like washing feet. The Lord invites us to come down, to learn humility and the courage of goodness, and also be willing to accept rejection, nevertheless act with kindness and persevering in it. But there is an even deeper dimension. The Lord cleanses our impurity with the purifying force of his goodness. Wash one another's feet means above all continuously forgive each other, always together again to start again, although it may seem futile. Means to purify one another mutual support and acceptance to be borne by others; purify one another, giving each other the sanctifying force of the word of God and introducing in the sacrament of divine love. The Lord purifies us, for this we dare to approach his table. Let us ask him to grant us all the grace to be a day, forever, eternal wedding banquet guests.

Basilica of St. John Lateran. Holy Thursday April 13, 2006. 3.14.d

The debt that the Lord has forgiven, it is always infinitely greater than all the debts that others may have about us (cf. Mt 18, 21-35). Holy Thursday urged us not to let in the deepest, resentment toward the other becomes a poisoning of the soul. Exhorts us to continually purify our memory, forgiving one another in heart, washing the feet of one another, and to participate together in the banquet of God.

Basilica of St. John Lateran. Holy Thursday March 20, 2008 3.14.e

From the introduction to the Priestly Prayer of Jesus (cf. Jn 17, 1), the Canon takes the words, "raising her eyes to heaven, to you, God, his almighty Father." El Señor nos enseña a levantar los ojos y sobre todo el corazón. A levantar la mirada, apartándola de las cosas del mundo, a orientarnos hacia Dios en la oración y así elevar nuestro ánimo. En un himno de la Liturgia de las Horas pedimos al Señor que custodie nuestros ojos, para que no acojan ni dejen que en nosotros entren las “vanitates”, las vanidades, la banalidad, lo que sólo es apariencia. Pidamos que a través de los ojos no entre el mal en nosotros, falsificando y ensuciando así nuestro ser. Pero queremos pedir sobre todo que tengamos ojos que vean todo lo que es verdadero, luminoso y bueno, para que seamos capaces de ver la presencia de Dios en el mundo. Pidamos, para que miremos el mundo con ojos de amor, con los ojos de Jesús, reconociendo así a los hermanos y las hermanas que nos necesitan, que están esperando nuestra palabra y nuestra acción.

St. Peter's Basilica. Holy Thursday March 20, 2008. 3.14.f

Our civilization Dear boys and girls, the world awaits your contribution even to the building of the "civilization of love." "The horizon of love is truly boundless: it is the world"

St. Peter's Basilica. Thursday March 29, 2007 3.14.h
