Evaluation Questions 4 and 5


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Who would be the audience for your media

product? How did you attract/address your


Qualitative research carried out by our group

Age• We gave our initial research questionnaire to a

range of ages, but the people that gave the most positive response were those aged 0-20. Therefore, this was the age group we targeted.

• The friendship element of our opening would appeal to that age group, because it is something they can relate to.

AgeIn the 1950s, the ‘rise of the teenager’ occurred, with rebellious figures such as James Dean prevailing. Since then, rebellion in teenage years has been a big thing. Going against the norm is a celebrated thing among youth. Figures like James Dean and Holden Caulfield were celebrated because they were the height of rebellion. We have used Jess in the sameway to appeal to our age group.

James Dean. Rebel, rebel, you’ve

torn your dress.


• Something that age group can identify with is Jess’s work books in her conversation with Hannah. They would be able to relate to her because they themselves have work and school.

These make Jess seem more normal, so people ages in our age group especially can identify with her.


• In both our initial research and final questionnaire, females gave us the most positive response. Because of the response in the first questionnaire, and due to all of our group being female, we made females the target audience.


• We thought the idea of friendship in our film would especially appeal to females, especially ones within our identified age range.

• Friendship to girls in our identified age range is incredibly important, and it is often at these years that a clique culture prevails, something addressed in our film by Esther’s intrusion of Sarah and Jess’s friendship.

• Something else that would appeal to females of our identified age group is the all-female, teenaged cast.

• The audience would see the cast as identifiable and relatable, because they are like them.


• We did not appeal to any particular religion or belief group; however, with the ritual or Satanist aspect, we may have put off extremely religious people, as it is against what they believe to accept rituals and demons into their lives.

This may be off-putting for Christians, who believe demons should not be celebrated, but banished.