Encouraging Words the holy bible is the word of God - a simple truth



A simple and effective way of showing that the Christian Bible is absolutely the word of God. It could not possibly be anything else.

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So You Think the Holy Bible Is the Word of God?

Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?

A great question with a very simple answer


Do you need specialised learning and understanding to be able to see

this for yourself?

No you do not

• Why do you think that the Bible is truly supernatural?

• That is not merely a collection of the thoughts and writings of mere humans

Consider these following

easily testable factsThe Bible is not simply one book

It is a collection of 66 books

• These 66 books were written by 40 different authors

These 40 different authors

• wrote in 3 different languages

These 40 different authors

• wrote in 3 different continents

These 40 different authors

• wrote across a 1500 year timespan

As a matter of interest

• The 3 different languages were Hebrew, Greek & Aramaic

The 3 different continents were

• Africa, Europe & Asia

These 66 books

contain a common storyline

These 66 books

contain a common message

These 66 books

contain no historical errors

These 66 books

contain no contradictions

These 66 books

are called the Canon of scriptures by the Christian church

These 66 books

• contain a variety of genres:• History, poetry, prophecy, letters, wisdom

literature & apocalyptic to name just a few

These 40 different authors

• came from a variety of backgrounds and education:

• Shepherds fishermen doctors King’s profits philosophers

Most of these authors

• never knew one another personally or even read one another’s writings

• They did not all collaborate with one another in the writings of these books

These 66 books

• of the Bible were written in diverse circumstances; a reflection of the historical and cultural circumstances in which each of these books were written.

Think about these realities:

• 66 books, written by 40 different authors, over 1500 years, in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents.

Add to these amazing facts:

• These 66 books share a common storyline – the creation, fall and redemption of God’s people

These 66 books

share a common theme God’s universal love for all humanity

These 66 books

• share a common message • – the message of the Lord Jesus Christ,

salvation is available to all who receive him and repent of their sins and commit to following God with all of their heart soul mind and strength.

These 66 books

contain no historical errors

These 66 books

contain no contradictions

These 66 books

are truly an amazing collection of writings

These 66 books

are God’s word

These 66 books

are of a supernatural origin

Go to any library in the world

• or even any collection of libraries• Tried to find 66 books that share these

physical attributes:

Written by

40 different authors

Written in

3 different languages

Written on

3 different continents

Written over

a 1500 year time span

Written with

a common theme

Written with

a common message

Written with

no incorrect historical data

Written with

no contradictions of philosophy or message or theme

You will not be able to find

• such a collection of books

The only conclusion

• is that this collection of books is supernatural

The only conclusion

• is that this collection of books is the word of God

It is truly impossible,

• for any collection of human writings.

The Bible passes this test.

• The Bible is supernatural in its origin• The Bible is the inspired word of God

The Bible contains 66 books,

• written by 40 different authors, over 1,500 years, in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents, with no historical errors or contradictions.

The entire Bible,

• from Genesis to Revelation, bears the mark of Divine inspiration.

The next time you encounter someone

• who asks you why you believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, try sharing this challenge with them.

Better yet, don't wait until you're asked,

• just go ahead and share this challenge with a friend today.

• You don't even have to mention the Bible up front, just ask them if they think it would be realistic to assemble such a collection of books.

After they say, "But that's impossible!"

you've got a ready-made opportunity for sharing the truth of

God's word with somebody!
