Dina Soker Consciousness Awareness Art 1 040509 06.17.2009


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Consciousness Awareness ArtDina Soker

Allow yourself to be with the paintings, the texts and the music for a few moments to enjoy my offering to

you. www.dinasoker.com

Birth of a journeyHere it begins; we have just emerged from the invisible and ever evolving spiraling dimensions into here and now.

They did their best to bring us here. They now fade away after their task is completed.

Silence... awareness... wonder... a new journey has begun for me. Fresh start... new hopes...

My road is unknown ahead... Now it's my journey... Now it's my way.

The spheres in my paintings represent people, which are whole , beautiful and complete as they are.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com


From all the chaos, from nowhere we are created, emerged from life giving forces.

Whole, beautiful, and complete we are coming to begin our life in this world.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Family relationsFather, Mother, Spouse, Child. Brothers, Sisters. My closest family… my closest circle.

Every one glows with his uniqueness… his special virtues… his particular gifts to us all.

Do we really see our dear ones? Caring about each one of them, making sure no one is left behind .

This is my family, my loving support… What can I give my family, to make them feel loved, strong, to help each

one of them glow in his biggest light?

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Here I amHere I am. Look at me; Beautiful... innocent... soft and gentle... made of pure love... universe's gift for

you to treasure.

Yet, I stand tall, I stand strong, focused and ready to live my life, ready to love my life.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

It might be different From inconceivable dimensions we are created and evolve. Escorted by the invisible wisdom, yet

we all grow, and see the world in our very own particular way. But is the world really as we see it, as if we are only a small screw in the big machine? Is it

possible that we affect the hidden forces which create our world? When we change our point of view at everything, it transforms for us accordingly in return. Yes,

it might be different, here and now. We do have the power to make it happen in our lives. We are longing for contact. We want to belong. We want to love, to live, and to be loved. We want to make a difference in our lives. Are we willing to do differently this time? To give it a real chance?

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Communication through dimensionsWithin dimensions and realities we live and act. Through dimensions and realities

we move and communicate, making connections merely with our close family, and maybe some

friends.Can we see the invisible, yet present, golden web, which connects us all anyway?Can we see that all the communications entities we create seek to grow and touch

everyone, and to be woven into one human texture, beating with mutual trust?All rights reserved to Dina Soker.


DimensionsIn cold, in warmth, through all dimensions of our life, we are so fragile as we pass along our life’s endeavors.

Let's be gentle with one another, after all, we are all the same and connected in all dimensions.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

DragonflyJoining forces, supporting each other, building

the structure. The sum of all of us exceeds its components.

Together we can be light and strong like the dragonfly, supported

by air, one moment here, one moment there.

Together we can lift us all and fly smoothly through life's

demanding challenges.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Heart beatOut of the unknown we emerge into our life's journey, equipped with pulsating heart, our source of life,

our ever present guide of living.

We are here to manifest the evolving life by giving our gift to the world, our unique life dance…

Our heart teaches us the essence of life; constantly cycling; acting & being; beating & pausing here & now, never stops

its pace, harmonizing with life's eternal amazing rhythm.

We choose our level of participating, rhythm of beating, dimension of living.

Are we really alive? Are we fully joining our heart by participating moment by moment in life's exciting beating & being

rhythm? Is our life vibrant & dynamic?... detached?... sporadically active?... fading?... lifeless?...

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Mutual Responsibility

Supporting and supported at the same time, together with people we don't see or even know, we

create chains of support which become an invisible network which carries & holds up each one of us,

this is the mutual responsibility network, which supports us all.

Can you see yourself linked in? caring, encouraging, giving faith, confidence, love & comfort to your

dear ones & other people?

Observe; can you see your unique hands linked in? helping, giving, touching, supporting, servicing your

dear ones & other people?

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Revealing LifeAt first, nothing is clear. Only bits and pieces through the fogs of the unknown.

Nothing connects, Nothing makes sense, No logic found.

As we move along our life's journey, we begin to connect the dots, to match the pieces together.

The puzzle of our life begins to unfold for us, and whispers: life is amazing

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Being a WomanSensuous curves, Softness, Compassion, Life giving.

Mother, Wife, Invisible huge strength, Core of the family,

Clear sight, Wisdom, Loving, forgiving, Strong will, Sixth sense.

Being a woman, All in one.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Deciphering the JourneyThere are places created from nowhere... Everything floats

in space... silence of nothing still can be heard...

There is a journey; it is life full and dynamic.

We don't know where it began... We don't know where it goes...

There is a way; yet I don't know if I am going up, or down...

Things which look clear, not necessarily exist.

There are many contradictions, and yet, there is peace, calmness

and there is direction and inner guidance within me.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

The Junction

Where do I go from here?... What do I want?... So many voices in my head…

What should I choose?... Will I succeed?... Am I choosing the right thing?...

Whom should I listen to?... them?... me?... them?.... Me.... Always to me........

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

Human DynamicsLike different musical instruments; every sound is unique, when they all play together, what a colorful

and marvelous music can be heard... Different people... different perspectives...

different attitudes... different mind sets, Everyone is unique in his Human Dynamics.

When they all collaborating together, what a colorful and fruitful community can we become...This painting is created by the influence of Sandra Seagal & David Horne’s wonderful work on Human Dynamics.

All rights reserved to Dina Soker.www.dinasoker.com

The Dawn Of Clear Sight

Swept endlessly in the Shaking turbulences of our thoughts and worries, chained to heavy loads of troubled imaginary doomed visions, which darkens our world and swirling us down, we are lost and hunted by our mind’s stormy waves… we became our thoughts and worries… we hardly see ourselves or anybody anymore… “we lost our way home”…

As we pause this deafening and blinding mind storm, we begin to see that we are not our thoughts and worries… we come back to see ourselves as we really are, beautiful manifestation of life, and than we reconnect to our ever present stillness being which is always our internal home, this stillness helps us to deal with any life’s endeavors in the best way, from the quiet place of clear sight… All rights reserved to Dina Soker.


Dina Soker:

“To me; painting is a connection to a source of higher power and will.When I paint, it is a realization of a journey that connects me to an inner desire.I have a deep will within me to experience different dimensions, different reality and a passion for a 'standing-tall' life where I am involved and feel influential.Creating my art brings me to that 'tall place' where I connect to my inner source.Every one of the paintings enfolds a story which is a segment of the evolution of human kind and consciousness.

I went through inner evolvement process during the creation of these paintings. You can go through your privet inner evolvement process as well through my paintings.

Each work of art portrays the journey of people, the opportunity for growth and moving, traveling between dimensions.I use bright, & lively colors to evoke life and passion.The use of vibrant colors demonstrates life’s dynamics.My wish is to enable you to experience through my creations your beautiful 'tall place‘, and the empowering energies which are woven into the paintings.With the paintings, I feel that I have the ability to reach & touch people, to move, change and create new dimensions as well as the expansion of our existing dimensions of being.I believe there are no limits, no boundaries, and that everything is possible”.

Dina Soker lives in Naperville Illinois USA, her unique artworks are appreciated internationally.

“I no longer wish to satisfy myself. I really want to connect with people & help them to better their lives through my work.”

All rights reserved to Dina Soker. Music licensed by Productiontrax.com Track ID 62906www.dinasoker.comFor more details visit: