Cult or Religion


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Cult or Holy Religion


Introduction• All Major Religions were clearly regarded as Cults in the beginning• Ex. St Paul,= was Saul the persecutor of early Christians Head Priest Kaiphas, scribes, Pharices… were all STRONGLY against Jesus and his followers.

Caiaphas was he, who gave counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man (Jesus) should die for the people.

• Moses, Jesus, Mohammad…were all threatened to be killed at some point in their ministry!


• Jesus

Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. /John 8:59And rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong. /Luk 4:29


• SunMyungMoon near death, 7 times in prison – 7 Deaths and Resurrections• Several threats on his life, 1984 VOC speaking tour – his son HeungJinNim died!


• That of course does not mean all persecuted Groups are true in Spiritual matters.

• But it’s a good sign! Without persecusion you should wonder.

Seven Deaths and Resurrections ( 칠사부활 팔단왕성 ) – Red=Tortured

1. Police Headquarters of Gyeonggi-Do Japan October, 1944 2. Kwak San police station in Jeongju October, 1945 3. Dae Dong police station Pyeong Yang August, 1946 4. Heung Nam labor camp in North Korea May 20, 1948 5. Seodaemun Prison in Seoul, South Korea 1955 6. Danbury Prison in the US from July 20, 1984 7. Helicopter incident on July 19, 2008 Despite of this dreadful incident, True Parents still fly around the world for the sake of liberation of God and salvation of all humankind.

Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.”The only one public acceptance”(?)

Persecution under the Roman Empireafter 400 years finally accepted by Rome


Conversion of Saint Paul 1600, By Caravaggio (1571-1610)

While still a youth in Jerusalem, Saul became part of the opposition to the newly formed Jerusalem Church (the disciples of Jesus, who, believing that Jesus had been resurrected, continued to hope for his return to complete his messianic mission).

Saul was present at the death of Stephen. Soon after, Saul was an active persecutor of the Jerusalem Church, entering its synagogues and arresting its members.

Acts represents this as due to Saul's zeal as a Pharisee, but this is doubtful, as the Pharisees, under Gamaliel, were friendly to the Jerusalem Church /Acts 5.

Conversion of Saint Paul (vers 1690), par Luca Giordano

The high priest then entrusted Saul with an important mission, which was to travel to Damascus to arrest prominent members of the Jerusalem Church.

This must have been a clandestine kidnapping operation, since Damascus was not under Roman rule at the time but was in fact a place of refuge for the persecuted Nazarenes.

On the way to Damascus, Paul experienced a vision of Jesus that converted him from persecutor to believer. Paul joined the Christians of Damascus, /Galatians 1:17

Ananias Restoring the Sight of St. Paul (c.1631) by Pietro da Cortona

From: Cult vs. Religion: what's the difference? by Sam Fleischacker

A pastor supporting Rick Perry calls Mormonism a "cult." Is that untrue?

Well, what's the difference between a "cult" and a "religion"? Not easy to say.

Many people think they know the difference when they see it.

Scientology and the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church are cults — aren't they?

And Judaism and Christianity are surely religions.

But in fact, early Christianity was considered just a cult by both Jews and Romans;

Islam was long considered just a cult by medieval Christians; and, of course, many Protestant groups, from the Baptists to the Quakers, were considered cults by other Christians.

Moreover, if your definition of "cult" is a group with a charismatic and very odd leader who thinks he or she has direct access to the divine and spreads a theology that seems both heretical and confused to the established religions around it, then Christianity and Islam and Buddhism were certainly cults when they began — and no doubt the Jews were as well.

Here, I suggest, is the real difference between a cult and a religion: about 100 years.

Once a cult is able to establish itself for several generations, we call it a "religion."

Before that, we dismiss it as a dangerous threat to real religion.

The journey of Muhammad, from a text sourced to Afghanistan, about 1425.

This may seem a mocking, cynical dismissal of the difference, and hence of religion itself.

But I don't mean it that way.

For there are good reasons to respect a group that can maintain a vision of how to live across two or three generations, ones that do not apply to groups that come and go within a single generation.

To start with the most obvious points, a group that survives over generations cannot afford the sort of self-destructive, oppressive or anti-social behavior that appalls us in cults.

It cannot engage in mass suicide, of course, nor is it likely to continue if it prescribes extremely unhealthy practices.

And it is likely to fall apart, or draw upon itself harsh attention by the political authorities around it, if it oppresses its members or engages in attacks on outsiders.

To become a religion, a group with a shared vision of what God wants, or what makes human life worth living, is therefore likely to develop a morality much like that of the society around it — and indeed declare that morality central to what it has to teach.

A group that survives over generations will also haveto develop institutions for teaching its message to its young.

But no system that has horrific or very bizarre implications is likely to retain the loyalty of its young (they, after all, do not join the group out of some unusual personal experience: born into it, they need to be persuaded of the group's message in a very different way from their parents).

Nor is it likely to inspire a cadre of teachers or enableits educational institutions to solve their administrative and interpersonal issues harmoniously.

Mormons depicted entering Salt Lake valley.

Finally, a group that survives over generations will normally need to reconcile its religious message enough with what the rest of the society around it believes and does that its members can find jobs in that society, maintain neighborly and economic relationships with others in that society, and function as citizens.

All this requires that it temper or reinterpret the stranger claims and practices of its founding generation.

Of course, this is exactly what the Mormons have done.

Today, they are clearly a religion, in the eyes of most Americans, and not a cult. They may once have been a cult, but those days are over, at least for the purposes of equal respectability in a multi-religious society.It is not hard to understand why some traditional Christians, looking out from a theological perspective, might think otherwise.

But they should realize that from a theological perspective, most Christians look like heretics or pagans to Jews;

Bahais look like heretics and Christians like idol-worshipers to Muslims; and Buddhists and Hindus see each other as severely confused.

This is the perspective from which religious wars used to be launched, and one of the great triumphs of America is that it has allowed, instead, for a society in which people of different religions, while disagreeing sharply on theological issues, can yet live together as citizens in peace and mutual respect.

We undermine that wonderful achievement when we accuse fellow citizens, who are perfectly decent and reasonable in every way that matters publicly, of belonging to a "cult."

1935Jesus giving to Sun Myung Moon his commission.

Comments by Dr Tyler Hendricks

The work of Rodney Stark in books such asThe Rise of Christianity, is very instructive.

He shows how Christianity benefited the poor, the infirm, and the status of women in the Roman Empire, in very tangible ways.”

• The Unification Theological Seminary is an associate member of the respected Association of American Theological Schools.

• A growing throng of Unification Church members (including the Founders’ children and grandchildren) are jamming the doors of Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, and other

• Ivey’s as well as top state schools such as the University of California at Berkeley.

• More than 50 second generation Unificationists have served in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

• At least eight young Unificationists have graduated from service academies such as West Point.

• A handful of church members have served as elected representatives in State Houses

Does this sound like a group marked by “self- destructive, oppressive or anti-social behavior”?

Not hardly. /Dr Hendricks

Comments: from Spiritual World 1965

Fletcher: Mr. Moon is one of those who is directing the thought of people back to these simple Principles stripped of all superstition, stripped of all ecclesiastical and religious symbolism.

Comments: from Spiritual World 1965

God has never had anything to reveal to man exceptthese two things:

(1) that God is and (2) that Man is a part of the Divine Creation.

And what God is, in their concept, every man is in the process of becoming.

Moon is not antagonistic - (in nothing he says).

Comments: from Spiritual World 1965

Fletcher: Every spiritual movement has to meet opposition even from other spiritual movements, because you have to, by your lives, demonstrate that you have something that is superior.

No argument will win the victory in a spiritual contest – except the transformed personality. You have it, sir. Others have it.

Comments: from Spiritual World 1965

Fletcher: First of all, he (Mr Moon) must be willing to listen, to speak, and then have his words translated – and they will be translated into many languages.

Comments: from Spiritual World 1965

But you cannot expect the message to be accepted immediately by vast numbers of people. Only those who are ready and who are willing to listen and to whom this particular message seems to be right and meaningful.

Comments: from Spiritual World 1965

That is the way that all the world teachers have had to go.

And remember one thing only, that if it is of God, it can not fail.

And it is of God.


Part of longer Interview with Sun Myung Moonby Frederick Sontag

Thursday, February 3, 1977 in New York City, in the former New Yorker Hotel, prev. Unification World Mission Center.

Sontag: How do you see your own role in relation to the role of Jesus?

Moon: One of my most important revelations is that Jesus Christ did not come to die. He came to this world to consummate his messianic mission given by God, which is the establishment of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Through his crucifixion, however, Jesus gave himself as a sacrifice for the faithlessness of the world, and by his resurrection, he established spiritual salvation.

This is the teaching of the Divine Principle.

Moon: Complete salvation, which is physical as well as spiritual, was the ultimate purpose and intended goal of God for mankind at the time of Jesus.

That mission was not totally accomplished. We must realize, however, that this was not because of any fault on the part of Jesus Christ.

Moon: Rather it was because of the rejection by the people. This point is greatly misunderstood today. The Second Coming was predicted because the mission was not totally accomplished in the first. Therefore, a messianic crusade is destined to begin here on earth in order to consummate the will of God. The work of the Unification Church and my mission is to proclaim the coming of the Messianic Age.

Sontag: Could you say a little about the religious situation as you became aware of it in Korea when you started your mission?

Moon: Actually, the preparation of Korea as the birthplace for this new spiritual movement was very adequate back in 1945.

For example, Christianity was flourishing. The depth of Christian faith in Korea was extraordinary at that time.

Also, there were many spiritual groups who received prophecies about the coming of a new spiritual movement.

They were groups that could have served well in the role of John the Baptist. But why didn't these groups testify to us once the new movement had finally come?

There is always human responsibility involved. Two thousand years ago the people lacked the humility necessary to accept Jesus.

This was again lacking in Korea.

Acceptance was not there, simply because of arrogance. The existing churches rejected our new spiritual movement. I had to start from the role of John the Baptist in order to lay the initial foundation upon which I could construct my own mission.

Sontag: If you take traditional theology and measure the Divine Principle against it, it is heresy.

There's something new there.

I wonder, without trying to appraise it, what you would say about the role of such new revelations from God.

Do they represent a departure?

Moon: First of all, Christianity itself, in its development for two thousand years has departed considerably from the original will or dispensation of God.

In two thousand years, Christianity has broken into hundreds of denominations; it has been divided by sectarianism.

Because Christians have created their own barriers, they are blocking their own goals.

This is the most important reason that God needs man to have an absolutely new and totally fresh outlook.

God needs a new vision of life to be instilled in the minds of the people.

Unless there is a fresh, new approach, God sees no way for his original, ultimate goal to be accomplished.

The Divine Principle is that new revelation.

The people who join this movement find a new vision and new spiritual power.

These people have become the fundamental strength behind this new revolution for the permanent establishment of Christendom.

Second, and most important, our movement stresses the salvation of the world as the primary goal.

Our personal salvation, becomes secondary. We are willing to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the world and humanity.

In contrast, many conventional churchgoers are concerned about their own places in heaven and their own eternal lives.

Actually, the teaching of a sacrificial spirit is nothing new. This was the fundamental teaching of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to the world to save the world, not to save himself.

However, Christianity somehow lost the essential vigor and the very spirit of Jesus; his purpose has been turned around.

I merely came to refresh the spirit of Jesus Christ.

The concept is old, but somehow has dimmed. We are now revitalizing it, making it real. I always teach that the Unification Church itself is not a goal.

I must serve as God's instrument to bring about the salvation of the world.

This is the only justification for the existence of the Unification Church.

There are enough churches already, but the world still needs salvation.

The Unification Church is very aggressive in this vision. We venture where the sins are, in order to eliminate them. We tackle sin instead of shying away from it.

For example, in the case of my Watergate statement, the wisest thing I could have done was to shy away from the situation.

That was an unpopular cause. But instead of shying away from it, I plunged right in. Why?

Because I know the religious leaders have to speak out on the fundamental issue of the day and try to pose solutions.

This is why the Unification Church acts upon many things that others cannot understand.

We have a different outlook.

We may not benefit by taking certain actions at a particular moment, but we look at everything from a worldwide, long-range point of view.

We act for the sake of the nation, the world, and posterity

When I see that a certain goal must be obtained in order to benefit the future of mankind, then we commit ourselves to it, even though it is an unpopular move at the time and appears to be a sure loss.

We suffer greatly because of it, but we still do it.

It is adventurous and very bold. Even though we may look foolish sometimes in the eyes of man, as long as our action is righteous in the eyes of God we go ahead with it.

/End of InterviewSource: Whole

1st WW2nd WW

3rd WW

1st Advent

19202nd Advent



Messiah - Jesus

ProphetsAbraham,-Isak –JacobMoses …

True Parents

OpeningNew level

New level

New level









m C




It is absolutely wrong for Unification Church members to think that we have nothing to do with Christianity.

Why is that so? The Old Testament Age and New Testament Age existed in order to restore True Parents.

The Completed Testament Age also exists for the restoration of True Parents.

The content of those three ages is the same: restoration of True Parents.

You should have such a concept.

The Messiah is, in fact, True Parents; therefore, the content and the purpose of Judaism, Christianity and the Unification Church are the same.

Then what is different? Judaism wanted to receive the Messiah on a national level, and then to expand it to the whole world. Christianity was formed after Jesus' death in order to receive the Messiah on the worldwide foundation.

What about the Completed Testament Age? It is the cosmic level, the time of the desire to receive the True Parents even in the spirit world.

The dimension is different.

You must clearly differentiate them from one another.

(SMM 1984.4.29. East Garden)

The Completed Testament AgeWords by Sun Myung Moon

Originally, Jesus was to start a seven-year course, from the age of 33, establish a standard of parenthood according to Heaven's desire, and then erect the standard for restoring all things.

He was to have completed everything by the age of 40 and fulfill the Will of Heaven. This was the mission of Jesus.

However, he was prevented from fulfilling this Will, and he died on the cross. (Original Sinless seed was lost)Thus, this Will was left unfulfilled.

“If Christianity had become one with me in 1945, I wouldn't have had to suffer so much in treading this path. However, when Christianity opposed me, I had to endure extreme suffering and overcome it all by myself.

I had to set up the Unification Church in place of Christianity and establish the foundation to restore the world throughindemnity. 1948-1953The Unification Church was established in the seventh year counting from 1948; that period had the significance of indemnifying the Old Testament Age.

1954-1960So, on the foundation of these seven years, humankindcould enter the New Testament Age for the first time.

“That's why I established the Unification Church on this new foundation, before 1960. The period until 1960 indemnified the failure of Christianity. You have to know that I had to go through courses representative of all the suffering courses in God's will in the Old and the New Testaments because of this.

I had to lay the foundation, indemnifying not only everything the Israelites had failed to do and everything the Christians had failed to do but also everything that had Jesus failed to do. /SMM

Therefore I - Jesus - tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you (Israel) and given to a people (-Korea-) who will produce its fruit. /Math 21:43

1:st Israel3:rd Israel

When He returns to this earth to set His feet on the Mount of Olives, (Zech. 14 v.4) all who dwell on the earth "shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory"; (Matt. 24 v.30; Rev. 19 v.11-16)

1969Mount of Olives


The completion of the 8 textbooks

Proclamation of the Word that firmly establishes the True Parents of Heaven , Earth and Humankind

Proclaim Gods Holy Word

1960Level: ChurchTrue Parents

2003Level: Nation

True Parents of Heaven and Earth

Building the Kingdom of HeavenHealing a spiritual sick mankind


2013Level: Cosmic

True Parents of Heaven and Earthand Humankind

Holy Blessing 2016Korea

Ref: Cult vs. religion: what's the difference? Crucial distinction is whether a faith stands the test of time, by Sam Fleischacker 10 Oct 2011.


Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire us! Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd gen inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.
