Christian Living


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Theme : Christian living

John 14:27 Peace I leave

with you, my peace I give

unto you: not as the world

giveth, give I unto you. Let

not your heart be troubled,

neither let it be afraid. (KJV)


1. Completely Knitted to God

a) Heb.3:6 But Christ as a son

over his own house; whose

house are we, if we hold fast

the confidence and the

rejoicing of the hope firm unto

the end.

b)2Tim.2:1 Thou therefore, my

son, be strong in the grace

that is in Christ Jesus.

John 3:16 For

God so loved

the world, that

he gave his

only begotten

Son, that


believeth in

him should not

perish, but




2. Those Who Has Satisfaction

a)1Tim. 6:8 And having food and

raiment let us be therewith


b)Eph.5:20 Giving thanks always for

all things unto God and the Father

in the name of our Lord Jesus


c)1Thes. 5:18 In every thing give

thanks: for this is the will of God in

Christ Jesus concerning you.

3. They are The Doer’s

a) Jas.1:22 But be ye doers of the

word, and not hearers only,

deceiving your own selves.

b)Rom.2:13 For not the hearers of

the law are just before God, but

the doers of the law shall be
