Chapter 9 eucharist


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Why do you enjoy it so much?

Who was there to share in this meal?

The Eucharist celebrates the ultimate sign of Christ’s presence in our midst

The sharing of bread and wine, consecrated as Jesus own body and blood

Offered by Jesus out of love for the whole world

Receiving the Eucharist for the first time represents the fullness of Christian initiation by uniting the person with the mystery of Jesus

Frequently celebrating the Eucharist becomes a way for Catholics to deepen their lifelong initiation into Christ’s life, death, and Resurrection

This sacrament is central to our faith

Christ’s love for us….by giving himself up for us….continuing to nourish us

“then he took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.“

Luke 22:19

Jesus placed the meaning of his life and death in the context of an ancient, deeply human action…the sharing of a meal.

Important meal….the Passover Seder…which celebrates God freeing his people from Egypt…

Celebrating for us the liberation…freedom from sin and death…transforming its meaning


God’s banquet

Banquets are used throughout the gospels to describe the Kingdom of God

Jesus often shared meals with tax collectors, prostitutes and other outcast

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