Building a Great Congregation Involves Leadership



This is part 4 of the "Building a Great Congregation" series

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Building a Great Congregation Takes Leadership

Building a Great Congregation Series Part #4

Proverbs 11.14“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an

abundance of counselors there is safety.”

(English Standard Version)

Leadership?• “The act of guiding someone or something.”

• Leadership is not born, it is made.

• “A leader is a dealer in hope.” (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Jesus and Leadership“Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”

(Matthew 15.14; ESV)

Qualities of a Leader1. Leaders know the vision (goal) and leader others


2. Leaders know the purpose and lead others in the purpose.

Qualities of a Leader3. Leaders know the followers and lead the followers.

4. Leaders sympathize with the followers.

5. Leaders will be true and straight.

Biblical Leaders• Elders (aka – shepherds, overseers, pastors)

• Three Greek Words: “presbuteros”, “episkopos”, and “poimen”

Biblical Leaders• …must know the sheep.

• …must deal with wolves and error.

• …must lead the sheep.

Personal Time• Are you training and building leaders to lead the

church of tomorrow?

• Who is leading the church of today?
