Bali vadh and Maryadapurushottam RAM


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RAMAYAN AND HISTORY In view of the growing popularity of TV channels, lot of serials on Ramayan are being made, people want to know, how much of this can be classified as facts. Since the period of Shri Ram is at least 500,000 yr old by some and much older as per Surya Siddantha, the result is CONFUSION. For instance, no one tells an average Hindu believer why Shri Ram, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, came on this earth and what Dharm(s) he established? Some of the questions that a modern viewer asks are?  What was so important about Yagna that King Dashrath was persuaded to send his sons to assist Sage Vishwamitra? Why did Shri Ram proceeded to Janakpuri after the Yagna?. How did Kaekai manipulate the entire royal family of Ayodhya for awarding vanvaas to Ram? The answer is important since Hindus worship Shri Ram to ward off such untimely obstruction, and there Ram was present in person yet the manipulation succeeded. Why did Bharat after making so much of noise, return empty-handed from forest and could not bring back Ram? Later, when Hanuman was bringing Sanjeevni & when Bharat came to know about it, why did he not send any help or assistance to Shri Ram? Where is Vibhishan now? He is supposed to live till the end of KALP.He is not in Lanka.

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Hindu History..START OF A NEW KALP

“However human civilization has always been cruel on other beings. They started exploiting these two legged animals as slaves, and as animals. They refused to recognize them as human beings although they were now developing into same. The exploitation was cruel and inhuman to say the least. Here was the first batch of human beings of the new kalp-very pure and innocent (Aryans as one would like to call them in Sanskrit), and the batch of survivors of the older kalp-whose antecedents were not known, were torturing them instead of welcoming them”.The first avatar of Lord Vishnu was MATSYA AVTAR. This took place when at the end of Kalyug, the entire life, as existed on this earth, was destroyed earlier by man-made calamities and subsequently the survivors, THAT WERE LEFT, faced the wrath of natural calamities. The sea water rose significantly covering almost the entire land mass. Manu, the last king on the earth then started his journey on ships along with survivors. Vishnu in the form of fish escorts them. This journey continued for about 250,000 years. Several generations of survivors, as such, spend the life over water. Slowly with the phenomenal rise of water levels, the sea water also became stationary .All the turbulence and so called churning of water was gone. The water became still, very still. This was never witnessed by mankind before. Even sea life started slowly vanishing .They were at the end of the kalp.

There in the extreme hostile conditions survival was difficult. Certain rules were made to make them easier. It is only in this context Manu’s Smriti is to be looked at.

Rules regarding caste, behavior thereon, would start making sense in that context only. It, however, is not relevant in today’s world. It is not meant to be.



AGNI PARIKSHA OF SITA – FACTSAfter becoming Chakravarti Samraat, Shri Ram ordained that humanity, present and future, would never ask any female to undergo this test. Perhaps this was the first Dharm of the much cherished RAMRAJYA.

The main objection of people regarding Sita, was that Ravan approached Sita in the form of a ‘Bhikshuk’ and as a ‘Brahmin’ he was perfectly eligible to do that, and Sita, after transgressing Laxman Rekha  went with Ravan on her own free will. As such Shri Ram had no reason to attack Lanka, kill unaccountable people and then ‘forcibly’ bring Sita back. In the court which was presided by Shri Ram, the representative of Royal family pleaded that Sita was forcibly abducted by Ravan who came in the guise of Bhikshuk for that very purpose and that she was coeresed in transgressing the Laxman Rekha. Sita also personally testified the same. As a further proof they cited the example of Jatayu who died fighting Ravana. Laxman gave this evidence because Jatayu, of course was dead. They further provided evidence, as how Sugrive had seen Sita being forcibly taken in the southern direction by Ravan and wailing the name of Ram she threw her ornaments were Sugrive was. They also made Hanuman testify, how in pathetic condition Sita was living in Ashok Vaatika waiting for Ram to rescue here.

HOROSCOPE OF SHRI RAMShri Ram was born in the month of Chaitra, in Treta Yug, at Ayodhya on the ninth tithi of Shukla Paksha. According to Maharishi Valmiki, Shri Ram was born at mid-afternoon, and at that particular moment, sun was exalted, Moon was in Punarvasu Nakshatra and all the planets were either exalted, benefic or in their own rashi. Karka(Cancer) rashi was rising at lagna.

Since it is difficult to visualize the mathematical astronomical data of that time (we know that the mathematical data is generated by computation of actual movement of heavenly bodies at that time, and since we, at present have very little information about Treta Yug, we have to wait for further research), it will be difficult—rather impossible to mathematically (or, should we say astronomically) calculate and compute the horoscope of Shri Ram. We can therefore make a rough sketch of Shri Ram’s horoscope and leave it at that.

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That precisely is the reason for writing this article—lot of people are claiming on TV channels that they have , using computer, casted the horoscope of Shri Ram and have determined the exact date of birth. This is not possible, using the existing mathematics and parameters, and we all have to agree that they are doing a great disservice to the Hindu community and religion by staking such false claims.

SWAMBER OF SITASHRI RAM AND MARYADAS OF HIS TIME : 1SHRI RAM, the most worshipped incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is a historical figure of Treta Yug. He was, and is, called Maryada Puroshattam Ram. Here we would like to understand why he was called Maryada Puroshattam Ram.

Before venturing any further, we must have a clear and acceptable definition of Maryada. Maryada simply means ‘the noblest and finest traditions of that time’. However we have to understand one thing very clearly, Maryadas are time specific, age specific. Maryada of Treta Yug may not be relevant today.

The other thing which must be absolutely clear to every reader is, that Maryadas, or traditions are followed by human beings...not God. God does not (and NEVER) follow any traditions or Maryadas. But human being is bound by Dharm and traditions. In the case of Shri Ram, this confusion is very evident, as people, while discussing him as God and an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, also deliberate why he was called Maryada Puroshattam. There is no problem in accepting him as God and also Maryada Puroshattam, but please do not mix the two.

King Janak informed the gathering about the serious problem that can be faced by all humanity because Shiv Dhanush had now become old and unreliable. The problem required immediate solution as Shiv Dhanush was a weapon of mass destruction and could cause serious and un-imaginable damage.

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KAEKAI AND RAMAfter the marriage of all the brothers, the next obvious thing that immediately occupied the attention of the royal family was appointment of Yuvraj. After all King Dasrath was an old man, and the earlier a Yuvraj was appointed, the better, everyone felt, it would be for Ayodhya.

But now, everyone knew of the peace treaty between Shri Ram and Ravan. They also knew that Shri Ram had to stay in forest for a period of fourteen years to earmark specific areas around forest where the new generation of human, commonly called as Vaanars can flourish and grow. === ------ ======= ------- ======= -------- ====== ----- Kaekai episode is interesting in several ways. Some believe that whatsoever she did was because of her love for her son Bharat. Others believe that Kaekai loved Ram more than her son Bharat. Conclusions in both the cases will be different. In the first instance she would be deemed to have acted as a selfish queen, and in the second instance she was a selfless, god-fearing individual, who was prepared to make exemplary sacrifices for her NATION and HUMANITY.

Blog: Agni Pariksha of Sita KAEKAI AND RAM


BHARAT MEETS RAMInstead of coronation of Shri Ram as Yuvraj, Shri Ram was awarded vanvaas. Sita chose to go with him and so did Laxman. The three left Ayodhya and after crossing Saryu River, they met Maharishi Bhardwaj in his ashram at Prayag, and then subsequently they went towards Chitrakoot.

They were staying near the bank of the river Mandakani, as vanvaasis. On the other hand, developments in Ayodhya were taking place at a faster pace. King Dasrath could not bear the exile of Ram and died. Bharat and Shatrughan, who were far away at their Mama’s place, were called for by Sage Vashisht. When they arrived at Ayodhya they were distressed by the happenings in Ayodhya. However Sage Vashisht consoled everyone and asked Bharat to perform the last rites of his deceased father King Dasrath, which was done with full respect and honor to the departed soul.

The royal court and the royal family told Bharat that he would now have to assume charge of Ayodhya as his King, but Bharat refused. He firmly told the court that he believed that the crown belonged to Ram and requested the court that he may be allowed to go and meet Ram in the forest so that he could persuade Ram to accept the throne. Sage Vashisht and the entire court also decided to accompany him, including all the royal ladies.=====--------======-----========----------=======--------=========------===Bharat was left with no choice. As a Suryavanshi and dutiful son, he too had a responsibility that after the death of his father, his father’s last vachans were satisfied. With resignation, he accepted to rule Ayodhya, but insisted, that he would do that only after installing the wooden sleepers of Shri Ram on the throne so that the throne would always remain that of Shri Ram. On a specific request of Shri Ram, King Janak then informed everyone there, the remaining details of the treaty between Ram and Ravan. They were told that as per the treaty, Ram would not be entitled to any help from kingdoms or Ayodhya, in case Shri Ram fought a decisive war with Ravan and Rakshas.

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BALI VADH and MARYADAPURUSHOTTAM RAMAfter the abduction of Sita, Shri Ram immediately left Panchvati in search of Sita. He entered into a friendship pact with Sugrive, wherein, it was decided that, Shri Ram would ensure Sugrive’s win over Bali, and subsequently, Sugrive would assist in every possible manner, Sita’s safe return.

This pact was important. In the first instance this was first of its kind, in as much that it recognized Vaanars as new generation of mankind and that they were equal in status to people living in rest of the kingdoms. Until now after the accord between kingdoms and Parashuram, the kingdoms were not having any relation- good or bad with Vaanars (pl. read Hindu History..Start of a New Kalp ), and now for the first time, Prince of Ayodhya, Shri Ram, was not only accepting them as equal, but was also entering into a pact accepting them as equal.

Soon thereafter, on the advice of Shri Ram, Sugrive challenged Bali for a fight. Bali had earlier received a boon from gods that he would gain half the strength of his opponent in any man to man fight. As such he was unbeatable. Leaving the boon thing aside, Bali tactics were far too superior in man to man combats, making him almost invincible. This fact was discussed by Sugrive and Shri Ram and they had agreed that Shri Ram would kill Bali, by an arrow, hiding behind a bush, when Sugrive and Bali fought each other.

Now the Maryada of that time was against any such interference, when two persons were engaged in a combat. Shri Ram knew that and was also prepared to go against it. He knew that if he won a comprehensive battle against Ravan, with the support of Sugrive and his Vaanars sena, it would become easier to bring them into the main stream of civilized life. It may also be argued that since the kingdoms of that time still regarded Vaanars as yet another animal breed, and never treated them as human beings, there was no problem in ambushing and killing them from behind a bush, as was normally done while hunting. Shri Ram had already accepted them as human being at par with those living in kingdoms, and to that extend that argument is inappropriate and inconsistent with the facts.

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