Awakening the Authentic Self



Authentic Self, Lesson Four from the Empowerment Show, an interactive seminar that will teach you how to live a positive life with more joy. Hosted by Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor, best-selling author of oneness, unity, personal growth, and women’s empowerment books. Works include The Oneness Gospel: Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in You (2010), Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking (2005), and The Women’s Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations That Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential (2005). Her books, lectures, workshops are interfaith and emphasize oneness and unity with an East Meets West flavor. She is a Oneness Blessing giver and certified Oneness Trainer from Oneness University India as well as an ordained minister.

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Welcome to the eShow hosted by Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor

Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female

Power available through, iTunes, Barnes and Nobles, Borders and most book


Your Authentic Self

Knowing Your True Self



2 Fundamental Assumptions about the Divine You

2 Fundamental Assumptions about the Divine You

Why don’t we get it?

Why don’t we get it?

Gnosis: Self Knowledge. We seek during our life journey

Pure Love

The Triune: God and Goddess

The Triune: Christ Consciousness, Goddess the Mother and God the Father

Remember who you are. You are Light and Love

Remember who you are. You are your Higher Self

Our own divinity

Our own divinity

Turn on the Light

Be illuminated: be the star who leads across enlightenment

Practice Being

Lai Maa


Your Authentic Self: If you are the Light…

…then open your Heart to let it out.

Your Authentic Self: You are Your Divine Self.

Your Authentic Self: Your Higher Self.

Your Authentic Self: Unlimited.

Your Authentic Self: Infinity.

Your Authentic Self: Endless.

Your Authentic Self: You are ALL That is.

Your Authentic Self: You are the I AM Presence within.

Your Authentic Self: The Goddess and God within.

Your Authentic Self: You are a Channel for your Gifts to arrive.

Your Authentic Self: You are simply Divine.

Purchase the Empowerment Set today for $24.95 which includes Let Your Goddess Grow! and The Women’s Book of Empowerment. Connect with Charlene using:,,, and her website at
