Abraham andisaac


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Popular Bible Stories: Abraham and Isaac

“What is Your Isaac?”

Genesis 18:1-5; 9-14, 19; 21:1-8;

Genesis 22:1-18; Genesis 24;

Hebrews 11:17-19

Abraham’s Trying TEST: Heb. 11:17;

Gen. 22:1-14

What God asked Abraham to do:

•Travel with his son Isaac to Mt. MORIAH•Build an ALTAR of stones and wood•Tie up Isaac and lay him upon the wood•SLAY him and BURN his body as a sacrifice

Abraham’s options

•Obey•Don’t obey


Heb. 11:17-18

What was at stake•Losing his CHILD-- a real tragedy in itself•But Abraham himself was to do the KILLING!

•The possible death of God’s PROMISE. (Gen 12:1-3)


•How can Isaac birth a NATION if he is dead?•What happens to the promise if Abraham REFUSES?

Abraham’s Trial Triumph: Gen. 22:3-10; Heb.

Abraham TRUSTED God

•“WE will come back to you.” (Gen. 22:5)•“God Himself will provide a LAMB for the offering.” (Gen. 22:8)•He believed that God could even raise Isaac from the DEAD. (Heb. 11:19)

How we often read the story


When God makes a promise we should not worry about HOW he will keep His word.

Faith BELIEVES God and leaves the how to Him.

Our response ought to be quick OBEDIENCE.

Sometimes God asks us to LET GO of something we treasure. It is part of

Christian growth.

Many of those things are GOOD things, but an idol

is anything/one good that becomes TOO IMPORTANT to you.

Hold LIGHTLY what you value MOST, because it doesn’t belong to you anyway.

God in his kindness asks us to let go of those

things so we can LOVEHim MOST.

What is you Isaac? Are you willing to let it go

and give it to God?
