A thousand paper cuts presentation


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A Thousand Paper Cuts:Students of Color Speak on their Experiences in Academia

IUSPA Virtual ConferenceOctober 21, 2013

Introduction Why this topic?

Understanding & Recognizing Coping Strategies Exploring the Effects

Agenda Presenters’ Stories Hidden Curriculum Macro/Microaggressions Discussion Coping Strategies

Expectations & Ground Rules Session is recorded Use anonymity in personal stories Use “I” statements Incorporate undergraduate, graduate &

professional experiences Use presentation as conversation starter Submit questions using chat feature

Presenters’ Stories Joi: Intersectionality between Race,

Class & Gender Maryann: The Power of Naming Jonathan: Tokenizing Diana: Situating Learning in Learner’s

own Experience

Hidden Curriculum

Macroaggression: aggressive acts that support larger-scale injustices; more structural level instead of micro-level social level

Microaggression: brief, subtle everyday exchanges that send messages to certain individuals because of their group membership

Microinsult: Communications that convey rudeness & insensitivity and demean a person

Theme Example

Ascription of Intelligence “You are a credit to your race.”“You are so articulate, for a person of color.”

Sexual Objectification “A male stranger puts his hands on a woman’s hips to pass her by.”

Assumption of Abnormality “People who are weird and different are gay.”

Second Class Citizenry Person of color mistaken for a service worker.

Pathologizing Cultural Values/Communication Styles

Asking a Black person: “Why do you have to be so loud/animated? Just calm down.”

Assumption of Criminal Status A White man or woman clutching their purse or checking their wallet as a person of color approaches or passes

Microassault: explicit verbal, nonverbal, or environmental attacks intended to hurt the victim through name-calling, avoidant behavior, or purposeful discriminatory actions

Theme Example

Racial Slurs Referring to African Americans as “niggers,” Chinese Americans as “chinks,” women as “bitches,” and gays as “fags.”

Hanging/Posting of Inflammatory Paraphernalia/Symbols

Displaying a Klan Hood, Nazi swastika, noose, or Confederate flag; burning a cross

Discouraging interracial interactions

“Black and White don’t mix”

Microinvalidation: communications that exclude, negate, or nullify the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of a person belonging to a marginalized group

Theme Example

Alien in Own Land “Where are you from?”

“You speak English very well.”

Color, Gender, Sexual Orientation Blindness

“When I look at you, I don’t see color.”

“There is only one race, the human race.”

Myth of Meritocracy “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”

“Men and women have equal opportunities for achievement.”

Denial of Individual Racism/Sexism/Heterosexism

“I’m not racist. I have several Black friends.”

“As an employer, I always treat men and women equally.”

Discussion Does this resonate with you? What support or coping strategies have

you experienced?

Coping Strategies Support Mimimizing Emotional & Physical Response Action

