601 Spiritual Leadership: Section 13, Chapter 3, Spiritual Foundation



Notes based on chapter 1 of Aubrey Malphurs' Advanced Strategic Planning - as used at LTCi, Siliguri

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Section 13 - Analyzing the Ministry

5. Faith, the Essential Ingredient 6. Taking InventoryCreate summary of one of these chaptersStudy chapter 3 in ASPStudy chapters 5-6 in Visioneering.Print an article on vision and strategic leadership to share with your learning team:



The preparation for strategic


Understanding how you are doing and

preparing for what you are about to go


Laying a Spiritual

FoundationMalphurs, ASP, Chapter 3

Malphurs suggests most churches fail here as they are not spiritually ready for the SP process. To continue the boat analogy of previous chapters, the ship starts to sink (rapidly).

The importance of spiritual formation

The SLT has to call the church to spiritual renewal and revival.Spiritual formation is foundational for strategic envisioning,Zech 4:6Connect the whole process with God and he will undergird all of the process. The foundation for a house is vital - and in SP the foundation has to be spiritual.

Spiritual formation is essential to the entire SP process.Spiritual formation is about sanctification - and this has to be the aim of the whole church - all other processes in the church simply support this action. All changes in church life should be done in order to support this (not to make people mad!).

The definition of spiritual formation

Spiritual formation is a process through which the Holy Spirit transforms us into Christ’s likeness or image.Key verse : Gal 4:19My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,

Christ is formed in you - people should see Christ revealed in your life - whatever they saw in jesus then they should see in your life:Gal 5:22-23This is because the HS indwelt Jesus on earth, Matt 3:16, he indwells you too 1 Cor 6:192 Cor 3:18

The work of the Holy SpiritIn 2 Cor 3:18 the work of Christ being formed in you is in the passive voice, that means it is not done by you but is the work of the HS in you.This is something that happens to the whole church as well as to each individual believer - 2 Cor 1:1 is written in that way. It is progressive sanctification of your soul and of the church’s soul.

The process of spiritual formation

1. Acknowledged personal sinfulnessPs 51:5, Rom 7:14, 1 Jn 1:8, 10We continue to sin even though we are saved - we have been saved from the penalty of sin but not yet the power. Unspiritual in Rom 7:14 is translated fleshly, under the control of the flesh. It is a key issue to see your own sin and acknowledge it - Matt 7:3-5

2. Confess your sinsPsalm 51, 1 Jn 1:9Look hard into the mirror and you will find some sin - if it is confessed there is forgiveness- the example of David who having committed adultery with Bathsheba tried to hide it only for God to expose it through the prophet Nathan. See also 2 Sam 11-12.Psalm 51 shows a real example of David dealing with sin in his life - and allowing it to be confessed to God.

3. Forgive othersMatt 18:21-22, Eph 4:31-32, Col 3:13-14We all get sinned against - and all have to deal with the hurt and pain from those incidents. The real question is what you have done with that pain - have you forgiven the other person, have you chosen to resolve the issue?Most Christians do not do this and become angry or bitter. Using the example of Eph 4 we can implement forgiveness and see a change (immediate or gradual in our lives).

4. Pray for the church - intense prayer!Matt 7:7-12, James 5:16God has invited you - Matt 7:7The theology of prayer is not hard - you will get an answer - yes, no, wait.James uses Elijah to illustrate the power of our prayers - 5:16-18The choice is between trying to deal with matters in our strength and ability - or praying!

“Show me a church where the people in general and leaders in particular pray regularly and positively for the church, and I will show you a church that is being blessed of God. Regular prayer speaks for itself.”

5. Be positive - put off the negative1 Cor 10:10, Eph 4:1-3, 29, Phil 2:14Listen to a church and you can know how it is doing spiritually - how much is positive and how much complaining or grumbling? Often the more -ve you hear the less well a church is doing.Negativity is not meant to be part of a believers life - such things do not build up yourself or others. Malphurs suggests -ve people tend to be angry (with issues in their lives which have never been dealt with)

Test for negativity in your life- get a friend to answer these questions:1. Are you an optimist or pessimist?2. Do some things at church (like changing things) upset you?3. When you are upset, do you complain?4. Do you express your complaints to others?Answer yes to 2, 3, 4 and you are probably a -ve person.

6. Pursue reconciliationMatt 5:23-24, 18:15-19This activity is not found in most churches. Some are afraid to do it, others do not think it is biblical.Note that reconciliation takes precedence over worship!And Jesus commands those who have been offended to pursue reconciliation!Excuses: “What if the don’t listen; if they get angry or make a scene?”Choose - do you stop for fear of man, or do what God commands?

7. Agree to church disciplineMatt 18:15-20, 1 Cor 5:1-13Churches the practice discipline are very rare - probably due to the idea of being a family, and families put up with problems and don’t want more.This is not what the Bible teaches - see above.Remember that the aim is always restoration - but discipline does have to be done.

8. Obey the leadership1 Thess 5:12-13, Heb 13:17Modern society likes to question authority and does not readily accept it being imposed - in church people think it is ok to readily question leaders authority.Malphurs suggests trust is the issue - people do not follow those they do not trust. Leaders have often done things that make people question them - moral failures, greed etc.

Heb 13:17 is a key verse - If you don’t accept their leadership you should leave and find a place where you can accept the leaders authority and trust them. By not obeying you leave yourself open to God’s discipline - Heb 12:1-13, 1 John 5:16-17, 1 Cor 5:9-13

9. Listen to othersJames 1:19-21Listening to others = better understanding of others = less misunderstandings.Slow to listen = quick to speak = quick to become angry.Good listening is a key in communication. Not listening says - you are not impt. enough for me, I don’t care what you have to say, I have made up my mind.Listening = respect in many peoples minds - then they will trust you

10. Speak the truth - Eph 4:15Truth here is sound teaching along with no deceit - straight forwardly telling the truth.Note we do not hit people over the head with truth - speak “in love”Do you love the people you speak to? Are your motives pure and good towards them?Gossip = not speaking the truth in love - it is speaking something we do not know to be true, negatively, about someone or a situation.

Wise leaders address this sin and the people who take part in it - in SP people who feel they might lose power will often gossip.Would you be prepared to address gossip in a person? If you would, how could you do it in a loving way?

11. Pursue holiness - Rom 6:1-15, 12:1-2Based on Rom 6:A. Understand you are no longer a slave to sin - you don’t have to obey sin’s call to you (though you might still do that!)B. v11 embrace this truth in faith - C. In the light of what Christ has accomplished: choose either to allow sin to master you or not to master you (v12, 13).People must be expected to be growing in holiness - it is not an option - see Rom 6:19, 22.

12. Be a servant - Matt 20:20-28, Phil 2:3-11Leaders are servants - Malphurs suggest at least 4 characteristics of them:Lead with humility not out of egoServe - give yourself, don’t take for yourselfFocus on others - servant leadership is all about other people.

Love for your people is crucial for servant leaders - love motivates you to serve them, Jn 13:1-17. We serve others humbly only to the degree that we love them - if you do not love them the dirt will remain on their feet.Maybe you need to have a real foot washing ceremony to show the SLT’s love for the people?

13. Remember whose church it is - the church belongs to Christ, Matt 16:18Give the church back to Christ - it is not yours or anyone else's. Therefore it is His prerogative to do with it as he wishes, even change it through SP!Do any of the SLT (or others) have an ungodly “ownership” of the church? Put Christ back on the throne of his church. Malphurs even suggests a ceremony doing this - and preaching a sermon series from Ps 47, 93, 96-99, the enthronement psalms.

The implementation of spiritual formation

Here there is a chain of events from pastor to church community;The PastorHas to be the starting point for sp. Formation and renewal within the church. Pastors might struggle and can be downcast by a lack of growth, yet the people look (usually) to them for leadership. Make sure they properly work through the 13 steps - and are refreshed and revitalised by the HSp.

The strategic leadership teamSpiritual vitality is catching - if the point leader is revitalised the SLT will catch it from him and start to passionately pursue Christ.Malphurs sets aside at least one meeting to talk the SLT through this - if they are not experiencing this then the church will not catch it.

The congregationSpiritual vitality is infectious. The congregation will catch it from the pastor and SLT. Acts 2:42 suggests four functions of church and these when exercised corporately will set people on fire for God.Hearing and seeing the truth of spiritual formation is vital in the life of a church - Malphurs suggests these truths should be preached at least once a year. Call your people to repentance and a strong relationship with their Saviour.

The communityThere should be a knock on effect into the community of non-believers - they are often watching and judging our walk with the Lord and His power in our lives.Matt 5:14The church is a lighthouse and will penetrate into the community with the light of Christ.

QuestionsDo you believe spiritual formation is as important as Malphurs suggests? How will your answer affect your approach to SP?How would you define spiritual formation?How mature is your church? - give it an overall score between 1 (very low) and 10 (excellent).How is your own spiritual formation - did you read and apply the 13 steps - are there any you think should be added?
