21st Century 09 18


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September 11, 2009



Technology enabled bottom up learnerANYTIMEANYWHEREANYPLACEANY PACE

Millennials Rising (Neil Howe and William Strauss)


Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any pace

Relevancy with real world

*They want to do this with the TECHNOLOGY of their generation

74% of all 18-24 year olds were politically active on the Internet during the 2008 campaign

49% of 18-24 year olds used text messaging as their number one source to communicate about the campaign

The Internet has surpassed magazines and radio as a primary source of political information and news for American citizens

Majority of young voters (<30) shared voting experiences via text message, phone call, or blog post


Mobile Job Opportunities for Students

Mobile Coupons SMS & MMS http://


Mobile Advertising• Latest News on Mobile

Marketing• SMS & QRcodes & Call Ins• http://mobilemarketer.com


• 26% of teenagers admitted to using their cell phone to store information to look at during a test or a quiz.

• 25% have text messaged their friends about answers during a test or quiz.

• 20% have searched the Internet via their mobile phone during a test or quiz.

• 17% have taken pictures of a test or quiz with the cell phone in order to send the pictures to their friends.

Most students do not envision these activities as cheating.

More than half of the students surveyed did not think these acts were serious offenses of cheating, rather they think of it as just “helping out a friend.”

63% of students admitted to sneaking in cell phones and using them during class anyway.

In a seven class a day, five day school week, the average student sends at least three text messages per class.

A 14-year-old Wisconsin girl who refused to stop texting during a high school math class was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.

Six teens face child porn (13 to 15) charges after being caught "sexting" each other. Criminal Charge!

Students still “cheating”, “Off-task”, or “inappropriately” using cell phones in schools

Students still bring them to schools and use them when told not to.

Students still do not understand consequences of their use

Students have no idea how to use them in future job force!

How do we engage the anywhere, anytime, anyplace, any pace student?

How do we prepare 21st Century students for the 21st Century job force?

How do we prepare 21st Century students to be citizens in the global community?

“Student’s today can’t prepare bark to calculate their problems. They depend on their slates, which are more expensive. What will they do when the slate is dropped and it breaks? They will not be able to write.”

-Teachers Conference, 1703

“Students today depend upon paper too much. They don’t know how to write on slate without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can’t clean a slate properly. What will they do when they run out of paper?”

-Principal’s Association, 1815

“The Internet is not a great tool for teaching. ..People think that children can think of any topic and pull up a wealth of information on it, but that is not the case.

The information in the library is what people seem to expect, but nobody has the time to transcribe entire libraries onto computers. There is nothing on the Internet that is incredibly beneficial to education.”

-The Monterey County Herald, 1999

“We are not going to allow iPods and BlackBerrys and cell phones and things that are disruptive in the classroom. Classrooms are for learning. Teachers cannot be expected to look under every kid’s desk at what they’re doing.”

-Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 2007

iPod + Broadcast=PodcastAn audio recording that is distributed

via the internet.It can be downloaded and listen to via

a PC or mobile deviceIt has a syndicated feed that uses RSS

to pull the files to the user

Audio (MP3 format)Enhanced Audio-with images (Mv4

format)Video (mpg4 or mov format)PDF (ebooks)

Personal Narratives, Original Work..Poetry

Mock Conventions or Science Fairs Oral histories Vocab and/or concept practice Brainstorming Sessions Overview of unit Oral Reports or Speeches Radio Theater or broadcasts Radio commercials Interviews Newscast-Information for parents

Decide on the “type” of podcast› Radio broadcast, Radio Theater,

Interview…etc Write a pitch

› Paragraph on “this is a podcast about…”› Get it approved by teacher, then…

Write a script Get the Media

› Images, sounds, music…etc Practice, Practice, Practice Record the Podcast Post to the web

Educators Podcasting Networkhttp://epnweb.org

Tony Vincenthttp://learninginhand.com/podcasting/find.html

Podcasts for Teachershttp://www.podcastforteachers.org/

Wes Fryer’s Podcasting Sitehttp://teachdigital.pbwiki.com/podcasting

Ed Tech Talkhttp://edtechtalk.com

RSS Rich Site Summary OR Real Simple


http://drop.io (Record via Cell Phone)

http://podomatic.com (Record or upload online)

http://google.com/voice (Voicemail recording)

http://blogtalkradio.com (Live Podcasting)

You and a partner will be in charge of ONE week of our Preservice Education podcast (Sign up on Wiki)

“This Week in Education…” 30 minutes Sign up on Wiki--Podcast Select a THEME

“Getting to know you…” “Frustrations…” “Lesson plans that didn’t work…” “The best week ever…”

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soe0910 Login: soe0910 Password: soe0910

Participate in AT LEAST 2 other podcast chats this Fall!
