12 important events and people in the renaissance




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12 Important events and people in the Renaissance By: Meredith

Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg • Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440.

Not long after he started to publish books and Bibles so that people could read what others had to say. Without this it would be really hard to find books to read and to practice reading new things. Now there are lots of books being printed by the printing press. People are able to read book and some people like to read and instead of writing up a 60,000 word book, they can print it. This means that we have to spend less time writing books and we can spend more time with our family and friends. We can now read a lot of books and we can learn things from them too. There is also the newspaper which can give us information and can keep us up to date in things around the world.

Johannes Gutenberg • Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in 1440.

Not long after he started to publish books and Bibles so that people could read what others had to say. Without this it would be really hard to find books to read and to practice reading new things. Now there are lots of books being printed by the printing press. People are able to read book and some people like to read and instead of writing up a 60,000 word book, they can print it. This means that we have to spend less time writing books and we can spend more time with our family and friends. We can now read a lot of books and we can learn things from them too. There is also the newspaper which can give us information and can keep us up to date in things around the world.

Columbus lands in the Caribbean's

Columbus lands in the Caribbean's

On October 12th 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean’s. After a long journey across the Atlantic Ocean he landed in what he thought was India. I think that the change it made helped people expand territories. It also made people keener on “discovering” the new lands which let us know more about the world. It has made a huge difference to us because now the America’s are a big part of your lives. We get food, clothing and other imports from them. They are home to many of the world’s population, e.g. refugee’s, lots of college students, and businesses, and it develops the world’s economic, social, and educational needs. (But other countries do this too). So if Columbus never tried to go to India we wouldn’t know about the America’s and we wouldn’t have something’s we have today.

Columbus lands in the Caribbean's

On October 12th 1492 Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean’s. After a long journey across the Atlantic Ocean he landed in what he thought was India. I think that the change it made helped people expand territories. It also made people keener on “discovering” the new lands which let us know more about the world. It has made a huge difference to us because now the America’s are a big part of your lives. We get food, clothing and other imports from them. They are home to many of the world’s population, e.g. refugee’s, lots of college students, and businesses, and it develops the world’s economic, social, and educational needs. (But other countries do this too). So if Columbus never tried to go to India we wouldn’t know about the America’s and we wouldn’t have something’s we have today.

Mona LisaIn the years 1503–1519 Leonardo de Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. It was a picture a woman named Lisa; she also had a small smile which makes it mysterious. It is the most famous painting in the world and is also the most expensive. Leonardo had used shading so that the picture looked 3-D. This made the picture more realistic. Now we use it to make the paintings look like people and it makes the world we live in more beautiful and the museums have the paintings from the renaissance. This means that we now know what the art was like back then so we know how we developed and how we can continue to develop art in different ways. SO without the renaissance we wouldn’t have this type of art.

Mona LisaIn the years 1503–1519 Leonardo de Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. It was a picture a woman named Lisa; she also had a small smile which makes it mysterious. It is the most famous painting in the world and is also the most expensive. Leonardo had used shading so that the picture looked 3-D. This made the picture more realistic. Now we use it to make the paintings look like people and it makes the world we live in more beautiful and the museums have the paintings from the renaissance. This means that we now know what the art was like back then so we know how we developed and how we can continue to develop art in different ways. SO without the renaissance we wouldn’t have this type of art.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Niccolo Machiavelli

In 1512 Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book on how he thought you needed to be a good leader and most of them were about being cunning and sneaky. It leads people to lie to the people and not allow them to do things they should like vote. People have interpreted his book and now people are following things that he wrote about so now there can be really mean leaders so people can get into trouble because the leaders. We care because people get mad and blame the leader if they are like Machiavelli’s book because they can be really mean. So if he hadn’t written the book the world today would be different.

Niccolo Machiavelli

In 1512 Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book on how he thought you needed to be a good leader and most of them were about being cunning and sneaky. It leads people to lie to the people and not allow them to do things they should like vote. People have interpreted his book and now people are following things that he wrote about so now there can be really mean leaders so people can get into trouble because the leaders. We care because people get mad and blame the leader if they are like Machiavelli’s book because they can be really mean. So if he hadn’t written the book the world today would be different.

Martin Luther

Martin Luther

In 1520 Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Germany to complain about the problems of the Church. Then he was put into the Inquisition and called a heretic for doing this even though lots of people agree with him. Today people are still using the religion he made so that means that people cared and agreed. People listened to him and today that is one of the reasons that there are many different types of Christianity. Now people can make their own ideas about the bible. So if he hadn’t done that no monk would have. He stood up for it but he wasn’t that happy.

Martin Luther

In 1520 Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Germany to complain about the problems of the Church. Then he was put into the Inquisition and called a heretic for doing this even though lots of people agree with him. Today people are still using the religion he made so that means that people cared and agreed. People listened to him and today that is one of the reasons that there are many different types of Christianity. Now people can make their own ideas about the bible. So if he hadn’t done that no monk would have. He stood up for it but he wasn’t that happy.

Henry the 8th

Henry the 8th

In 1533 Henry the 8th became the head of the English Church. He made a new version of Christianity that was much like Catholicism except they could divorce. He then divorced his first wife to marry another. He made himself the head of the Church of England. It changed the way people thought because now they could divorce and remarry if they are christens. People in the modern day are divorcing more than ever. People are remarrying as well. People are still using the version of Christianity that King Henry had created because they are Christens just they are also allowed to divorce. So without King Henry it would probably be really had to divorce anyone.

Henry the 8th

In 1533 Henry the 8th became the head of the English Church. He made a new version of Christianity that was much like Catholicism except they could divorce. He then divorced his first wife to marry another. He made himself the head of the Church of England. It changed the way people thought because now they could divorce and remarry if they are christens. People in the modern day are divorcing more than ever. People are remarrying as well. People are still using the version of Christianity that King Henry had created because they are Christens just they are also allowed to divorce. So without King Henry it would probably be really had to divorce anyone.

Queen Elizabeth the first

Queen Elizabeth the first

In 1559 Queen Elizabeth the first ruled England without a king for 45 years and proved to the world that woman are just as strong and smart as men are if they receive the same education. I think that was a big accomplishment for someone in her time to do because of all the illnesses and deaths. Now people know that women are smart and brave and can be as successful as any man. Women can get the same jobs and can do just as well because they are treated the same as men. This means that now women aren’t property like people thought they were before. So without powerful women, like Elizabeth the first, women could still be what they were like in the renaissance.

Queen Elizabeth the first

In 1559 Queen Elizabeth the first ruled England without a king for 45 years and proved to the world that woman are just as strong and smart as men are if they receive the same education. I think that was a big accomplishment for someone in her time to do because of all the illnesses and deaths. Now people know that women are smart and brave and can be as successful as any man. Women can get the same jobs and can do just as well because they are treated the same as men. This means that now women aren’t property like people thought they were before. So without powerful women, like Elizabeth the first, women could still be what they were like in the renaissance.

Samuel de Champlain

Samuel de Champlain

In 1603 Samuel de Champlain traveled to the top of North American, to what is now known as Canada. Unfortunately he killed the people that lived there. Soon after his 2nd visit he made a castle in what is now Quebec City. It would have been really different if he hadn’t found Canada. Now Canada is a really big place and lots of famous cities are there like Vancouver and Quebec itself. There are lots of people live in Canada. Quebec is a really popular city and it has a lot of history. Without him French wouldn’t have spread as much as it has and it wouldn’t be as important to know. So without Samuel de Champlain Canada wouldn’t be the way it is today and French wouldn’t be either.

Samuel de Champlain

In 1603 Samuel de Champlain traveled to the top of North American, to what is now known as Canada. Unfortunately he killed the people that lived there. Soon after his 2nd visit he made a castle in what is now Quebec City. It would have been really different if he hadn’t found Canada. Now Canada is a really big place and lots of famous cities are there like Vancouver and Quebec itself. There are lots of people live in Canada. Quebec is a really popular city and it has a lot of history. Without him French wouldn’t have spread as much as it has and it wouldn’t be as important to know. So without Samuel de Champlain Canada wouldn’t be the way it is today and French wouldn’t be either.

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

In 1666 Sir Isaac Newton was sitting underneath and apple tree when an apple hit him on the head. Soon after he came up with the idea of gravity. I think that the change lead to ideas about the Earth, moon, and stars. It is important because without his theory we would be lost when it comes to space and how the planets revolve. We have learnt about the tide which can save lives when people are swimming out at night. It has helped us with space travel because now we can predict where the moon will be. Because of his discovery we have learnt about the forces and we know that if we drop anything on the Earth it will fall to the ground. If Isaac Newton hadn’t figured this out we could still be wondering about gravity and the planets.

Isaac Newton

In 1666 Sir Isaac Newton was sitting underneath and apple tree when an apple hit him on the head. Soon after he came up with the idea of gravity. I think that the change lead to ideas about the Earth, moon, and stars. It is important because without his theory we would be lost when it comes to space and how the planets revolve. We have learnt about the tide which can save lives when people are swimming out at night. It has helped us with space travel because now we can predict where the moon will be. Because of his discovery we have learnt about the forces and we know that if we drop anything on the Earth it will fall to the ground. If Isaac Newton hadn’t figured this out we could still be wondering about gravity and the planets.

The Inquisition

The Inquisition

The Inquisition took place all over the renaissance. They made people fear the Church to get more Christians. They made people rethink the Church because if lots of people aren’t Catholic than something must be wrong with it. Now people can be all different religions and we can see that in truth the Church was corrupt and that the Church learnt from their mistakes and now people can be whatever they want to be which makes the people happy because they don’t have to worry about their religion because they don’t care.

The Inquisition

The Inquisition took place all over the renaissance. They made people fear the Church to get more Christians. They made people rethink the Church because if lots of people aren’t Catholic than something must be wrong with it. Now people can be all different religions and we can see that in truth the Church was corrupt and that the Church learnt from their mistakes and now people can be whatever they want to be which makes the people happy because they don’t have to worry about their religion because they don’t care.



All throughout the renaissance people were discovering new things about medicine. People started to learn more about the body, the way in worked, and what was inside, so new cures were found and new ideas were formed about what happens to the body. This way we know how to help new lives and we know how to end lives painlessly. We used that knowledge to increase our own so that people are safer and we can help them more. Without the studies that the people did than we would have never found a cure to the things that we are facing right now. But since they did we save lots of lives and we can stay health too.


All throughout the renaissance people were discovering new things about medicine. People started to learn more about the body, the way in worked, and what was inside, so new cures were found and new ideas were formed about what happens to the body. This way we know how to help new lives and we know how to end lives painlessly. We used that knowledge to increase our own so that people are safer and we can help them more. Without the studies that the people did than we would have never found a cure to the things that we are facing right now. But since they did we save lots of lives and we can stay health too.

The Aztec's

The Aztec's

The Aztec's lived all over the renaissance. They had a big idea of gods and their architecture was things that looked like the ancient romans made it. Now there is a lot of architecture that we can base ideas on and we have developed the south of Mexico faster because they had developed it more than most of the people already there already. So now the architecture can inspire us to do other things like that.

The Aztec's

The Aztec's lived all over the renaissance. They had a big idea of gods and their architecture was things that looked like the ancient romans made it. Now there is a lot of architecture that we can base ideas on and we have developed the south of Mexico faster because they had developed it more than most of the people already there already. So now the architecture can inspire us to do other things like that.

Information Bibliography Davis, Adam Hart. “Elizabeth the first/ Aztecs/ Columbus.” Elizabeth the first/ Aztecs/ Columbus. Ed. Angeles Gavira Guerrero. New york: First American Edition, 2007. Print.Ford, Nick. “Reformation from Rome.” Henry the 8th. 2005. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 70-71. Print.“Medici.” Medici. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2011. <http://www.pbs.org/ empires/ medici/ renaissance/ machiavelli.html>.Rees, Fran. “Success at Last.” Johannes Gutenburg. Minneapolis: Compass point books, 2006. 61-67. Print.Somervill, Barbra A. Martin Luther. Minneapolis: Compass Point Books, 2006. N. pag. Print.White, Michael. Isaac Newton. N.p.: Blackbrich Press, 1999. 27-28. Print.

Picture Bibliography Columbus: http://all-history.org/New%20Folder/256/21.jpgIsaac Newton: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/39/GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg/225px-GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg Henry 8: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/henry81540c.jpg Mona Lisa: http://www.robinurton.com/history/Renaissance/Vinci/Leo_mona.jpg Queen Elizabeth 1: http://www.buzzle.com/img/articleImages/45219-47.jpg Johannes Gutenberg: http://content.answcdn.com/main/content/img/webpics/Johannes_Gutenberg.jpgSamuel de Champlain: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Samuel-de-champlain-s.jpg/220px-Samuel-de-champlain-s.jpgMedicine: http://enbphqa.zeigtsichimweb.de/images/11-ya.jpg Martin Luther : http://www.ccel.org/ccel/luther/sermons/files/luther.jpegNiccolo Machiavelli: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Santi_di_Tito_-_Niccolo_Machiavelli's_portrait_headcrop.jpgThe Inquisition: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bd/Galileo_before_the_Holy_Office.jpg/350px-Galileo_before_the_Holy_Office.jpg Aztec's: http://www.glogster.com/media/5/25/33/15/25331539.jpg

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