10 Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship



To the unaware, it’s easy to miss the warning signs of a toxic relationship until it’s too late to just simply walk away from the situation.

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10 Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship


Butterfly Maiden, Inc. | www.butterfly-maiden.com 2

You didn’t mean to…

But the signs were easy to miss.

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You are in a toxic relationship.

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And it is sucking the life right out of you.

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How did I get here?

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Were there red flags?

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Yes. .. Yes, there were.

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10 Warning Signs of a

Toxic Relationship

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1. You feel worse after spending time with this person.

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2. You walk on eggshells so you don’t upset him/her.

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3. You look for excuses not to spend time together.

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4. You argue about petty things regularly.

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5. You believe you need this person more than you need to be happy.

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6. You experience highs and lows like a big ol’ roller coaster.

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7. You avoid your family & friends so they won’t know what’s going on.

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8. You complain about the relationship, but do nothing to change it.

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9. You make poor choices under the influence of this person.

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10. You spend more time making amends than enjoying each other’s company.

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But, wait…. There’s MORE!

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Holidays & special occasions usually end with an emotional disaster.

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Everything is always your fault.

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You can’t seem to win. Ever.

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Your self esteem got flushed down the toilet.

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You feel smothered, suffocated. You are not allowed to grow or change.

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You feel smothered, suffocated. You are not allowed to grow or change.

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You have two choices:

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Remove yourself from the situation…

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…or change the dynamic of the relationship.

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Be smart, though…

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You have no control over anyone, but yourself.

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Quit being so available.

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Stand up for yourself.

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Make your own needs a priority.

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Give yourself time & space to experience life without the toxicity.

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Learn to take responsibility for your own actions.

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Express yourself.

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Forgive yourself.

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Forgive yourself.

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Get help.

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Take your power back.

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