


power point slides from my sermon which can be found at www.pastorjacob.blogspot.com

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25On one occasion anexpert in the law stood upto test Jesus. "Teacher,"

he asked, "what must I doto inherit eternal life?"

26"What is written in the Law?"he replied. "How do you read it?”


27He answered:" 'Love the Lord your God

with all your heartand with all your soul

and with all your strengthand with all your mind';

and, 'Love yourneighbor asyourself.'

28"You have answered correctly,"Jesus replied.

"Do this and you will live.”

HEBREWS 6:9-12

9Even though we speaklike this, dear friends,we are confident ofbetter things in your

case—things thataccompany salvation.

10God is not unjust; he will not forgetyour work and the love you have shownhim as you have helped his people and

continue to help them.

11We want each of you to show thissame diligence to the very end, in order

to make your hope sure. 12We do notwant you to become lazy,

but to imitatethose who

through faithand patienceinherit what

has beenpromised.


9Let us not becomeweary in doinggood, for at the

proper time we willreap a harvest if we

do not give up.

9Let us not becomeweary in doinggood, for at the

proper time we willreap a harvest if we

do not give up.

10Therefore, as wehave opportunity, let

us do good to allpeople, especially tothose who belong to

the family ofbelievers.