world ranked unversities analysis Step by step procedure


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1) Initially we should download Vmware and cloudera, where VMware is virtual machine which is used to run cloudera Operating system

2) After installing VMware successfully open cloudera OS in it3) Download data sets related to university ranking

4) In cloud era open terminal and type mysql –u root -p ,where u are allowed to use mysql service in terminal and type username and password which is cloudera for our OS

5) Create database for our project and in that particular database create table

6) Describe created table structure

7) Load data into table.

Note: Data which is being loaded into table is to be in .csv format. So during our data collection process we collect data in excel format which is to be saved in .csv

8) By this step data is being successfully loaded in our database

9) Check whether data is loaded or not

10) Exit from mysql.

11) Next we have to sqoop our data from this database to hive where we will perform operations on it.

Import data to hadoop from mysqlusing SQOOP

12) After the successful completion of sqoop import,Open web browser and click on hue interface to interact with data which is loaded

13) Now select the table which contains the data on which analysis is to be performed

The above mentioned table describe the table entries of loaded data set in hive

14) Now we take 2 attributes from our table and perform analysis in hue which will display output in graphical manner. we used bar graph for our project

The above generated result shows the bar representation of institution_name and its world rank


It shows the bar representation of institution_name and its national rank

The above are the bar graphs of data set

1)The first one shows the relationship between the institution name and its world rank .

2) The second one shows the relationship between the institution name and its national rank.

On having a clear glance we can see that the world rank and national rank of institution varies.

For example the world rank of Aarhus University is high whereas the national rank of it is considerably low.

The below shown results are derived by taking various aspects in comparison.

15) In this way by taking any two attributes from our table we can perform analysis of data .16) Based on all derived results we can determine the top universities in world.
