Website Launch Checklist


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Neuronimbus Software Services P. Ltd


Launching a new website may seem excit ing, but there’s are a plenty of things to achieve, a stack of fine points that can’t be ignored, and various individuals who need

to work col lectively as a team.

Sharing a set of commands to fol low before hurl ing your website:

1. Spell ing, Grammar, Punctuation

It might seem unnecessary but going through your website and checking for typos, grammar, and proper punctuation is a must.

Special attention is needed for the new pages on your website.

Also, be cautious while copy pasting text from Word or Google Docs as it tends to disturb the formatting.

2. Web FormsAnother essential step is to check all the forms if you have a marketing

automation platform integrated in your website.

Such questions need to be noted down while checking the functionality:– Can the flow be improved?– Are you getting stuck anywhere? Are there any errors?– Is the final form being sent to the correct person?– Is an automated response being sent to the reader?

3. Tit le Tags / Meta Data

This may sound a stale update but confirm that every single page of your website has a unique

title tag. Needless to say, having a meta description is also mandatory.

4. Live URLs

Test every single URL on your website as the website goes live and validate that they lead to

the correct destination.

5. Context

Take a step back and review your buyer identities. Some of our messaging and positioning may have become outdated. A few

key pointers to validate for the same:– Would your target audience visit this page? If yes, then why?– Is there a clear call to action or conversion path?– Does the page address the audience’s buying questions?

6. Site Speed

A few points to consider as long as the speed of your website is concerned are following:

– How fast does your website take to load an entire web page?– How big is the webpage, in terms of file size?– Does the website use web development best practices for website performance?

Consider these two factors when testing the speed of your site.– How long does the Initial page take to load?– How many returning visitors do you have?

It’s also critical to test page load times on mobile devices.

7. Map all old pages to new

Map out all your page redirects will have a significant impact on your website. At times content gets lost in the changeover as new

pages are added, deleted, or renamed.

8. Compatibil i ty

Start testing your design in advanced browsers as well as legacy browsers. By using some free or commercial Web services and software like Browsershots, Adobe

Browserlab, or SuperPreview, one can test the design of the website.

9. Fonts

Run through the copy of the entire web pages of your websites to see that the formatting is in place. Look for uneven blips in

the text as the font codes tend to get dropped into a page inadvertently and make a letter or a word look wacky


10. Tools

Before launching the website, it is necessary that Google Analytics or any other analytics package that you’re planning to

use is properly set up and is ready to go live. Also ensure all Drupal modules have been installed correctly and are


11. Images

If the display text does not render on the image when you hover over it, treat this as an alarm. All the images throughout your

website must display correctly.

12. Social Media Integration

One of the biggest elements of a great website is making your users share your website content on their social

media. Make sure that all the social media icons on the website land to the correct pages.

13. Stress Test

Simulate the HTTP requests generated by simultaneous users, then test your web server performance under

normal and excessive loads. A suggested tool is Load Impact.

After launching a Website, you must continue to revisit on how your website is performing on customer

feedback as well as analytics.

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