Treinamento TDD


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Test Driven DevelopmentDiego Caxito

Changing Software Reason

1. Adding a feature

2. Fixing a bug

3. Improving the design

4. Optmize resource usage

Working Effectively With Legacy Code

Usual Flow

Build Code

Build App

Test Manually

at the time

Change can be paintfull

Lean startup loop fundamental

Do push para a produção - Agile Brazil 2014

Test pyramid

Martin Fowler Bliki

Do push para a produção - Agile Brazil 2014

when someone begin with automation

Software testing pattern Ice-cream Cone Anti-Pattern

Diferent tests can be overlap

Pragmmatic not dogmatic TDD

Test pyramid

Martin Fowler Bliki

Unit Test

Unit test

“Unit tests is the idea that they are tests in isolation of individual components of software.”

Good Unit Test

It should be automated and repeatable.

It should be easy to implement.

Once it’s written, it should remain for future use.

Anyone should be able to run it.

It should run at the push of a button.

It should run quickly.The art of uniting testing


Baby steps

Como a prática de TDD influencia o projeto de classes em sistemas orientados a objetos.

Como a prática de TDD influencia o projeto de classes em sistemas orientados a objetos.

Hello world!!!!!


● describe● it● expect

○ toEqual○ toBe○ not




Mock roles, not objects!

● como testar seu projeto javascript com dependência○ isolando-a
