The Perl API for the Mortally Terrified


DESCRIPTION Have you ever wanted to learn the secrets of the dark masters of Perl? Ever been curious about what an *SV is? Maybe you just want to make a subroutine really, really fast, but you're terrified of this thing called XS that stands in your way. This talk presents the Perl API for beginners from the ground up, explaining everything you need to know to get started hacking Perl in C. XS is not required, as the examples use the much smarter Inline module to get right at the core API with nothing in the way.

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The Perl APIfor the

Mortally Terrified

Mike Friedman

YAPC::NA 2014

Orlando, FL


This talk is the product of a lengthy journey.

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make things fast:

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make things fast: - Write your slow Perl code in C

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make things fast: - Write your slow Perl code in C - Keep your fast Perl code in Perl

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl more useful:

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl more useful: - Interface with libraries written in C

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl more useful: - Interface with libraries written in C - Create modules exposing external APIs to Perl

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl do...stuff

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl do...stuff - Change opcodes on the fly?

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl do...stuff - Change opcodes on the fly? - Extend the parser?

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl do...stuff - Change opcodes on the fly? - Extend the parser? - Make exceptions work?

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl do...stuff - Change opcodes on the fly? - Extend the parser? - Make exceptions work? - Why not?

The Perl APIWhat’s it good for?

Make Perl do...stuff - Change opcodes on the fly? - Extend the parser? - Make exceptions work? - Why not?


What is XS?

perldoc perlxs:

XS is an interface description file format used to create an extension interface between Perl and C code (or a C library) which one wishes to use with Perl. The XS interface is combined with the library to create a new library which can then be either dynamically loaded or statically linked into perl. The XS interface description is written in the XS language and is the core component of the Perl extension interface.

XS is a specialized templating language for C.

Some XS Code

Some XS Code

XS Directives

Some C Code made by xsubpp

XS != Perl API

For most things

For most things

You don't actuallyhave to use XS.

(OK. You don’t have to know that you’re using it.)


use Inline C;hello('Mike');hello('Cookie Monster');


__C__void hello(char* name) {  printf("Hello %s!\n", name);}

use Inline C;hello('Mike');hello('Grover');


__C__void hello(char* name) {  printf("Hello %s!\n", name);}

use Inline C;hello('Mike');hello('Grover');


__C__void hello(char* name) {  printf("Hello %s!\n", name);}

use Inline C;hello('Mike');hello('Grover');


__C__void hello(char* name) {  printf("Hello %s!\n", name);}

Inline::C Code in Perl

Inline::C Code in Perl


Inline::C Code in Perl


C Code Parse::RecDescent

Inline::C Code in Perl


Create build in a temp dir

C Code Parse::RecDescent

Inline::C Code in Perl


Create build in a temp dir

C Code Parse::RecDescent

Write XS

Inline::C Code in Perl


Create build in a temp dir

C Code Parse::RecDescent

Write XS

Compile and install

Inline::C Code in Perl


Create build in a temp dir

C Code Parse::RecDescent

Write XS

Compile and install

How do we make Perl do stuff in C?

How do we make Perl do stuff in C?

We need to understand Perl’s data structures.

Handwaving Ahead

A $scalar in Perl is represented by a struct called SV.



(These are not all of them.)

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?

Points to a struct with the scalar's metadata.


What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?

Reference count for garbage collection


What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?

Flags and type information


What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?

Points to a union with the actual scalar's data


What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?

The simplest scalar:undef

What does SV look like?

The simplest scalar:undef

The "ANY" pointer is NULL, and TYPE is zero.

undef is, like, totes boring.

What about strings?

What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpv", and TYPE is 4. *

* in Perl 5.20.

What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpv", and TYPE is 4. *

* in Perl 5.20.

SV becomes SvPV

What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpviv", and TYPE is 1. *

* in Perl 5.20.

What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpviv", and TYPE is 1. *

* in Perl 5.20.

SV becomes SvIV

What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpvnv", and TYPE is 2. *

* in Perl 5.20.

What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpvnv", and TYPE is 2. *

* in Perl 5.20.

SV becomes SvNV

WRITE CODE NOW?!??!!11!?

Let's make something fast.

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;

print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;

printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__

int add( int a, int b ) { return a + b;}

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;

print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;

printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__

int add( int a, int b ) { return a + b;}

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;

print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;

printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__

int add( int a, int b ) { return a + b;}

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;

print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;

printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__

int add( int a, int b ) { return a + b;}

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;

print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;

printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__

int add( int a, int b ) { return a + b;}

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;

print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;

printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__

int add( int a, int b ) { return a + b;}

bash-3.2$ perl cexp1.plGive me a number: 42Give me another number: 11The sum is: 53

Run it!

bash-3.2$ perl cexp1.plGive me a number: 42Give me another number: 31.337The sum is: 73

Run it again!

bash-3.2$ perl cexp1.plGive me a number: 42Give me another number: 31.337The sum is: 73

Run it again!

What happened?

Inline::C is



Inline::C is


Adding numbers:What will we need?

•SvIOK Is it a SvIV?

•SvIOK Is it a SvIV?

•SvNOK Is it a SvNV?

•SvIOK Is it a SvIV?

•SvNOK Is it a SvNV?

•SvIV Get the C int value from SV

•SvIOK Is it a SvIV?

•SvNOK Is it a SvNV?

•SvIV Get the C int value from SV

•SvNV Get the C float value from SV

•SvIOK Is it a SvIV?

•SvNOK Is it a SvNV?

•SvIV Get the C int value from SV

•SvNV Get the C float value from SV

•newSViv Make a new integer SV

•SvIOK Is it a SvIV?

•SvNOK Is it a SvNV?

•SvIV Get the C int value from SV

•SvNV Get the C float value from SV

•newSViv Make a new integer SV

•newSVnv Make a new float SV

use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;$num_a += 0; $num_b += 0;printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__SV *add( SV *a, SV *b ) {

if ( SvIOK( a ) && SvIOK( b ) ) { return newSViv( SvIV( a ) + SvIV( b ) ); } else if ( SvNOK( a ) && SvNOK( b ) ) { return newSVnv( SvNV( a ) + SvNV( b ) ); } else { croak( "I don't know what to do!" ); }}

use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;$num_a += 0; $num_b += 0; # coerceprintf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__SV *add( SV *a, SV *b ) {

if ( SvIOK( a ) && SvIOK( b ) ) { return newSViv( SvIV( a ) + SvIV( b ) ); } else if ( SvNOK( a ) && SvNOK( b ) ) { return newSVnv( SvNV( a ) + SvNV( b ) ); } else { croak( "I don't know what to do!" ); }}

use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;$num_a += 0; $num_b += 0;printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__SV *add( SV *a, SV *b ) {

if ( SvIOK( a ) && SvIOK( b ) ) { return newSViv( SvIV( a ) + SvIV( b ) ); } else if ( SvNOK( a ) && SvNOK( b ) ) { return newSVnv( SvNV( a ) + SvNV( b ) ); } else { croak( "I don't know what to do!" ); }}

use Inline 'C';

print 'Give me a number: ';my $num_a = <STDIN>;print 'Give me another number: ';my $num_b = <STDIN>;$num_a += 0; $num_b += 0;printf "The sum is: %s\n", add( $num_a, $num_b );__END____C__SV *add( SV *a, SV *b ) {

if ( SvIOK( a ) && SvIOK( b ) ) { return newSViv( SvIV( a ) + SvIV( b ) ); } else if ( SvNOK( a ) && SvNOK( b ) ) { return newSVnv( SvNV( a ) + SvNV( b ) ); } else { croak( "I don't know what to do!" ); }}

bash-3.2$ perl Give me a number: 42Give me another number: 11The sum is: 53bash-3.2$ perl

Run it!

bash-3.2$ perl Give me a number: 42Give me another number: 11The sum is: 53bash-3.2$ perl

Run it!

bash-3.2$ perl Give me a number: 53.4Give me another number: 6.54The sum is: 59.94

bash-3.2$ perl Give me a number: 42Give me another number: 11The sum is: 53bash-3.2$ perl

Run it!

bash-3.2$ perl Give me a number: 53.4Give me another number: 6.54The sum is: 59.94

Give me a number: 42Give me another number: 6.54I don't know what to do! at line 16, <STDIN> line 2.

Once you get this far, everything you need

is in perlapi.

Let's do something with arrays.

What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpvav"

What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpvav"

SV becomes AV

Squaring numbers:What will we need?

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newAV Make a new array AV

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newAV Make a new array AV

•newRV Make a new reference

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newAV Make a new array AV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newAV Make a new array AV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newAV Make a new array AV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvIOK Is it an int?

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newAV Make a new array AV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvIOK Is it an int?

•SvIV Get C int from SV

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newAV Make a new array AV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvIOK Is it an int?

•SvIV Get C int from SV

•av_push Obvs.

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print "Give me some numbers: ";my @numbers = map { $_ += 0 } split /,/, <STDIN>;

my $result = squares( \@numbers );printf "The squares are: %s\n", join ", ", @$result;


#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print "Give me some numbers: ";my @numbers = map { $_ += 0 } split /,/, <STDIN>;

my $result = squares( \@numbers );printf "The squares are: %s\n", join ", ", @$result;



SV *squares( SV *numbers ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( numbers ); AV *return_array = newAV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i, val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvIOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); } val = SvIV( *tmp ); val = val * val;

av_push( return_array, newSViv( val ) ); }

return newRV_inc( (SV *)return_array );}


SV *squares( SV *numbers ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( numbers ); AV *return_array = newAV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i, val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvIOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); } val = SvIV( *tmp ); val = val * val;

av_push( return_array, newSViv( val ) ); }

return newRV_inc( (SV *)return_array );}


SV *squares( SV *numbers ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( numbers ); AV *return_array = newAV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i, val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvIOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); } val = SvIV( *tmp ); val = val * val;

av_push( return_array, newSViv( val ) ); }

return newRV_inc( (SV *)return_array );}


SV *squares( SV *numbers ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( numbers ); AV *return_array = newAV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i, val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvIOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); } val = SvIV( *tmp ); val = val * val;

av_push( return_array, newSViv( val ) ); }

return newRV_inc( (SV *)return_array );}


SV *squares( SV *numbers ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( numbers ); AV *return_array = newAV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i, val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvIOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); } val = SvIV( *tmp ); val = val * val;

av_push( return_array, newSViv( val ) ); }

return newRV_inc( (SV *)return_array );}


SV *squares( SV *numbers ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( numbers ); AV *return_array = newAV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i, val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvIOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); } val = SvIV( *tmp ); val = val * val;

av_push( return_array, newSViv( val ) ); }

return newRV_inc( (SV *)return_array );}


SV *squares( SV *numbers ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( numbers ); AV *return_array = newAV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i, val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvIOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); } val = SvIV( *tmp ); val = val * val;

av_push( return_array, newSViv( val ) ); }

return newRV( (SV *)return_array );}

bash-3.2$ perl Give me some numbers: 4,5,6,23The squares are: 16, 25, 36, 529

Run it!

Let's do something with hashes.

What does SV look like?

What does SV look like?


What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpvhv"

What does SV look like?


"ANY" points to a "xpvhv"

SV becomes HV

Finding uniques:What will we need?

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newHV Make a new hash HV

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newHV Make a new hash HV

•newRV Make a new reference

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newHV Make a new hash HV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newHV Make a new hash HV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newHV Make a new hash HV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvPOK Is it a string?

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newHV Make a new hash HV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvPOK Is it a string?

•SvPV Get C string from SV

•SvRV Get SV from reference

•newHV Make a new hash HV

•newRV Make a new reference

•AvFILL Get size of array

•av_fetch Get an element from array

•SvPOK Is it a string?

•SvPV Get C string from SV

•hv_store Obvs.

#!/usr/bin/env perluse strict;use warnings;use Inline 'C';

print "Give me some words: ";my @words = split /,/, <STDIN>;chomp @words;my $result = uniques( \@words );printf "The uniques are: %s\n", join ", ", %$result;



SV *uniques( SV *words ) { AV *array = (AV *)SvRV( words ); HV *result = newHV(); SV **tmp;

int len = AvFILL( array ); int i; char *val;

for( i = 0; i <= len; i++ ) { tmp = av_fetch( array, i, 1 ); if( !SvPOK( *tmp ) ) { croak( "Can't handle this value!" ); }

val = SvPV_nolen( *tmp );

hv_store( result, val, strlen( val ), newSV(0), 0 ); }

return newRV( (SV *)result );}

bash-3.2$ perl Give me some words: foo,bar,baz,baz,foo,quux,narf,poitThe uniques are: bar, narf, baz, poit, quux, foo

Run it!

What isMagic?

Not that terrifying.

Magic is a linked list of function pointers attached to a *SV.

Magic is a linked list of function pointers attached to a *SV.

The functions implement custom read/write behavior.

Magic is a linked list of function pointers attached to a *SV.

The functions implement custom read/write behavior.

Special vars like %ENV are implemented via Magic.

$ENV{foo} = "blah";

$ENV{foo} = "blah";

assignment op

$ENV{foo} = "blah";

Magic on %ENV ?

assignment op

$ENV{foo} = "blah";

Magic on %ENV ?

assignment op

Look up write function

$ENV{foo} = "blah";

Magic on %ENV ?

assignment op

Look up write function

call libc setenv()

tie() is also implemented via Magic.

Terror defeated!

Where do we go from here?


perlgutsFor details on how to manipulate Perl's

data structures.


perlapiFor a comprehensive reference to (almost)

everything you need to make perl do stuff.


Perlguts Illustrated

For pretty diagrams and explication.


Inline::C Cookbook

For common solutions to problemsinterfacing between Perl and C



Code samples


Thank you.

