TDD in Python With Pytest


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TDD in Python With Pytest



● High-level discussion of TDD● TDD walk-through with pytest● Mocking with pytest

Not looking to proselytize TDD in this presentation● I’m just presenting the concepts and method.

Further ReadingUncle Bob Martin● Beck● Extreme Programming Explained (book)Is TDD Dead? video series● (part 1)Code From This Presentation●

What Is TDD?

● Methodology of Implementing Software● It is NOT a silver bullet!● It is NOT the only way to write good

software!○ But, if followed, will help you write solid software!

Effective TDD● TDD Method- To change a Program:

○ Write a unit test, watch it fail○ Change the code to make the test pass○ Rinse, repeat...

● Unit tests are effective when they are self-contained○ No external dependencies

● TDD is not for prototyping!○ Use when you fully understand your design and how

to code your solution

Anatomy of a Test

● Given… precondition● When… X happens● Then… Y must be true

Tests == Formal Design Spec● Make your tests as readable as you would a (formal)

specification document.

Python TDD Tools● Standard library

○ unittest○ unittest.mock

■ As of Python 3.3● Nosetests● pytest


Testing With Pytest● No classes needed!● Fully takes advantage of Python’s dynamism to help

you design beautiful tests.● Use plain Python assert instead of Xunit jargon● Fixtures

○ Makes it easy to define your test preconditions○ Fixtures can be nested arbitrarily, allowing complex

dependency trees○ Cleanup is handled gracefully

Pytest Fixture Examplefrom my_flask_app import create_app


def app():

app = create_app("test")

return app


def app_client(app):

client = app.test_client()

return client

# GIVEN: app_clientdef test_hello_route(app_client):

# WHEN:reply = app_client.get(“/hello”)

# THEN:assert == “Hello World”

Easy Test Dependencies

● Fixtures allow arbitrarily nested test dependencies, eliminate DRY in your tests!

○ Compare with unittest... fixtures look like:class TestSomething(unittest.TestCase):

def setUp():# fixture code here

def tearDown():# cleanup fixture here

def testSomething():# test case code here

Example: TDD and Flask Hello World

● Let’s walk through how we would implement the Flask Hello World example using TDD.○

● Requirements:○ Need a Flask app○ Must reply the text “hello world” to a GET of the

“/hello” route.

Need to Experiment?

● Not yet sure how to build this?○ Stop your TDD!○ Play, read docs learn, experiment…○ Build a prototype if you like

…● Do NOT commit that code!

○ TDD is not for learning… it’s for executing on something you already know how to build.

Step 1: Start With A test_hello():


GIVEN: A flask hello app

WHEN: I GET the hello/ route

THEN: The response should be "hello world"


assert True

Step 2: Define Test Dependencies

test_hello.pyimport pytest

import hello_app


def app():



def test_client(app):

return app.test_client()

def test_hello(test_client):"""GIVEN: A flask hello appWHEN: I GET the hello/ routeTHEN: The response should be "hello world""""assert True

Step 2 Cont’d

Step 3: Add hello_app Module

hello_app.pyimport flask

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

Step 4: Add Test For /hello Route

test_hello.pyimport pytest

import hello_app


def app():



def test_client(app):

return app.test_client()

def test_hello(test_client):"""GIVEN: A flask hello appWHEN: I GET the hello/ routeTHEN: The response should be "hello world""""response = test_client.get("/hello")assert"utf-8") == "hello world"

Step 4 Cont’d

Step 5: Add The /hello Route

hello_app.pyimport flask

app = flask.Flask(__name__)


def hello():

return "hello world"

We’re Done!

Congratulations, you’ve just followed TDD to create a Flask hello world web application!

Real Life is Never That Simple!

● Of course it’s not● Applications connect to the network,● Use databases,● Do I/O on enormous files,● etc.

Mocking The Edges Of Your App

● Mocks are a testing technique to stub out the “edges” of your application○ “Edges” == external components

● You don’t want to test external components out of your control○ Network○ Database○ Large Files

Mocking with Pytest’s monkeypatch● Pytest defines a special fixture called monkeypatch● Allows arbitrary setattr on anything in your tested

code’s namespace● Example:

def test_unknown_file(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr("os.path.islink", lambda x: False) monkeypatch.setattr("os.path.isdir", lambda x: False)

mylib.check_file("/some/path" )

● Monkeypatched symbols are restored in test cleanup

Mocks as Your Own Fixtures● monkeypatch can be nested within your own fixtures to

define high-level dependencies

● Helps you write clean test code with mocks that follows the pattern of Given-When-Then

● Mocks help your application code remain separate from your testing mechanisms.

Let’s Extend Our Flask Example

● We will add a new route:○ /hacker_news_encoding○ This route returns the “Content-Encoding” header

value returned by the Hacker News site● We can’t directly test Hacker News

○ Site could change○ Site could be down○ Unreliable test results

Step 6: Add a Test For The RouteMOCK_ENCODING = “mock-encoding”

def test_encoding_header(test_client, mock_encoding_request ):


GIVEN: A flask hello app

A mock request handler

WHEN: I GET the /hacker_news_encoding route

THEN: The response should be the expected Content-Encoding


response = test_client.get("/hacker_news_encoding")

assert"utf-8") == MOCK_ENCODING

Step 7: Add The Mock Fixtureclass MockEncodingResponse:

def __init__(self):

self.headers = {"Content-Encoding": MOCK_ENCODING}

def _mock_get(url):

assert url == ""

return MockEncodingResponse()


def mock_encoding_request(monkeypatch):

monkeypatch.setattr("requests.get", _mock_get)

Step 7 Cont’d

Step 8: Add The New Routehello_app.pyimport flask

import requests

app = flask.Flask(__name__)


def hello():

return "hello world"


def hacker_news_encoding():

url = ""

resp = requests.get(url)

return response.headers["Content-Encoding"]

Step 8 Cont’d

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