Synergis University 2014- Inventor Content Center - Adding Information


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Synergis University – Session Description

Session Title: Inventor Content Center – Adding Information

Who is the target audience? (Circle all that apply) Managers Engineers Designers

Write a short blurb, no more than 50 words, that describes what the goal is for this session:

Do you need additional BOM information in your Content Center components? Are you looking to add

your parts to Content Center? In this session you will learn how to start adding your own information to

the Content Center.

List 3 to 5 benefits attendees will get from this session. Keep this description to 12 words or less.

At the end of this session the attendee will….

Create a read-write Content Center library and associated family table

Create your own Inventor Content Center folder structure

Populate a Content Center family table.

Publish your parts to the Content Center

For example:

Presenting Inventor Designs with Showcase

Do you need to present your designs to your boss? Your boss’s boss? The customer? Do you want to

have your work look better than your competitor’s? You have Showcase in the Suites. Here is your

chance to see how to use it.

Engineers, Designers

At the end of this session the attendee will….

Send Inventor designs to Showcase

Know how to use Inventor Level Of Detail representations in Showcase

Know how to use Inventor Positional representations in Showcase

Change backgrounds in Showcase

Change materials in Showcase
