SONY BBS - React Native


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React Native

Mehmet Ali BAĞCI

AgendaTools to build mobile apps

What is React Native?

Why RN?

Why not RN?

How React Native draw?



Demo Application


Approach of Mobile App Development

Approximately 20-30 screens

What is React Native?Javascript framework for building iOS and Android mobile apps

Based on popular Javascript Web framework called React

React-Native bridges and invokes the Native rendering API in Objective-C (iOS) and Java (Android)

Created by Facebook

Native AppReact Native Library

JavaScript Engine

React JS

React Native JS Library

Your App

Native Experience

One language rules them all, JavaScript.

Fast & Great Development Experience

Don’t Waste Time Recompiling (Hot Reloading)

80% Share code between Android & iOS

Great Debugging Tool using Chrome Developer Tools

Be able to bridge with Native Code when we need to

Why React Native?

React-Native is still relatively young compared with

Native iOS and Android Communities (Released on 2015)

Some of Native API still are not supported. (But you can use the native libraries through)

Add one additional layer to mobile app project.

Why NOT React Native?

React for the Web, render normal HTML elements

React Native, render cross-platform (or platform specific) native UI component.

How React Native Draw?

Cross Platform (iOS, Android) Platform Specific

Platform Specific Components

Code is javascript

Styles are … javascript

Views are … javascript

Layout calculation is … javascript

Everything is JavaScript

Combining JavaScript and XML-markup syntax to create view.

Single File Concept (Write down at Component Class), Not Seperate Files (Split HTML, CSS, JS)


var app = <Nav color="blue"> <Profile>click</Profile>


var Nav, Profile;var app = React.createElement(

Nav, {color:"blue"}, React.createElement(Profile, null, "click")


In Web, We have CSS, necessary part of the Web.

In React-Native, We have something similar to CSS, called Flexbox Layout Model.


FlexBox<View style={styles.container}> <View style={[, styles.box1]}></View> <View style={[, styles.box2]}></View> <View style={[, styles.box3]}></View></View>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column' }, box: { height: box_height }, box1: { backgroundColor: '#2196F3' }, box2: { backgroundColor: '#8BC34A' }, box3: { backgroundColor: '#e3aa1a' }});

flexDirection: 'column' flexDirection: 'row'

Demo Application