Social Business Strategy #4: Start with a Clear Vision | TemboSocial


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Social Business Strategy #4:Success Starts with a Clear Vision

In Part Four of the Six-Part Blog Series on Social Business Strategy, we discuss the importance of having a clear vision of what success means and how to continuously measure it.

In the beginning stages, success can be measured by participation. As your social intranet matures, you should look for other ways to measure success (e.g. the number of topics covered, reductions in the numbers of meetings, reductions in email usage).

With that said, here are 3 key ways to guide your vision:

Small Victories are Important

Early in the game it’s important to build enthusiasm and help your team see the value of the program. These early success stories are

essential for helping senior leadership see the value of social initiatives…

Small Victories are Important

It’s important to make it clear to employees what success means. Most people are hesitant to dive into online conversations, especially in the

workplace where they are concerned about saying the wrong thing.

Ranking and Liking

One way to reduce this hesitation and allow employees to “get their toes wet”, is to first provide them with the opportunity to simply rank

and like online content...

Ranking and Liking

Scheduling “just for fun” topics is a good way to provide a low barrier for entry into the online conversation. “Tell us about your best customer

experience,” or “who is your workplace mentor?” are easy ways to transform employees from readers to contributors.

It’s OK to Feel a Little Weird

In the roll-out phase, interactions may sometimes feel forced, awkward or inconsequential. There needs to be an attitude of exploration and

permission to try new things…

It’s OK to Feel a Little Weird

The product sponsor and implementation leaders should touch base regularly with key participants to discover what is working and where

improvements can be made.

Social business is dynamic. It grows and changes as participants find new ways to create value within the system. Your vision for success needs to be flexible and will change over time.

Read the White Paper on Six Strategies for a Successful Social Business that will guide you in building and implementing your strategy.

Some of TemboSocial’s clients:

By leveraging the corporate intranet, TemboSocial’s suite of software add-ons help empower, inform, and create a culture of employee-driven excellence. TemboSocial helps drive engagement with Social Recognition, Ideation, Polling, Commenting, and Employee Engagement Surveys.

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