php[world] 2016 - Tales From the Crypto: A Cryptography Primer


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Tales From the CryptoA Cryptography Primer


Who Am I?


We are going to talk about the common methods and terms used for

cryptography in application development


What is Cryptography?


Cryptography…is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries.



Cryptography obscures data in such a way that it is costly to

duplicate or difficult to reverse.


Good cryptography makes it extremely difficult to identify patterns

in the obscured data.


Type of Cryptography We Will Cover

• Encryption/Decryption

• Digital Signatures

• Hashing




Encrypting data ensures only certain parties can read it.


Encrypted data can be decrypted.


Encryption uses mathematical algorithms called ciphers.


The ciphers use secrets called cipher keys.


Cipher keys can be symmetric (shared secrets) or asymmetric

(public key cryptography).


Symmetric Key Encryption


Symmetric key encryption applies ciphers against data producing a

cipher text.


There are two types of symmetric key ciphers:

stream and block.


Stream ciphers use a cipher key with a cryptographically secure

pseudorandom cipher digit stream called a keystream to

product the cipher text.


Cryptographically secure pseudorandom values are

issued to be random enough not to generate distinguishable



Block ciphers execute against a fixed length group of bits.


Cipher Block Execution Modes


Electronic Cookbook (ECB)




Electronic cookbook encrypts each block separately.



It is not secure as patterns are created from the same data resulting

in the same cipher text.


If you manage to decrypt one block of the cipher text, you can now

decrypt all of the others.



Mode Comparison

Tux the Penguin, the Linux mascot. Created in 1996 by Larry Ewing with The GIMP.




Block Chain and Feedback Modes: CBC, CFB, and OFB


All use an initialization vector (IV) to provide the chain/feedback on the

first block.


All base the cipher value of the current block on some portion of

the previous block.





Unless you have a specific use case, use CBC.


Use PKCS7 padding as it is secure and has the widest compatibility.


Asymmetric Key Encryption: Public Key Cryptography


Public Key Cryptography use key pairs, public/private.


Public keys can be disseminated to anyone.


Public keys can encrypt data but cannot decrypt the data it



Private keys are secret.


Public keys can encrypt and decrypt data.


Public Key Cryptography Implementations


RSA is the only form available in PHP.


RSA encryption is computationally expensive

using very large prime integers and exponential computation.


RSA encryption is limited to the amount of data it can encrypt

based on the size of the private key.


RSA encryption is often used to exchange secret keys for symmetric key encryption.


The Diffie/Hellmen key exchange in SSL/TLS is a great example.


Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

The “Common Paint” is a random number generated on the client and

encrypted with the public key from the server. It is transmitted to the server and decrypted using the private key. They

negotiate a shared secret and then utilize symmetric key encryption with that secret to communicate further.


Always use PKCS1 OAEP Padding. PKCS#1 v1.5 is the PHP default but

must not be used.




Hashes can not be reversed. They can only be recreated and verified.


Hashing data is used to verify the integrity of data or store the

data obscured.


Electronic Signatures


Hashes are used in conjunction with secrets to create electronic



Symmetric Key Signatures


Symmetric key signatures are known as a Hash-based Message

Authentication Code or HMAC


HMACs use a hashing algorithm in combination with a shared secret to

generate a verifiable hash.


The minimum hashing algorithm for an HMAC is SHA-1. SHA-256 or

better is preferred.


Key size determines the cryptographic strength of the



Asymmetric Key Signatures


The private key is used to sign the data.


The public key is used to verify the signature.


RSA is the only asymmetric key signature available in PHP.


The amount of data RSA can sign is based on the size of the private key.


RSA uses hashing algorithms for data larger than the key allows.


SHA1 is the “suggested” minimum hashing algorithm for RSA.


Password Hashing


Hashes are used for passwords or any value that will be

presented for verification.


Proper password hashing is done via a Key Derivation Function (KDF).


Never use a standard hashing algorithm for passwords EVER!


Key derivation functions use a “salt” to create differentiation for the same



Key derivation functions apply the salted hash for a defined iteration



Hashes must be cryptographically pseudorandom and large.


Iteration counts must be as large as can be tolerated.




PHP provides PBKDF2 and BCRYPT for password hashing.


It also provides convenience functions:





Encrypt all data that is secret or private.


Sign all significant data in transit.


Use the strongest encryption you can support.


Do NOT use rand() or mt_rand() to generate keys or IVs. Use

Use random_bytes().

paragonie/random_compat is a PHP 5.x polyfill.


Use the OpenSSL extension for everything but password hashing


If you are writing a library, you can use phpseclib/phpseclib as

an abstraction layer to OpenSSL, MCrypt, or no crypto

extensions installed.



for RSA encryption and OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256/384/512 for



Use aes-256-cbc for symmetric key encryption and

aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha256 for symmetric key signatures


Use built in password hashing functions to do it right.


Use a large number of iterations. Shoot for at least 500ms of hashing.


Further Reading





• Wikipedia


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