Opencart Marketplace Multi Vendor module

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Opencart Marketplace

Opencart Marketplace module convert your website into a complete marketplace within your store.

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Opencart Marketplace Multi Vendor Module convert a store in complete marketplace with separate vendors and product information. There are many feature in this module

● Shipping● Feedback System● Separate seller’s product collection● Commission management● Order Management● SEO● Product Management● Income Management● Transaction Management● Partner Management


Review Orders Place order

Ship Order Make purchase

Vendor create account Buyer create account

Add Product Search Product

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Benefits Of Marketplace

With the integration of Marketplace in the store a seller can have many benefits:

➢ Increase in number of products.

➢ Earnings through commission.

➢ Customers have more options to navigate. ➢ Increase in traffic.

➢ Increase in revenue.

Admin Sellers

Varieties of products

under Marketplace

Increase in Customer Increase in


Increase in revenue

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Configuration Scope in Marketplace Module

The Opencart Marketplace Module provide very huge scope of configuration to every feature in marketplace. Like for general settings, product, commission, seo, sell, profile, catalog module and mail. In upcoming slides you will find all the configurations which we can do for each feature.

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General Settings

As the name itself specify this option is configure the general settings of module, using this option we can do following:

➢ Enter the email address which will be used for this module. ➢ Enable/disable vendor registration page. ➢ Enable/disable the automatic approval of vendor. ➢ Enable/disable the automatic approval of Product. ➢ Provide permission to vendor to change the order status. ➢ Upload default image for vendor’s product.➢ Provide different order status for vendor and decide the

sequence. ➢ Enable/disable the option of ‘customer vendor contact’.➢ Select the order status which will work as complete between

vendor and admin( Used to release payment and commission)

➢ Allow shipping method for vendor.

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Commision Configuration

Admin can define a how the commission flow should work for a product, also admin can enter a fixed default commision.

➢ Admin can enter default commission. ➢ Admin can select if he wants commision from

all the categories of a product or only one. ➢ Admin can select if he wants commision on

category, child category or both. ➢ Admin can select the priority between fixed,

category and child category that which will be charged first.

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Product Configuration

Admin can configure product option to provide different access to vendor while adding the product.

➢ Admin can select the product fields and tabs which he wants to allow to vendor.

➢ Admin can enter the maximum number of images and extensions allowed for each product.

➢ Admin can add allowed extensions for downloadable file.

➢ Admin can enter the maximum size of downloadable file allowed.

➢ Enable/disable the option to receive email after any vendor add the product.

➢ Enable/disable the option to disapprove product after edit.

➢ Enable/disable the option of product deletion from store.

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Sell Page Configuration

Admin can configure the content which he wants to show on the sell tab of the marketplace.

➢ Admin can enter the header of the sell button tab.

➢ Admin can enter the text which he want on the sell button.

➢ Enable/disable the option to show vendors on sell page

➢ Enable/Disable the option to show vendor’s products of vendor on sell page.

➢ Admin can add tabs on the sell page and enter description.

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SEO Setting Configuration

Admin can configure the seo settings for the marketplace and define how SEF link will be replace the pages of store section and product.

➢ Admin can create SEF link by selecting the path and keywords.

➢ Admin can select between vendor’s name, company and display name to be shown with product.

➢ Admin can select display format of SEF link

➢ Admin can select if he want product name to be SEF link.

➢ Admin can enter extension, like .html,.php,.js etc as keyword.

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Profile Settings Configuration

Admin can configure the profile settings to give access to his profile fields and visibility to customers.

➢ Admin can give access to vendors that which field he/she can edit.

➢ Admin can select the tabs which he/she wants to show to the customers on profile page.

➢ Admin can select if customers can see the vendor’s email.

➢ Admin can select if customers can see vendor’s phone.

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Catalog Module and Mail Configuration

Admin can configure the account catalog of vendor and select template for the email sent to vendor and vendor for each occasion

➢ Admin can select the account catalog menu options which he/she wants to provide to vendors.

➢ Admin can select sequence of options.

➢ Admin can create and select template which need to be used on different occasions in marketplace.

➢ Admin can use the mail defined keywords which get mapped with the store information

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Vendor’s Options in Marketplace Module

➢ Vendor can add his/her personal and company details as well as description which will get shown on the profile page.

➢ Using dashboard vendor can track his Total Orders, Sales, Buyers, world map with total sales matrix. vendor can also track latest orders.

➢ From order history vendor can see their products order history. Vendor can also view, add comment and change status of order.

➢ From transaction vendor can see the transaction between admin. ➢ From product list vendor can see all his product and edit them. ➢ Add product is used to add new product. ➢ From download vendor can add downloadable file for downloadable product. ➢ From manage shipping vendor can add shipping rules according to weight of

product and zipcode of customer. vendor can define the shipping rules by uploading a csv file. vendor can also define flat rate shipping.

➢ Ask to Admin option send vendor’s query to admin.

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Vendor’s Profile page for Buyer

In Opencar marketplace module a buyer can see many details of vendor on seller’s page according to the admin preferences.

➢ Buyer can see name, email and phone number of the vendor.

➢ Buyer can see profile and store description

➢ Buyer can see all the collection(Products) for vendor.

➢ Buyer can see and add reviews.➢ Buyer can see vendor’s product

review’s.➢ Buyer can see location of vendor

according to the address entered by vendor.

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Marketplace Management by Admin

Admin has full control over the Marketplace Module and can make many changes.

➢ Partner Management ➢ Commision Management ➢ Product Management➢ Income Management➢ Transaction Management➢ Shipping Management ➢ Mail Management ➢ Custom Fields

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Partner Management

This option is to manage vendor’s which are registered on the website, admin can manage following details.

➢ Admin can filter the vendor list with use of name, group, email, etc.

➢ Admin can approve/ disapprove partnership.

➢ Admin can delete partner.➢ Admin Can login as Partner.➢ Admin can edit partner

details from admin section.➢ Admin can add commision to

particular vendor. ➢ Admin can assign product to

vendors from Store.

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Commission Management

➢ Admin can define commission by category and child category.

➢ Admin can add commission as fixed price and percentage of product price.

➢ Admin can delete defined commision.

➢ Admin can edit commission value and category

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Product Management

➢ Admin can view all product list with and assigned vendor’s name.

➢ Admin can filter the product with product name, vendor name, quantity, price, model and status.

➢ Admin can delete product from marketplace.

➢ Admin can approve product from list.

➢ Admin can edit existing product.

➢ Admin can see product preview

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Income and Transaction Management

➢ Admin can see complete income detail list by each vendor.

➢ Admin can see commission, total amount, seller amount, admin amount, paid to seller and remaining Amount of each vendor.

➢ Admin can pay to the vendor for the order which are complete.

➢ Admin can select the orders for which he wants to pay to the vendor.

➢ Admin can see each transaction between admin and vendor from transaction list with vendor ID, name, date, amount and comment.

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Shipping Management

➢ Admin can see the custom shipping details which are added by vendors.

➢ Admin can delete the entries added by vendor.

➢ Admin can add shipping on behalf of vendors using on CSV file

➢ Admin can add shipping details for more than one vendor using one CSV file.

➢ For complete details regarding how vendor and admin can manage custom shipping please visit following link:

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