Manufacturing benefits and flow


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CASE STUDIESManufacturingBenefits and Implementation

IT Consulting and Outsourcing Services

Advantages of System.

Manage your bill of materials, plan your manufacturing orders, track your work orders. • Manage all assembly and/or manufacturing operations. • Schedule manufacturing orders and work

orders automatically. • Review planning with the smart kanban and gantt views. • Use the advanced analytics features to detect bottlenecks

in resources capacities and inventory locations.

Efficiently Schedule your Manufacturing Orders.

• Automatically schedule manufacturing orders and work orders based on your procurement rules, quantities forecast and dependent demand.

Schedule Work Orders ,Manage Inventory and Manufacturing Analytics• Fully integrated with Warehouse Module and programs

allows real time stock valuation and deeper reporting oncosts and expenses on your manufacturing operations.

• The calendar integration allows real time scheduling ofyour manufacturing operations, helps booking workcenters, machine slots and labor.

Integrated with Sales, Purchase, Logistics and real time Accounting• Fully integrated with sales and purchases apps and

programs to make manufacturing resource planningaccurate.

• The accounting integration allows real timeaccounting valuation and deeper reporting on costsand revenues on your manufacturing operations.

Flexibility in defining Raw Materials. Products, bill of materials and routings• Have the flexibility to create multi-

levelbills of materials, optional routing, versionchanges and phantom bills of materials.

• You can use BoM for kits or for manufacturing orders.

Flexibility in defining Operations• Manually edit all operations at any stage

of the process.• You can design specific templates for

eachoperation and use the set of tools to

ProductsThis section of the product allows you to define your products, Products / RawMaterials thatcompany purchases. Finished Goods thatcompany sells. Or Stackable material that company sells as vendor.

We can have a view of on hand and forecasted quantity

Detailed Product View

Allows you to entre details of the products.

Product List View

Allows you check product in list view with quick search facility.

Bill of Materials:

Allows you to define the raw materials of your finished goods.

Process defined

• A user friendly form to define various operations or manufacturing steps involved in the process.

• Work centers can be assigned , no of cycles for each step as well as the number of hours involved in each step can be defined here.


• A user friendly form to create various operations or manufacturing steps involved in the process.

• Work centers can be assigned , no of cycles for each step as well as the number of hours involved in each step can be defined here.

Work Status

Apart from day to day operations that need to be taken care the calendar also allows to check the status of processes from within the calendar view.

Manufacturing Order Status

Check the status of processes in the list view as well , with quick search facility.



• As soon as we create a manufacturing order the system automatically fillsin the required raw materials (warehouse status can be checked)

• Status of this particular has been changed from new to awaiting for rawmaterials .

• We can choose or edit the work centers , routings (Flow of Manufacturing Process), raw materials.

• We can see here the manufacturing has not been started so noproducts have been consumed yet.

Finished Goods

• In this particular case as the manufacturing has not been started the status of the finished good is also not updated from product to be produced to product produced..

Work Order


• You can check the status of various operations that comprises of the manufacturig process as well.

Flexibility in Manufacturing operations Real time recording.

• You can record the status of products consumed , stages completed so that real time situation of a manufacturing order can be tracked.

Work Order Planning.

• You can also book various work centers on calendar .

• This feature allows departments to book slots for machines as well as working stations without any dispute ahead.

• Can analyze the spare time for machines or labors .

Structure of Bills Of Materials.

This feature allows to make a flow chart of all the processes involved in the manufacturing process for a particular product manufactured.

You can...

• Consume a product, • Split the product • Scrap a product in the process.

Check status in real time

• Check which status of the order andconsumed product.

Check status in real time

• Check which stage has been

completed and finished product status as well.

Work Order Reporting
