Lightbend Lagom: Microservices Just Right

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Lightbend LagomMicroservices “Just Right”

Mirco Dotta


Scala Days NYC - May 10, 2016

Lagom - [lah-gome]

Adequate, sufficient, just right


● Why Lagom?● Lagom dive in

○ Development Environment○ Service API○ Persistence API

● Running in Production

Why Lagom?

● Opinionated● Developer experience matters!

○ No brittle script to run your services○ Inter-service communication just works○ Services are automatically reloaded on code change

● Takes you through to production deployment

● sbt build tool (developer experience)● Play 2.5● Akka 2.4 (clustering, streams, persistence)● Cassandra (default data store)● Jackson (JSON serialization)● Guice (DI)● Architectural Concepts: immutability, Event Sourcing/CQRS,

circuit breakers

Under the hood

Enough slides,

Demo time

Anatomy of a Lagom project

● sbt build● Scala 2.11 and JDK8● Each service definition is split into two sbt projects:

○ api○ Implementation

Service API

Service definition trait HelloService extends Service {

override def descriptor(): Descriptor = {


namedCall("/hello", sayHello _)



def sayHello(): ServiceCall[String, String]


// this source is placed in your api project

ServiceCall explained

● ServiceCall can be invoked when consuming a service:○ Request: type of incoming request message (e.g. String)○ Response: type of outgoing response message (e.g. String)

● JSON is the default serialization format for request/response messages● There are two kinds of request/response messages:

○ Strict○ Streamed

trait ServiceCall[Request, Response] {

def invoke(request: Request): Future[Response]


Strict Messages

Strict messages are fully buffered into memory

override def descriptor(): Descriptor = {


pathCall("/users/:userId/friends", addFriend _)



def addFriend(userId: String): ServiceCall[FriendId, NotUsed]

Streamed Messagesoverride def descriptor(): Descriptor = {


pathCall("/tick/:interval", tick())



def tick(): ServiceCall[String, Source[String, _]]

● A streamed message is of type Source (an Akka streams API)● It allows asynchronous streaming and handling of messages● Lagom will select transport protocol (currently WebSockets)

Remember the Service definition?trait HelloService extends Service {

override def descriptor(): Descriptor = {


namedCall(sayHello _)



def sayHello(): ServiceCall[String, String]


// this source is placed in your api project

Here is the Service implementation

class HelloServiceImpl extends HelloService {

override def sayHello(): ServiceCall[String, String] {

name => Future.successful(s"Hello, $name!")



// this source is placed in your implementation project

Inter-service communication

class MyServiceImpl @Inject()(helloService: HelloService)

(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends MyService {

override def sayHelloLagom(): ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] = unused => {

val response = helloService.sayHello().invoke("Lagom") => s"Hello service said: $answer")



Persistence API


● Each service owns its data○ Only the service has direct access to the DB

● We advocate the use of Event Sourcing (ES) and CQRS○ ES: Capture all state’s changes as events○ CQRS: separate models for write and read

Benefits of Event Sourcing/CQRS

● Allows you to time travel● Audit log● Future business opportunities● No need for ORM● No database migration script, ever● Performance & Scalability● Testability & Debuggability

Event Sourcing: Write Side

● Create your own Command and Event classes● Subclass PersistentEntity

○ Define Command and Event handlers○ Can be accessed from anywhere in the cluster○ (corresponds to an Aggregate Root in DDD)

Event Sourcing: Example

Create the Command classes

sealed trait FriendCommand extends Jsonable

case class AddFriend(friendUserId: String) extends

PersistentEntity.ReplyType[Done] with FriendCommand

// more friend commands

Event Sourcing: Example cont’d

Create the Event classes

sealed trait FriendEvent extends Jsonable

case class FriendAdded(userId: String, friendId: String,

timestamp: Instant = extends FriendEvent

// more friend events

Event Sourcing: Example cont’d

class FriendEntity extends

PersistentEntity[FriendCommand, FriendEvent, FriendState] {

def initialBehavior(snapshotState: Optional[FriendState]): Behavior =

// TODO: define command and event handlers


Create a subclass of PersistentEntity

Event Sourcing: Example cont’dval b: Behavior = newBehaviorBuilder(/*...*/)


(cmd: AddFriend, ctx: CommandContext[Done]) => state.user match {

case None =>

ctx.invalidCommand(s"User ${entityId} is not created")


case Some(user) =>

ctx.thenPersist(FriendAdded(user.userId, cmd.friendUserId),

(evt: FriendAdded) => ctx.reply(Done))



(evt: FriendAdded) => state.addFriend(evt.friendId))

Event Sourcing: Example cont’d

No side-effects in the event handler!

Event Sourcing: Example cont’d

Create the State class

case class FriendState(user: Option[User]) extends Jsonable {

def addFriend(friendUserId: String): FriendState = user match {

case None => throw new IllegalStateException(

"friend can't be added before user is created")

case Some(user) =>

val newFriends = user.friends :+ friendUserId

FriendState(Some(user.copy(friends = newFriends)))



class FriendServiceImpl @Inject() (persistentEntities: PersistentEntityRegistry)

(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends FriendService {

// at service startup we must register the needed entities


def addFriend(userId: String): ServiceCall[FriendId, NotUsed] = request => {

val ref = persistentEntities.refFor(classOf[FriendEntity], userId)

ref.ask[Done, AddFriend](AddFriend(request.friendId))


// ...


Event Sourcing: Example cont’d

Event Sourcing: Read Side

● Tightly integrated with Cassandra ● Create the query tables:

○ Subclass CassandraReadSideProcessor○ Consumes events produced by the PersistentEntity and

updates tables in Cassandra optimized for queries● Retrieving data: Cassandra Query Language

○ e.g., SELECT id, title FROM postsummary

Running in Production

● sbt-native packager is used to produce zip, MSI, RPM, Docker● Lightbend ConductR* (our container orchestration tool)● Lightbend Reactive Platform*

○ Split Brain Resolver (for Akka cluster)○ Lightbend Monitoring

*Requires a Lightbend subscription (ConductR is free to use during development)


● Current version is 1.0.0-M2○ 1.0 soon

● Java API, but no Scala API yet○ We are working on the Scala API○ But using Scala with the Java API works well! https:



● Maven support● Message broker integration● Scala API● Support for other cluster orchestration tools● Support for writing integration tests● Swagger integration

○ Which also removes binary coupling!

Next: Seq[Step]● Try Lagom yourself

○● Using Scala with Lagom

○● Lagom on Github

○● Read Jonas Bonér's free book Reactive Services Architecture

○ ● Great presentation by Greg Young on why you should use ES


Thank you for listening!@mircodotta


override def descriptor(): Descriptor = {


namedCall("/users", createUser _),

pathCall("/users/:id", getUser _),

restCall(Method.POST, "/users/:userId/friends", addFriend _)



def createUser(): ServiceCall[User, NotUsed]

def getUser(id: String): ServiceCall[NotUsed, User]

def addFriend(userId: String): ServiceCall[FriendId, NotUsed]

Different kinds of service call descriptors
