Java 8 Date and Time API - Quiz

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Java 8 Date and Time API - Quiz


Quiz Question #1 Choose the correct option based on this code segment:

LocalDate babyDOB = LocalDate.of(2015, Month.FEBRUARY, 20);

LocalDate now = LocalDate.of(2016, Month.APRIL, 10);

System.out.println(Period.between(now, babyDOB).getYears()); // PERIOD_CALC

A. The code segment results in a compiler error in the line marked with the comment PERIOD_CALC

B. The code segment throws a DateTimeException

C. The code segment prints: 1

D. The code segment prints: -1

Quiz Question #1 - Answer

The code segment prints: - 1

Here are the arguments to the between() method in the Period class:

Period between(LocalDate startDateInclusive, LocalDate endDateExclusive)

The first argument is the start and the second argument is the end, and hence the call Period.between(now, babyDOB) results in -1 (not +1).

Quiz Question #2

Which one of the following classes is best suited for storing timestamp values of application events in a file?

A. java.time.ZoneId class

B. java.time.ZoneOffset class

C. java.time.Instant class

D. java.time.Duration class

E. java.time.Period class

Quiz Question #2 - Answer

C . Instant class

The Instant class stores the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). The Instant class is suitable for storing a log of application events in a file as timestamp values.

The ZoneId and ZoneOffset classes are related to time zones and hence are unrelated to storing timestamp values. The Duration class is for time-based values in terms of quantity of time (such as seconds, minutes, and hours). The Period class is for date-based values such as years, months, and days.

Quiz Question #3 Given this code segment:

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("Asia/Singapore");

ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime =

ZonedDateTime.of(, zoneId);


assume that the time-offset value for the Asia/Singapore time zone from UTC/Greenwich is +08:00. Choose the correct option.

A. This code segment results in throwing DateTimeException

B. This code segment results in throwing UnsupportedTemporalTypeException

C. The code segment prints: Asia/Singapore

D. The code segment prints: +08:00

E. This code segment prints: +08:00 [Asia/Singapore]

Quiz Question #3 - Answer

D. The code segment prints: + 08:00

Given a ZonedDateTime object, the getOffset() method returns a ZoneOffset object that corresponds to the offset of the time zone from UTC/Greenwich. Given that the time-offset value for the Asia/Singapore zone from UTC/Greenwich is +08:00, the toString() method of ZoneOffset prints the string “+08:00” to the console.

Quiz Question #4 Choose the correct option based on this code segment:

DateTimeFormatter dateFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE; // DEF

LocalDate dateOfBirth = LocalDate.of(2015, Month.FEBRUARY, 31);

System.out.println(dateFormat.format(dateOfBirth)); // USE

A. The program gives a compiler error in the line marked with the comment DEF

B. The program gives a compiler error in the line marked with the comment USE

C. The code segment prints: 2015-02-31

D. The code segment prints: 2015-02-03

E. This code segment throws java.time.DateTimeException with the message "Invalid date 'FEBRUARY 31'"

Quiz Question #4 - Answer

E. This code segment throws java.time.DateTimeException with the message "Invalid date 'FEBRUARY 31'" .

The date value 31 passed in the call LocalDate.of(2015, 2, 3 1); is invalid for the month February, and hence the of() method in the LocalDate class throws DateTimeException.

One of the predefined values in DateTimeFormatter is ISO_DATE. Hence, it does not result in a compiler error for the statement marked with the comment DEF. The statement marked with the comment USE compiles without errors because it is the correct way to use the format() method in the DateTimeFormatter class.

Quiz Question #5 Consider this code segment:

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("EEEE", Locale.US);


Which of the following outputs matches the string pattern "EEEE" given in this code segment?

A. F

B. Friday

C. Sept

D. September

Quiz Question #5 - Answer

B. Friday

E is the day name in the week; the pattern "EEEE" prints the name of the day in its full format. “Fri” is a short form that would be printed by the pattern “E", but "EEEE" prints the day of the week in full form: for example, “Friday”. Because the locale is Locale.US, the result is printed in English. The output “Sept” or “September” is impossible because E refers to the name in the week, not in a month.



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