InterConnect: Server Side Swift for Java Developers


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6190: Server-Side Swift: An Introduction for Java EE Developers

Chris BaileySTSM, Technical Architect Java, Node.js and Swift at IBM

Stephan Knitelius, Senior ConsultantFaktor Zhen AG

Swift ProgrammingSafe | Expressive | Fast

Hello World

Swift: Hello World

print("Hello, world!")

Swift: Hello World

print("Hello, world!")

> swift main.swift

Swift: Hello World

print("Hello, world!")

> swift main.swift > main

Swift: Hello World

print("Hello, world!")

> swift main.swift > main "Hello, world!"

Swift: Hello World

let event = ”InterConnect"

print("Hello, \(event)”)

Swift: Hello World

let event = ”InterConnect"

print("Hello, \(event)”)

> swift main.swift

Swift: Hello World

let event = ”InterConnect"

print("Hello, \(event)”)

> swift main.swift > main "Hello, InterConnect"

Swift: Hello World

let event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

Swift: Hello World

let event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

> swift main.swift

Swift: Hello World

let event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

> swift main.swift error: cannot assign to value: 'event' is a 'let' constant

Swift: Hello World

let event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

Swift: Hello World

let event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

Swift: Hello World

var event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

Swift: Hello World

var event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

> swift main.swift

Swift: Hello World

var event = "InterConnect" event = "Somewhere else" print("Hello, \(event)”)

> swift main.swift > main "Hello, Somewhere else"

Swift: Hello World


func addInts(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }

Swift: Functions

func addInts(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }

addInts(a: 1, b: 3)

Swift: Functions

func addInts(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }

Swift: Functions

func addInts(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int { return a + b }

addInts(1, 3)

Swift: Functions

func move(from start: Point, to end: Point) -> Bool { /* code */ }

Swift: Functions

func move(from start: Point, to end: Point) -> Bool { /* code */ }

move(from: a, to: b)

Swift: Functions

func minAndMax(numbers: Int...) -> (min: Int, max: Int) {


Swift: Functions and Tuples

func minAndMax(numbers: Int...) -> (min: Int, max: Int) { var min = numbers[0] var max = numbers[0] for number in numbers { if number > max { max = number } else if number < min { min = number } } return (min, max) }

Swift: Functions and Tuples

func minAndMax(numbers: Int...) -> (min: Int, max: Int) { var min = numbers[0] var max = numbers[0] for number in numbers { if number > max { max = number } else if number < min { min = number } } return (min, max) }

let result = minAndMax(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Swift: Functions: Varargs and Tuples

func minAndMax(numbers: Int...) -> (min: Int, max: Int) { var min = numbers[0] var max = numbers[0] for number in numbers { if number > max { max = number } else if number < min { min = number } } return (min, max) }

let result = minAndMax(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) print(result.min) print(result.max)

Swift: Functions: Varargs and Tuples

Control Flow

let expenseCosts = [34.4, 30.99, 250.0]

var sum: Double = 0

for expense in expenseCosts { sum += expense }

print("total cost is \(sum)")

Swift: Loops and Iterators

let flavour = "Vanilla"

switch flavour { case "Chocolate": print("Quite nice") case "Strawberry", "Rum'n'raisin": print("Very nice") case let str where str.hasPrefix("Mint"): print("UGH!!!, I hate \(str)") default: print("No opinion about this") }

Swift: Switch Statements

let flavour = "Vanilla"

switch flavour { case "Chocolate": print("Quite nice") case "Strawberry", "Rum'n'raisin": print("Very nice") case let str where str.hasPrefix("Mint"): print("UGH!!!, I hate \(str)") default: print("No opinion about this") }

> swiftc main.swift > main

Swift: Switch Statements

let flavour = "Vanilla"

switch flavour { case "Chocolate": print("Quite nice") case "Strawberry", "Rum'n'raisin": print("Very nice") case let str where str.hasPrefix("Mint"): print("UGH!!!, I hate \(str)") default: print("No opinion about this") }

> swiftc main.swift > main "No opinion about this"

Swift: Switch Statements

let flavour = "Mint Chocolate"

switch flavour { case "Chocolate": print("Quite nice") case "Strawberry", "Rum'n'raisin": print("Very nice") case let str where str.hasPrefix("Mint"): print("UGH!!!, I hate \(str)") default: print("No opinion about this") }

Swift: Switch Statements

let flavour = "Mint Chocolate"

switch flavour { case "Chocolate": print("Quite nice") case "Strawberry", "Rum'n'raisin": print("Very nice") case let str where str.hasPrefix("Mint"): print("UGH!!!, I hate \(str)") default: print("No opinion about this") }

> swiftc main.swift > main

Swift: Switch Statements

let flavour = "Mint Chocolate"

switch flavour { case "Chocolate": print("Quite nice") case "Strawberry", "Rum'n'raisin": print("Very nice") case let str where str.hasPrefix("Mint"): print("UGH!!!, I hate \(str)") default: print("No opinion about this") }

> swiftc main.swift > main "UGH!!!, I hate Mint Chocolate"

Swift: Switch Statements

let numbers = [1, 2, 3]{ (number: Int) -> Int in return number * 5 }) // [5, 10, 15]{ number in number * 5 }) { $0 * 5 }

Swift: Closures

Data Types

class Square {

var area: Double = 0

init(sideLength: Double) { self.sideLength = sideLength } var sideLength: Double { get { return sqrt(area) } set { area = newValue * newValue } } }

Swift: Classes

struct Point { var x: Int var y: Int func description() -> String { return "x=\(x), y=\(y)" } }

var coord = Point(x: 2, y: 4)

var newCoord = coord coord.x = 4

print(coord.description()) // x=4, y=4 print(newCoord.description()) // x=2, y=4

Swift: Structs

enum ApprovalStatus { case PendingOn(String) case Denied case Approved(String) }

var status = ApprovalStatus.PendingOn("Joe Bloggs")

status = .Approved("13213-4341321-2")

switch status { case .PendingOn(let approver): print("Request pending on approval from \(approver)") case .Denied: print("Request DENIED") case .Approved(let code): print("Request approved - auth code \(code)") }

Swift: Enums




inwai8ngSerial or Concurrent FIFO Queue

Waiting TasksTasks AddedTo Queue

Tasks RemovedFor Execution



inwai8ngSerial or Concurrent FIFO Queue

Waiting TasksTasks AddedTo Queue

Tasks RemovedFor Execution

import Dispatch

let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serial queue")



inwai8ngSerial or Concurrent FIFO Queue

Waiting TasksTasks AddedTo Queue

Tasks RemovedFor Execution

import Dispatch

let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serial queue")

serialQueue.async { print("run on serial queue") } serialQueue.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(1)) { print("run on serial queue") }



inwai8ngSerial or Concurrent FIFO Queue

Waiting TasksTasks AddedTo Queue

Tasks RemovedFor Execution

import Dispatch

let concurrentQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "concurrent queue", attributes: .concurrent)

concurrentQueue.async { print("run on concurrent queue") }



inwai8ngSerial or Concurrent FIFO Queue

Waiting TasksTasks AddedTo Queue

Tasks RemovedFor Execution

import Dispatch

let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "group queue", attributes: .concurrent) let group = DispatchGroup()



inwai8ngSerial or Concurrent FIFO Queue

Waiting TasksTasks AddedTo Queue

Tasks RemovedFor Execution

import Dispatch

let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "group queue", attributes: .concurrent) let group = DispatchGroup()

queue.async(group: group) { print("work 1") }

queue.async(group: group) { print("work 2") }



inwai8ngSerial or Concurrent FIFO Queue

Waiting TasksTasks AddedTo Queue

Tasks RemovedFor Execution

import Dispatch

let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "group queue", attributes: .concurrent) let group = DispatchGroup()

queue.async(group: group) { print("work 1") }

queue.async(group: group) { print("work 2") }

group.notify(queue: queue) { print("all work completed") }

Swift ProgrammingSafe | Expressive | Fast

Swift ProgrammingSafe | Expressive | Fast

Swift @ IBM

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Void { print(string.characters.count) }

var str: String? = nil

length(of: str)

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Void { print(string.characters.count) }

var str: String? = nil

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Void { print(string.characters.count) }

var str: String? = nil

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac >


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Void { print(string.characters.count) }

var str: String? = nil

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift > Error line 7: Value of optional type ‘String?’ not unwrapped; > did you mean to use ‘!’ or ‘?’?

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac >


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Void { print(string.characters.count) }

var str: String? = nil

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift > Error line 7: Value of optional type ‘String?’ not unwrapped; > did you mean to use ‘!’ or ‘?’?

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac > java Test


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Void { print(string.characters.count) }

var str: String? = nil

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift > Error line 7: Value of optional type ‘String?’ not unwrapped; > did you mean to use ‘!’ or ‘?’?

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac > java Test Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Test.length( at Test.main(


var optionalString: String? = nil

var string: String = optionalString

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

var string: String = optionalString

> swiftc main.swift

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

var string: String = optionalString

> swiftc main.swift error: value of optional type 'String?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or ‘?'? var string: String = optionalString ^

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

var string: String = optionalString!

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

var string: String = optionalString!

> swiftc main.swift

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

var string: String = optionalString!

> swiftc main.swift > main

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

var string: String = optionalString!

> swiftc main.swift > main fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

guard var string: String = optionalString else { print(‘Error! Null string found’) }

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

guard var string: String = optionalString else { print(‘Error! Null string found’) }

> swiftc main.swift

Swift: Structs

var optionalString: String? = nil

guard var string: String = optionalString else { print(‘Error! Null string found’) }

> swiftc main.swift > main “Error! Null string found”

Swift: Structs

Swift ProgrammingSafe | Expressive | Fast

func move(from start: Point, to end: Point) -> Bool { /* code */ }

Swift: Functions

func move(from start: Point, to end: Point) -> Bool { /* code */ }

move(from: a, to: b)

Swift: Functions

Swift @ IBM

public class Test { private static void length (String string){ System.out.println(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }


Swift @ IBM

public class Test { private static int length (String string){ return(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Int { return(string.characters.count) }

var str: String = ”MyString”

length(of: str)

public class Test { private static int length (String string){ return(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Int { return(string.characters.count) }

var str: String = ”MyString”

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift

public class Test { private static int length (String string){ return(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Int { return(string.characters.count) }

var str: String = ”MyString”

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift

public class Test { private static int length (String string){ return(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac >


Swift @ IBM

func length(of string: String) -> Int { return(string.characters.count) }

var str: String = ”MyString”

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift > Warning: result of call to ‘length(of:)’ is unused

public class Test { private static int length (String string){ return(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac >


Swift @ IBM

@discardableResult func length(of string: String) -> Int { return(string.characters.count) }

var str: String = ”MyString”

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift

public class Test { private static int length (String string){ return(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac >


Swift @ IBM

@discardableResult func length(of string: String) -> Int { return(string.characters.count) }

var str: String = ”MyString”

length(of: str)

> swiftc main.swift >

public class Test { private static int length (String string){ return(string.length()); } public static void main(String[] args){ String string = null; length(string); } }

> javac >


Swift ProgrammingSafe | Expressive | Fast













n (s

) (lo


is b



Typed vs Untyped Performance












Typed vs Untyped Performance



n (s

) (lo


is b



4 4.3











Typed vs Untyped Performance



n (s

) (lo


is b



4 4.3












Typed vs Untyped Performance



n (s

) (lo


is b




Kitura + LibertyDemo

JSON Parsing


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Client Devices Hosted Services


Micro-ServicesBackend For Frontend(BFF)


Bluemix Mobile & Omni-Channel!BMO-6321: Patterns in Omni-Channel Cloud Application Development

Containers & Microservices!BMC-2173: Introduction to Docker Containers and Microservices

Visit the DevZone in the Concourse for open Hello World labs and Ask Me Anything booths!

Wednesday, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM | South Pacific C | Session ID: 6321A

Tuesday, 4:45 PM - 5:30 PM | South Pacific A | Session ID: 2173A

Tuesday, 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM | DevZone Ask Me Anything # 2 | Session ID: 7087AAsk Me Anything: Bluemix Cloud-Native Development

Ask Me Anything: Server-Side Swift DevelopmentWednesday, 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM | DevZone Ask Me Anything # 6 | Session ID: 7088A

Node.js & LoopBackBAP-1117: Introduction to LoopBackNode.js Framework

Liberty & MicroservicesBAP - 5081: Microservices with IBM WebSphere Liberty:What, Why and When?

Wednesday, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM | Islander F | Session ID: 1117A

Tuesday, 7:00 PM - 7:20 PM | Engagement Theater Booth #319 | Session ID: 5081A


Please noteIBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion.

Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision.

The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract.

The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion.

Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming inthe user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.


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