IBM Watson Developer Cloud


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Watson Developer CloudCognitive Solutions

Watson is creating a new partnership

between people and computers

that enhances, scales and accelerates

human expertise.

Self-Serve environment» Cloud access to API’s

» Developer environment

• API’s, SDK’s, Demos,

Code, App Gallery, Forum

Rapid Innovation in

Cognitive Solutions

Make your apps Read,

Hear, Talk, See & Learn

Watson Developer Cloud:

Build with Watson

Rapid growth: Developers and Partners world wide are

infusing cognitive capabilities into their applications &


Peak API

calls / mo



across 84 countries

10,000+80,000+ 3BApps in test,


or production

525+Partners in

17 industries &

36 countries

WW Watson Client

Experience Centers From NY to Singapore,

London, Melbourne, Dublin &

San Francisco

Watson Developer Cloud

• Provides developers easy access to cognitive building blocks



• Speech to Text

• Text to Speech


• Visual Recognition

Data Insights

• AlchemyData News

• Discovery

• Tradeoff Analytics


• AlchemyLanguage

• Conversation

• Document






Access the site to see the latest

additions and updates

Watson Developer Cloud

• Language Translator

• Natural Language


• Personality Insights

• Retrieve and


• Tone Analyzer


Embed Watson APIs into current solutions

Understand your

customer with

Personality Insights

Q&A through Conversation

Startups and large

enterprises embed

Watson cognitive

capabilities into

existing solutions.

IBM Watson Explorer users leverage integrated

Watson APIs to expand

cognitive capabilities



» Marketing Research

» Business Intelligence

» Consumer Apps

» PR & Ad Tech

Answer business questions with natural language

processing and image analytics

What will our

prospect buy?

Who should

we target?

What should

we offer?

What should

we build?

Service consumption models

• Try cognitive services FREE for 30 days!

• Bluemix Pay-as-you-Go

•Only pay for what you use, after monthly free allowances

• Bluemix Public Subscription

•Provides discounts from Pay-as-you-Go pricing levels

• Watson Developer Cloud Enterprise

•Public Subscription pricing plus training / mentoring / support from

Watson Solution Architects

Getting started with cognitive services

• Enable cognitive computing features in your application using IBM

Watson’s Language, Vision, Speech, and Data APIs (via IBM Bluemix)

• Each service provides:

•A REST API and reference docs with code samples for each function

•Robust documentation, including an overview and tutorial(s)

•A demo application, including a link to the source in GitHub

• The following Software Development Kits (SDKs) are available:

•Android, iOS, Java, Node.js, Python, Unity

Language Services

• AlchemyLanguage = text analysis through natural language processing

• Conversation = add a natural language interface to your application

• Document Conversion = transform documents for use with other services

• Language Translator = identify and/or translate text between languages

• Natural Language Classifier = interpret and classify natural language

• Personality Insights = learn someone’s personality, needs, and values

• Retrieve and Rank = enhance information retrieval with machine learning

• Tone Analyzer = helps users understand tones present in text


• What is it?

•Collection of natural language processing APIs to help you understand

sentiment, keywords, entities, high-level concepts, and more

• Common use cases

•Understand causes behind negative and

positive reviews

•Track important industry events

•Tailor recommended content and

advertisements on a page

"keywords": [ {

"relevance": "0.477935",

"sentiment": {

"score": "0.49881",

"type": "positive”


"text": "news organization"




• What is it?

•Combines several cognitive techniques to help you build a bot

•Train the bot by defining intents and entities

•Craft dialog trees to simulate conversation

• Common use cases

•Add a chat bot to a website to respond

to frequently asked questions

•Build bots to interact with other

messaging platforms…or even a robot!

•Allow customers to control your mobile

app using natural language

Tone Analyzer

• What is it?

•Uses linguistic analysis to detect three types of tones in written text

– Emotions, social tendencies, writing style

•Helps you understand conversations and communications

• Common use cases

•Analyze communications to improve

message effectiveness

•Understand and route call center

customers based on their tone

•Fine tune writing to reflect a specific

personality or style

Speech Services

• Speech to Text = low-latency streaming transcription

• Text to Speech = synthesizes natural-sounding speech from text

Speech to Text

• What is it?

•Can be used anywhere there is a need to bridge the gap between

the spoken word and it’s written form

•Uses machine intelligence to combine grammar and language

structure with audio signal composition to generate transcriptions

• Common use cases

• Interactions in mobile experiences

•Transcribing media files

•Voice control of embedded systems

"results": [ {

"word_alternatives": [ {

"start_time": 0.8,

"alternatives": [ {

"confidence": 1,

"word": "my"

} ],

"end_time": 0.96



Vision Services

• Visual Recognition = understand the content of images

Visual Recognition

• What is it?

•Understands the content of images, has already learned over 20,000

visual concepts including faces, age, and gender

•You can train the service to recognize and classify custom concepts

• Common use cases

•Organize image libraries into

categorized folders

• Identify user interests from social media


•Find high-quality images with specific

content faster

Data Insight Services

• AlchemyData News = query the world’s news sources like a database

• Discovery = identify patterns/trends/insights to drive decision-making

• Tradeoff Analytics = helps users make better choices

AlchemyData News

• What is it?

• Indexes 250k to 300k English language news and blog articles every

day. Maintains historical search for the past 60 days.

•Query the News API without having to acquire or store the data

• Common use cases

•Highly targeted search

•Time series and counts for trend

analysis and pattern mapping

•Historical access to news and blog


Watson Cognitive Services: A growing set of services Watch for new releases -- GA, Beta and Experimental

With Watson

• A program designed to support our developer and client community as

they bring leading-edge AI and machine learning technology to market

• Becoming Verified allows you to:

•Use the With Watson brand assets in your solution and related

communications and marketing materials

•List your solution on the IBM Marketplace Cognitive App Gallery

• Getting Started

•Build a solution using Watson APIs or core Watson technologies

•Review the program (link) and submit application (link)

•The With Watson Review Team will reply within 10 business days

•Once confirmed, begin promoting your solution using new assets!

Watson Developer Cloud
