Fully fault tolerant real time data pipeline with docker and mesos


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Fully Fault Tolerant Real Time Data Pipeline with Docker and Mesos

Rahul KumarTechnical Lead

LinuxCon  /  ContainerCon  -­ Berlin,  Germany

AgendaData Pipeline

Mesos + Docker

Reactive Data Pipeline


Analyzing data always have great benefits and is one of the greatest challenge for an organization.

Today’s business generates massive amount of digital data.

which is cumbersome to store, transport and analyze

Making distributed system and off-loading workload to commodity clusters is one of the better approach to solve data problem

Characteristics Of a distributed system❏ Resource Sharing

❏ Openness

❏ Concurrency

❏ Scalability

❏ Fault Tolerance

❏ Transparency





Data Center

Manually Scale Frameworks & Install services


Very Limited


Low Utilization

Static Partitioning Blocker for Fault Tolerant data pipeline

Failure make it even more complex to manage

Apache Mesos

“Apache Mesos abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other compute resources away from machines (physical or virtual), enabling fault-tolerant and

elastic distributed systems to easily be built and run effectively.”

Mesos FeaturesScalability: scale up to 10,000s of nodes

Fault-tolerant: replicated master and slaves using ZooKeeper

Docker support: Support for Docker containers

Native Container: Linux Native isolation between tasks with Linux Containers

Scheduling: Multi-resource scheduling (memory, CPU, disk, and ports)

API supports: Java, Python and C++ APIs for developing new parallel applications

Monitoring: Web UI for viewing cluster state

Resource Isolation

Docker  Containerizer

Mesos adds the support for launching tasks that contains Docker images

Users can either launch a Docker image as a Task, or as an Executor.

To run the mesos-agent to enable the Docker Containerizer, “docker” must be set as one of the containerizers option

mesos-agent --containerizers=docker,mesos

Mesos FrameworksAurora: Aurora was developed at Twitter and the migrated to Apache Project later.

Aurora is a framework that keeps service running across a shared pool of machines, and responsible for keeping them running forever.

Marathon: It is a framework for container orchestration for Mesos. Marathon helps to run other framework on Mesos. Marathon also runs other application container such as Jetty, JBoss Server, Play Server.

Chronos: Fault tolerance job scheduler for Mesos, It was developed at Airbnb as replacement of cron.

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)

- Big collection of data

which is:

- Immutable

- Distributed

- Lazily evaluated

- Type Inferred

- Cacheable

Spark Stack

Many big-data applications need to process large data streams in near-real time

Monitoring  Systems

Alert  SystemsComputing  Systems

Why  Spark  Streaming?

Taken  from  Apache  Spark.

What  is  Spark  Streaming?

Framework  for  large  scale  stream  processing  

➔ Created  at  UC  Berkeley  

➔ Scales  to  100s  of  nodes

➔ Can  achieve  second  scale  latencies

➔ Provides  a  simple  batch-­like  API  for  implementing  complex  algorithm

➔ Can  absorb  live  data  streams  from  Kafka,  Flume,  ZeroMQ,  Kinesis  etc.

What  is  Spark  Streaming?

Run  a  streaming  computation  as  a  series  of  very  small,  deterministic  batch  jobs

-­ Chop  up  the  live  stream  into  batches  of  X  seconds

-­ Spark  treats  each  batch  of  data  as  RDDs  and  processes  them  using  RDD  operations

-­ Finally,  the  processed  results  of  the  RDD  operations  are  returned  in  batches

Spark  Streaming

Point  of  Failure

Simple  Streaming  Pipeline

● To  use  Mesos  from  Spark,  you  need  a  Spark  binary  package  available  in  a  place  accessible  (http/s3/hdfs)  by  Mesos,  and  a  Spark  driver  program  configured  to  connect  to  Mesos.

● Configuring  the  driver  program  to  connect  to  Mesos:val sconf  =  new  SparkConf().setMaster("mesos://zk://,,").setAppName("MyStreamingApp").set("spark.executor.uri","hdfs://Sigmoid/executors/spark-­1.3.0-­bin-­hadoop2.4.tgz").set("spark.mesos.coarse", "true").set("spark.cores.max", "30").set("spark.executor.memory",  "10g")

val  sc  =  new  SparkContext(sconf)val  ssc  =  new  StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))...

Spark  Streaming  over  a  HA  Mesos  Cluster

Real-­time  stream  processing  systems  must  be  operational  24/7,  which  requires  them  to  recover  from  all  kinds  of  failures  in  the  system.

● Spark  and  its  RDD  abstraction  is  designed  to  seamlessly  handle  failures  of  any  worker  nodes  in  the  cluster.  

● In  Streaming,  driver  failure  can  be  recovered  with  checkpointing  application  state.● Write  Ahead  Logs  (WAL)  &  Acknowledgements  can  ensure  0  data  loss.

Spark  Streaming  Fault-­tolerance

Simple  Fault-­tolerant  Streaming  Infra

● Figure out the bottleneck : CPU, Memory, IO, Network

● If parsing is involved, use the one which gives

high performance.

● Proper Data modeling

● Compression, Serialization

Creating  a  scalable  pipeline

Thank You@rahul_kumar_aws

LinuxCon  /  ContainerCon  -­ Berlin,  Germany
