Evaluation Question Two


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Evaluation.Question Two

Representations on Magazine Covers.


Like the High Voltage cover, my photo is a mid-shot with a simple background. I would have gone for something a little less complex, but the brick wall helps establish an environment for the genre of my music. Additionally, there's a lot of focus on both faces of the magazine covers, and the attention’s focus is essentially on the models/artists and their facial features. The natural lighting on my model leaves a shadow on the right side of her face, which is similar to the professional and artificial lighting on High Voltage. Both subjects of the magazine are wearing simple colours and clothing, and there's no form of abstract attire or accessory that makes the models stand out. Finally, the body language of both models is minimal, there's little expression on either of their faces to enhance the serious nature of the music genre.

DifferencesUnlike the profession cover, my photo doesn't have a filter. However, the photo I used was actually filtered, but isn't during this comparison. Another difference is that I have a female model, whereas the High Voltage has a male model - The style of music I went for tends to have a more masculine background, so that may be why. Additionally, there is less body language in my photo compared to the professional cover. My model is stood with a slight lean to display a somewhat 'intimidating' aura, whereas the professional artist is clearly posing as if aware of the photo.

Representations.The representation of my model on the my music magazine cover is a slightly punk disposition with an alternative sense of style. I wanted my model to display a somewhat grunge image on the magazine so I chose the pose, mise en scene and then directed the shot according to the criteria. After that, the black and white filter was to further enhance the punk/alternative outlook on the magazine.Overall, my model is represented to look unique amongst other models, and perhaps give off a different vibe to most other music magazine genres.